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- 2016 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -
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- 2017 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -
251. Keine Erhöhung der Steuer für sogenannte Listenhunde auf 500 beziehungsweise 720 € /
No increase in the tax on so-called listed dogs to 500 respectively. 720 € (BSL in Germany)
- Neu / New 23.9.2015 -
252. Jack is a gentle, sweet, loving, and loyal family dog who has been wrongfully declared vicious and is deemed for euthanasia. Please, Please Help Save Our Jack! I cannot believe that our dog is at risk to die, because the Director of EBRP Animal Control, Hilton Cole has made this a very personal issue, and quite frankly it is no longer about what Jack did or did not do, it is the simple fact that he is a PitBull and we are Gay.
253. Urlaub mit Listenhunden in Frankreich erlauben /
Allow holiday with listed dogs in France (BSL)
254. Wir, “Pfote in Hand e.V.” mit Zusammenarbeit der Aktion “Fair Play Trier”, fordern die Abschaffung der Hunderasseliste ohne Einführung des Hundehalterführerscheins. /
We, “Pfote in Hand e.V.” (Paw in Hand eV.), with cooperation of “Fairplay Trier” action, are demanding for the abolition of the dog breed list without asking for introduction of dog owners license.
- Neu / New 24.9.2015 -
255. Save our Pitbulls and animals from being put the sleep
- Neu / New 1.10.2015 -
256. Stop Breed Discrimination NZ
257. Stop Breed Specific Legislation in Arkansas
258. Stop Breed Specific Legislation and reconsider HB1261.
- Neu / New 7.10.2015 -
259. Stop Killing Pit Bulls just because they are Pit Bulls
260. Laws need to change punish to owner not the breed
261. Help remove Dangerous Dog declaration from Jet
- Neu / New 13.10.2015 -
262. We want to repeal the BS (Breed-Specific... no pun intended!) sections of the Dog Owners' Liability Act (2005) and any related Acts and instead implement laws that encourage responsible and knowledgeable ownership of all dog breeds and types!
263. Stop killing Pitbulls and other big bogs because of their breed
264. Make people have to buy a license to breed Pitbulls
- Neu / New 17.10.2015 -
266. Schützen Sie die Hündin "Numa" /
Protect the female dog "Numa" and give a lifelong animal ban to her owner!!!!
267. Save Thor
268. Pineville NC is trying to ban pit bulls
269. End the Ontario Pit bull Ban
270. Help stop breed discrimination in Kentucky and put an end to BSL
271. Stop Pitbull bans
272. I live in Wilson NC, and we're not allowed to adopt pit bulls. I want that to change soon.
- Neu / New 19.10.2015 -
273. Pitbulls to be able to fly and travel through and out Ontario.
274. Canine Good Neighbor Certification for Richmond Pitbulls
275. Don’t discriminate against dog owners who want to adopt children
- Neu / New 23.10.2015 -
276. Save our Horsforth Park Dog from Euthanasia!!!
277. Der Deutsche Bundestag möge beschließen, die Rasselisten in gesamt Deutschland abzuschaffen. Alle Hunderassen sollen gleichgestellt werden. …mein Stafford Terrier Balou muss seit 8,5 Jahren (also von 6 Monaten an) unbegründet einen Maulkorb tragen!!! Er hat alle Prüfungen, die er haben muss, sofort bestanden, er ist in unserer Gegend sehr beliebt und beißt nur in
Buletten!!!!! Nun hat er Krebs und noch immer muss mein kleiner dieses doofe Ding tragen :-( Es muss endlich gut sein mit der Bestrafung von Welpe an!!!!! /
The German parliament may decide to abolish the dog breeds list (BSL) in all of Germany. All dog breeds are to be assimilated.
... my Stafford Terrier Balou has been 8.5 years (as of 6 months) unfounded muzzled !!! He has passed instantly all the trials he must have, he is extremely popular in our area and bites only in meatballs !!!!! Now he has cancer and my little still have to wear this stupid thing :-( It must finally be good with the punishment of puppy on !!!!!
278. Boycott PETA for encouraging unethical treatment of pit bulls!!
READ MORE: The Truth About PETA : Nathan J Winograd
Sign here please
279. Kill All Pit Bulls Are You Out Of Your Mind PETA
280. Legalize Pit Bulls In The UK!!
- Neu / New 30.10.2015 -
281. Introduce Resolution of Proper Care Showing Pitbulls Are No More Dangerous than Other Dogs
282. Save Lyra, my Mastiff
284. Get Bella Home NOW! People are trying to push the council to get this beautiful dog put down. There was an incident and the police was called, but the police officer that was called, said that Bella was COMPLETELY HARMLESS
…but now the council is saying otherwise… #getbellahome
286. Chopper is a Safe Dog Petition - Please Sign and save our dog. We miss him so much! A dog is more than just a pet, he is a family member and you can’t give up on family!
287. Allow the breed of Staffordshire Bull Terriers into Guernsey States Housing Authority.
- Neu / New 7.11.2015 -
288. Ban Breed Specific Legislation
289. Help Save Bonnie - seized under Breed Specific Legislation
290. Release the Ban on Pitbulls in Clay Center,KS.
291. Demand the end of Pit bull discrimination and abuse
292. Pit bulls in Pain!
293. Statt Rasseliste lieber Hundehalterprüfung / Preference of dog owners licenses instead of Dog Breed Lists (BSL)
294. Demanding All Aggressive Breed of Dogs (mainly Pitbulls) be allowed in All Rental Properties
295. Внести закон "О Привлечении к ответственности граждан за действия принадлежащих им собак. "О запрете разведения собак бойцовых пород в черте города." Разрешить разведение бойцовых пород только для профессиональных заводчиков /
Einführung eines Gesetzes, dass "die Bürger für die Handlungen ihrer Hunde zu Rechenschaft zieht." & "Über das Verbot des
Zucht von sogenannten Hundekampf Rassen in der Stadt." Erlauben Sie die Zucht von Kampfhunderassen nur für professionelle Züchter!! /
Introduction of a law " to hold citizens accountable for the actions of their dogs." & "Prohibit the breeding of so called fighting
dog breeds in the city." Allow the breeding of fighting dog breeds, only for professional breeders!!
296. Petition to Repeal Ontario's Breed-Specific Legislation –
Support the Hershey Anti-BSL Group and demand Hershey´s Bill!!
(Bitte sucht ganz unten nach "Get Involved! How You Can Help!", direkt darunter seht ihr "1. Print the petition"
= Ausdrucken, Unterschreiben und Freunde und Familie um Unterstützung bitten, und absenden = Adressen sind unter Punkt 1 zu finden !! Danke :-) /
Please search at the bottom for "Get Involved! How You Can Help!", Right below you see "1. Print the petition"
= printing, signing, and please ask your friends and family to support the petition too, and send = addresses can be found under point 1! ! Thank you :-)
- Neu / New 13.11.2015 -
297. Amputee Dog Bailey Needs To Go Home
298. Save Zeus - Zeus Mcveay is a loving pit bull and best buddy to 3 year old Max. Max's biological mother has made claims that Zeus is a danger to her son in her fight for custody simply because of his breed. Due to these wrongful accusations made without any cause or incidence, Zeus has been ordered to leave Max's fathers home where he and Max have grown up together and lived happily for two years …wrong! Wrong! Wrong! :-(
299. End Breed Specific Legislation
300. Allow dogs on index to live in leeds city council property
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Sie sind nicht gefährlich,
wenn man sie richtig fördert!
...und die Hunde sind es auch nicht...