Doggy Petitions - The Petition Spread Portal for Dogs - Doggy Petitions - Das Petitions Verbreitungs Portal für Hunde - Doggy Petitions
Australien - Australia
Petitionen für Hunde aus Australien /
Petitions for dogs of Australia
101. Ban the Chaining or Tethering of Dogs throughout Australia
102. Enforce harsher laws to the mistreatment of animals
103. Barnaby Joyce, save the Blind Bight dogs before it’s too late
104. Call for an Independent Agency for Animal Welfare in Australia.
105. Keep track of where our pets are from to stop abusive breeders.
106. Ban Greyhound Racing in Australia!
- Neu / New 1.3.2017 -
107. Ban puppy mills in Australia
108. Chaining up a dog 24/7 is STILL LEGAL IN AUSTRALIA! Help give these beautiful dogs a voice
109. Tougher laws for animal abusers
110. Justice for the pets killed in Boarding Kennels and Cattery's in Australia.
- Neu / New 8.5.2017 -
111. Justice for Fi an Innocent Pup killed by RSPCA - Justice for Fi, another victim of the BSL (Breed Specific Legislation) which was murdered by the RSPCA Rutherford NSW Shelter February 12th for being deemed "too dangerous to be rehomed"
... :-( RIP Fi
112. Pablos Pledge - No more Puppies in Pet-shops!!
113. Save the Mornington Shelter Cats and Dogs - We, the people of Mornington would like to put forward a petition to SAVE any animals from being unnecessarily euthanised because they have been deemed lost, abandoned or impounded at Mornington Community Animal Shelter, Victoria.
114. Ban Greyhound Racing in WA on your own!!!
115. Change Australian Legislation to Adequately Punish Animal Cruelty Offenders
116. Immediate Inquiry into Greyhound Racing Industry in WA.
117. Make puppy farming illegal
- Neu / New 27.5.2017 -
118. Man (Haris Ljuhar) Accused of Keeping Nearly 100 Animals in Filth–Demand Justice - Eighty-one dogs and puppies, mostly American Staffordshire Bull Terriers, were removed from the home alongside 10 cats. Many of the animals were starved to the point of malnutrition and visible emaciation, per reports.
119. Greg Hunt: End Greyhound Racing in all of Australia Now
120. Ban Greyhound Racing in Australia
121. Ban Greyhound Racing in VICTORIA
122. Shut down @pets Melbourne centra
123. A lower in adoption fees in Sydney pounds when its days before destruction.
124. VicRoads stop being inhumane to animals.
125. Reform the Muswellbrook Shire Council Animal Shelter

Quelle / Source: One Voice or One Paw Voice = So Sorry, but I cannot find you. Please get in touch with me!!
Ich schaute einen Hund an
und als unsere Augen sich trafen,
erkannte ich,
dass der Hund, und alle anderen Kreaturen,
meine Familie sind.
Sie sind wie du und ich!
Zitat: Ziggy Marley
Quelle / Source: National Animal Rescue Groups of Australia
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NARGA - National Animal Rescue Groups of Australia
(Nationale Tierrettungsgruppen von Australien)
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