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- 2016 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -
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- 2017 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -
30 >
2051. Mexico: Justicia para Naty (Una perrita que fuetorturada) /
Gerechtigkeit für Naty (Ein Hund, der gefoltert wurde) /
Justice for Naty (A dog that was tortured)
2052. Drop defamation charges against Nami Kim who rescued puppies from a dog hanging restaurant
…please sign for Nami Kim!!! She is a wonderful animal rights activist and her only crime is to love animals!!!
2053. Mexico: Justicia para Tobi /
Gerechtigkeit für Tobi - Ein schlechter Mensch hat den Hund Tobi mit einer machete schwer verletzt und einfach liegen lassen. Wir konnten ihn Gottlob retten, aber er hat eine sehr schwere Erfahrung gemacht, wie auf den Bildern zu sehen ist, und wollen wir ein Strafverfahren gegen den verantwortlichen einzuleiten!! /
Justice for Tobi - A bad person has the dog Tobi seriously injured with a machete and simply left behind to die. We could not save him, thank God, but he has made a very heavy experience, as may be seen in the pictures, and we want to initiate criminal proceedings against the responsible !!
2054. Mexico: Crear la ComisiónEstatal de Protección a losAnimalesen Michoacán /
Erschaffung einer staatlichen Kommission zum Schutz der Tieren in Michoacan - Leider sind im Bundesstaat Michoacan, Mexiko, die Tierrechte nicht sichergestellt, deswegen ist die Erschaffung einer staatlichen Kommission für den Schutz der Tiere, um Situationen von Missbrauchs zu regeln, dringend notwendig!Wie im Fall von Mika, einer Hündin, die im eigenen Zuhause unter großem Verzicht litt, bis ihr Besitzer sie nicht mehr wollte und sie sterben lies. Mika wurde nicht mehr gefüttert, hatte nur Regenwasser zu trinken und musste unter sehr unhygienischen Bedingungen und, angekettet, auf dem Hinterhof leben; dies sorgte für verschiedenen Krankheiten wie übertragbare Räude, eine genitale Erkrankung und Krebstumore
....Ruhe in Frieden Mika :-( du wirst geliebt werden an der Regenbogenbrücke, liebe Mika, und ein Tierschützer, dessen Zeit gekommen ist, wird dich mit Liebe überschütten und dich über die Brücke ins himmlische Reich geleiten /
Create a State Commission for the Protection of Animals in Michoacan - Unfortunately, the animal rights in the state of Michoacan, Mexico, are not guaranteed! Because of that the creation of a state commission for the protection of animals, to control situations of maltreatment, is urgently needed! As in the case of Mika, a female dog who suffered under great renunciation in her own home until her owner no longer wanted her and let her die. Mika was not fed any longer, had only to drink rainwater and had to live under very unhygienic conditions and chained, in the backyard; this caused various diseases such as communicable mange, a genital disease and cancer tumors!
... Rest in peace Mika :-( you will be loved at the rainbow bridge, dear Mika, and an animal rights activist, whose time has come, will shower you with love and lead you over the bridge into the heavenly kingdom
2055. Call for inquest into case of dog being killed by police on A55 road North Wales
… RIP little soul :-(
2056. Dog Deliberately Run Over By Police Officers Deserves Justice - The officers said in a statement there was “no alternative” to running the dog over with their patrol car. However, considering the incident occurred at 3 a.m., it seems unlikely that traffic would have been too important to secure the area and close the road to traffic while the dog was caught.
2058. Mexico: Salvemos a Dominga, perritasalvajementegolpeadaen Villahermosa, Tabasco /
Lassen Sie uns Dominga retten, eine Hündin, die brutal geschlagen wird in Villahermosa, Tabasco - Dominga wird jeden Tag von ihren Besitzern geschlagen, während sie außerhalb angekettet ist, sie muss dringendst aus ihrem schrecklichen Zuhause heraus genommen zu werden und die Besitzer müssen in vollem Umfang des Strafgesetzbuches strafrechtlich verfolgt werden !!!!! /
Let us save Dominga, a female dog who is beaten brutally in Villahermosa, Tabasco – Dominga is beaten every day by her owners while being chained outside, she needs to be taken out of her dreadful home urgently and the owners have to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Criminal Code !!!!!
2059. Mexico: Justicia para el perroFirulais, asesinado de unbalazopor ministerial de Parral /
Ich bitte um die Entlassung eines öffentlichen Bediensteten (einem Mitglied der ministeriellen Polizei in Parral, Chih), der verantwortlich für die Tötung eines streunenden Hundes, namens Spike, ist; Spike wurde mit einer gezielten Kugel in den Kopf getötet, weil er bellte
... Ruhe in Frieden, Spike :-( /
I ask for the dismissal of a public official (a member of the ministerial police in Parral, Chih) who is responsible for the killing of a stray dog named Spike, Spike was killed with a targeted bullet in the head because he was barking
... Rest in peace, Spike :-(
2060. Help Save Tia - Tia was found in Boothtown, Halifax on 20th February 2016. Roberta, Tia's finder, has made it clear to the
authorities that she would like to give Tia her forever home; whatever it takes. Please help us to support Roberta and give Tia her happy ending!!!
…because of Breed Specific Legislation it is not so easy to adopt Tia :-( At FIRST Tia is a Dog and then she is her breed! If she will be trained right she will be a wonderful family pet and she deserves to feel love!! Roberta is willing to take Tia with all what a responsible dog owner have to do - !SO! Give them both a Chance of a life full of joy!!! OR ARE YOU SO HAPPY OF KILLING PITBULLS :-/
2061. Afghanistan: Save Marley and return him to his owner! The incident occurred when Marley bit Jones’ 15 year old son who was wearing a mask while playing cops and robbers with his 5 year old brother. Marley was only protecting the younger boy from what he thought was a threat. Unfortunately, neighbors called animal control before learning the facts.
2062. Perú: Detengan los abusos contra los perros policies /
Stoppen Sie den Missbrauch von Polizeihunde – Hören Sie auf der Polizei zu erlauben, die Köpfe ihre Polizeihunde zwischen Eisenstangen im Rückteil ihrer Polizeiwagen einzuklemmen und sie angekettet zurückzulassen!! Die Hunde können sich nicht bewegen oder hinlegen und das ist unverantwortlich! Und Tierquälerei!! /
Stop the abuse of police dogs - Stop to allow the police to pinch the heads their police dogs between iron bars in the back of their police cars and leaving them chained !! The dog can not move or lie down and that is irresponsible and animal cruelty!!!
Ermittlungen und Durchsetzung des Gesetz Nr. 30407, bezüglich des mutmaßlichen Vergewaltigers von Hunden - Das Schlimmste ist, dass, trotzdessen es in Lima (Peru) bereits ein Gesetz gegen Tierquälerei gibt, die Behörde der Polizeistation des Bezirks Mateo Pumacahua, diese Beschwerde verhöhnt und sich weigert sie zu akzeptieren! Schon seit Monaten wird diese Angelegenheit von Tierschutz Aktivisten beobachtet und es wurden Aufzeichnungen gesammelt, die zeigen, wie die Hündin „Blanquita“ das Haus dieses Mannes, mit Spuren von Sperma an ihrem Körper, verließ!! Es wird auch vermutet, dass er sein eigenes Haustier vergewaltigt! Dies ist nur ein Beispiel für die Ignoranz der Behörden, die den Mangel an Solidarität, Bewusstsein und Ausbildung zu Themen wie Tierschutz beweist!!!
...Gerechtigkeit für Blanquita :-( und allen anderen Hunden!!! /
Investigation and enforcement of the Act No. 30407, regarding this suspected rapist of dogs - Even worse is that, while there is already a law against animal cruelty in Lima (Peru), the authority of the District Police Station Mateo Pumacahua, mocked this complaint and refuses to accept it! For months this matter is observed by animal rights activists and they collected videos that shows how the female dog "Blanquita" leaves the house of this man, with traces of semen on her body, !! It is also thought that he rapes his own pet! This is just one example of the ignorance of the authorities, which proves the lack of solidarity, awareness and education on issues such as animal welfare !!! .
.. Justice for Blanquita :-( and all other dogs!!!
2064. Perú: Liberen a los perritos criados por una mujeren terribles condiciones para después venderlos / Befreien Sie die Welpen, die von einer Frau, unter schrecklichen Bedingungen gezüchtet werden, um sie zu verkaufen, und verfolgen Sie dieser Frau strafrechtlich wegen Tierquälerei ! / Free the puppies bred by a woman in terrible conditions, in order to sell them and criminal prosecution of this woman for animal cruelty!
2065. Punish Woman for Allegedly Letting Dog Die of Parvovirus - A pet store owner faces animal cruelty charges after allegedly failing to care for a Yorkie puppy, which ultimately lead to his death. This woman, who’s also the wife of an animal control officer, reportedly sold the puppy to a couple, but the helpless animal fell ill and was diagnosed with parvovirus.
2066. Justice for Dog allegedly beaten and slammed into a wall – “Meatball”, a 98 pound Mastiff, sustained minor injuries after his owner allegedly beat him. A concerned neighbor filmed the incident and immediately called local police. Per witness reports, the owner pushed and kicked the dog several times before shoving him up against the house
:-( Justice for Meatball!!!!!
2067. Portugal: Autoridades competentes, de Pouso Alegre, Bairro Faisqueira Prender Laelmo Silva por assassino de cães. /
An die zuständige Behörden von Pouso Alegre, in der Nachbarschaft von Frasqueira: Haft für Laelmo Silva für die Morde an Hunden - Wir möchten, dass Sie im Fall von Laelmo Silva ermitteln und diesen Scharlatan wegen Mordes einer weiblichen Hund verhaften weil er ihren Bauch chirurgisch öffnete, ihre Gedärme heraus operierte und sie, bis sie schlussendlich verstarb, einfach so liegen ließ!
…Ruhe in Frieden, unbenannter Hund :-( /
To the competent authorities of Pouso Alegre, in the neighborhood of Frasqueira: Imprisonment for Laelmo Silva for the murders of dogs - We want you to determine in the case of Laelmo Silva and the arrest of this mountebank for the murder of a female dog, because he surgically opened her belly, was operating her intestines out and simply had left her lying like that, until she finally died!
…RIP to this unnamed dog :-(
2068. Russia: Требуем наказать Морозова Алексея,жителя г. Северска Томской области,за убийство собаки! /
Wir fordern die Bestrafung von Alexei Morozov zu bestrafen, ein Anwohner aus Sewersk, im Gebiet Tomsk, für den brutalen Mord an einem Hund! /
We demand to punish Alexei Morozov, a resident of Seversk, Tomsk region, for the brutal murder of a dog!
2069. Woman Stabbed Dog to Death to Avoid Vet Fees, Say Police (Washoe County, Nevada) - A female boxer was found dead in a dumpster with multiple stab wounds and blunt force trauma to the head. Police say the poor animal was killed by her owner who didn’t want to pay to have the dog euthanized. There are plenty of non-violent options that could’ve been used if the dog was unwanted…
2070. Stop Chicago's city pound from getting away with neglect.
2071. Capture men who dragged dog behind a van - A helpless dog was photographed being dragged behind a van driving around an industrial park in Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, in the United Kingdom. The dog, identified as a tan-colored lurcher, was held on a leash by a man sitting at the back of the van and was forced to do several laps.
2072. Russia: Мы требуем наказания живодёрам!!! /
Wir fordern eine Untersuchung und Überprüfung sowie ein Strafverfahren (gemäß dem Strafgesetzbuch der Russischen Föderation vom 13.06.1996 N 63-FZ (Hrsg. Von 2015.12.30) des Strafgesetzbuches, Artikel 245. Tierquälerei) gegen die Verwaltung der Stadt und ebenso gegen den Bürgermeister und "RKS" Direktor Yuri Rogatschew ; er schlitzte nicht zum ersten mal einem Hund die Kehle auf!! /
We demand punishment - We call for an investigation and review as well as Criminal proceedings (under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation of 13.06.1996 N 63-FZ (ed. From 12.30.2015) of the Criminal Code, Article 245. Cruelty to Animals) against the administration of the city and also against the mayor and "RKS" Director Yuri Rogachev; he slit not the first time a dog's throat !!
2073. Russia: Привлечь к ответственности руководство приюта Любимец за жестокое обращение с животными.. /
Stellen Sie sicher, dass die verantwortliche Führung des Tierheims "Favorite" für Tierquälerei bestraft wird. - Wir fordern, dass die städtischen Behörden sich mit dieser teuflischen Frau, Marina Kofsman, befassen. Sie ist die Direktorin des Tierwaisenhauses (Tierheims) namens "Favorite", in Tula, St Naberezhnaya. Sie muss für ihre Tierquälereien und Gräueltaten, gemäß dem Strafgesetzbuch Artikel 245 - Tierquälerei, im vollen Umfang des Gesetzes bestraft werden ! /
Make sure that the responsible leadership of the shelter "Favorite" is punished for cruelty to animals. - We demand that the city authorities deal with this devilish woman, Marina Kofsman, She is the director of the animal orphanage (animal shelter) named "Favorite" in Tula, St. Naberezhnaya. She must be punished to the full extent of the law for her cruelty and atrocities to animals, according to the Penal Code Article 245 - cruelty to animals!
2074. Ohio's laws STILL protect animal abusers, A.R.C. threatens those trying to save them - We are in Montgomery County Ohio, and most residents here who attempt to save these poor animals know that The Animal Resource Center of Montgomery County (aka ARC) is probably the worst place to get involved, but the only place that holds any power to take action! ARC has a horrible reputation. Visit their Facebook page and you'll see they have numerous complaints for putting animals down before their mandatory hold time is up, breaking promises to animal owners, not doing their job to help animals
…Justice for Blue and all other suffering dogs like him :-(
2075. Russia: Остановить идею массовой эвтаназии бездомных собак в Забайкалье из-за появления бешенства. /
Beenden Sie den Gedanke, eine Masse Euthanasie die streunenden Hunde ,der Trans-Baikal-Region, durch die gezielte Ausbreitung von Tollwut zu initiieren !!
…Unfassbar!!! :-( /
Stop the idea to initiate a mass euthanasia of stray dogs of the Trans-Baikal region by the deliberate spread of rabies !!
... Unbelievable !!! :-(
Gerechtigkeit für gequälte Hundeseelen!! -
Justice for abused dog souls!!

Quelle/ Source: Google+
Stoppt Tierquälerei
2076. Russia: Прекратите незаконную практику убийств животных в Краснодаре! /
Stoppen Sie die rechtswidrigen Praktiken zur Tötung der Tiere in Krasnodar - Am 14. Februar 2016 um 10.00 Uhr in Krasnodar (an der Kreuzung von Gorki und Demetrius Dam) haben zwei Mitarbeiter einer Firma, die auf das Einfangen von Tieren spezialisiert ist, in ihrem Auto (Nummernschild A434RO) nach verschiedenen Schätzungen zwischen 14 bis 40 heimatlose Hunde und Hunde mit Besitzer getötet!! Der Ermordungen wurden durch das Abschießen von Pfeilen durchgeführt oder mit Chemikalien, die den Hunden in die Mäuler gestopft wurden! Die grausamen Taten dieser Männer hatten den sofortigen Tod der Tiere zur Folge und es war uns nicht möglich den armen Hunden in irgendeiner Weise zu helfen;; all dies kann durch zahlreiche Zeugen bestätigt werden, sowie von Mitarbeiter der Tierklinik "Biosphäre", die sich in der Nähe des Tatorts befindet. /
Stop the illegal practices of killing of animals in Krasnodar - On February 14, 2016 by 10:00 am at Krasnoda (At the intersection of Gorky and Demetrius Dam) two employees of a company, that is specialized in the capturing of animals, have killed according to various estimates between 14 to 40 homeless dogs and dogs with owners in their car(number plate A434RO !! The killings of the dogs were carried out by the shooting of arrows or with chemicals that have been stuffed into their mouths! The cruel actions of these men had lead to the immediate death of the animals and it was not possible for us to do anything to help this poor dogs. All this can be confirmed by numerous witnesses as well as employees of the veterinary clinic "biosphere", which is located near the crime scene
2077. Punish Woman Who Allegedly Made Dog Wear Urine-Soaked Pad - While this woman may think this is a funny image to post to social media, this is not an appropriate way to housetrain a pet. She is currently being investigated regarding the incident. Forcing a dog to wear a pad soaked in urine is not an acceptable manner of treating an animal and sends the wrongful message that “shaming” and disrespecting animals is okay.
2078. Stop The Animal Abuse In Northern Sulawesi, Indonesia!
2079. Put an end to the dog hoarding and abuse by Diane Habener AKA Tuffie's Animal Rescue (Maricopa County, Arizona)
2080. Turkey: Gökçeada'daki köpek katilleri bulunsun! /
Diese Hundekiller aus Gokceada müssen gefunden werden! /
These dogs killer from Gokceada must be found!
2081. Turkey: Hayvanlara işkence edilmesine artık ses çıkarın! /
Entfernen Sie die Tierquäler aus unserer Gesellschaft und stellen Sie sicher, dass diese Unmenschen, die Hunde foltern und töten, bestraft werden!! /
Remove the animal abusers from our society and make sure that these fiends who torture and kill dogs, are punished !!
2082. Ask NY Times to remove post 'India Stray Dogs Are a Menace' by GARDINER HARRIS - This promotes hatred towards the already mistreated stray dogs in India. News should not be one man's personal opinion about his likeness or hatred towards any animal. This hurts the feeling of people who are selflessly trying to help and give them a better life!!!!!
2083. Classroom Dog Murdered
…RIP Casper :-(
2084. Spain: Justicia para Nanou y Lulú /
Gerechtigkeit für Nanou und Lulu – beide wurden von den Hunden eines Jägers brutal zuTode gebissen
…Ruht in Frieden, Nanou und Lulu :-( /
Justice for Nanou and Lulu-both were brutally bitten to death by the dogs of a hunter
...Rest in peace, Nanou and Lulu:-(
2085. Spain: Baneen a esta chica por publicar videos de maltrato animal extremo de la deep web! /
Bestrafen Sie dieses Mädchen für die Veröffentlichung von Internetvideos in denen sie Tierquälereien zeigt /
Punish this girl for the publishing of Internet video in which she shows animal Cruelty
2086. Justice for Puppy Shot with BBs - A six-week-old puppy shot with BB pellets was found by an alert utility worker. The worker told police that he saw about 20 children playing with the puppy when he stepped away for a few minutes and came back to find the puppy bleeding heavily. According to the police report, the children told officers that someone who stays at the apartment complex shot the dog!
…RIP :-(
2087. Punish Teen Who Allegedly Cut Off Dog’s Ears - Jerome Johnson, who is 19 years old, was arrested and charged with felony animal cruelty for maiming and deforming an animal.
Helfen Sie mir bitte, meine Mutter davon zu überzeugen, dass ich meinen drei Monate alten Welpen behalten darf - Meine Mutter möchte das nur, weil er an Parvovirus erkrankt war, aber es geht ihm wieder sehr gut!! /
Please help me to convince my mother about, that I may keep my three month old puppy - My mother would like that only because he was suffering from parvovirus, but he feels very good again !!
- Neu / New 7.4.2016 -
One Year of Doggy Petitions with 2819 Supporters
!!!! Thank you in the name of Dogs worldwide !!!!
2089. Demand "Just Pups" to be Shut Down for Animal Abuse!
2090. Stop The Animal Abuse In Northern Sulawesi, Indonesia!
2091. Save Stella the dog locked up by Devon police for two years without exercise
2092. Save Stella the Pitbull from being destroyed
2093. Help the Theiler's keep their dogs - Meire Grove MN City Council demand they get rid of their dogs!!She has 5 dogs. They are 4 sled dogs and one small breed. (2 of those 5 dogs are ESAs for medical reasons.) Meire Grove MN, recently imposed an ordinance that limits residents to 2 dogs per household
2094. Keep Coco Alive & Bring Her Back Home
2095. India: Justice to Ammu, the four year old female dog whose 8 puppies were killed in front of her!
… Ponnamma said, that she wanted to teach the mother a lesson so that she doesn't litter or come near her house again.
2096. Justice for Patches and Lucky: Prosecute to the full extent of the law - Ex-Jefferson County Deputy Sheriff Amy Vudures of Bailey, Colorado and board member of “Spoo Bell Weimaraner Rescue and the Littles” of NM aka Rose Farley was identified via witness who also identified the vehicle and the Colorado plate, kicking in the front door to Fred’s home. Along with credible witnesses in the neighborhood!!
… Justice for Patches and Lucky :-(
2097. Save our Cee Cee from being murdered by the Breed Specific Law in the UK. End B.S.L. !
2098. Stop Murdering Pit Bulls at Darke County Animal Shelter! The shelter doesn't even attempt to adopt out these innocent dogs. Instead they immediately euthanize them because they have visually identified them as "Pitbulls".
2099. Justice for Baby the Bulldog - The cowards who did this are Andrew Frankish and Daniel Frankish. They receive a suspended sentence and tag which is not enough for what they did to the dog!
…RIP baby :-(
2100. Find Man Who Raped and Brutally Hung Pit Bull from Tree - Thurston County, Washington
der seinen Hund mit dem gebrochenen Fuß frierend draußen ließ,
will seinen Hund zurück!

Quelle/ Source: Google+