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701. Hold Tuckers killer, Pastor David Murphy, accountable for his actions! #JusticeForTucker




703. Justice for Miss Harper


704. Return Spot the Dog to His Military Family


705. Tell Judge Angelo Delligatti that man who cut off legs and ears of dog without anesthesia deserves jail time,

not a slap on the wrist!

… Justice for Miss Harper!!!!

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Please sign and share for sweet little Miss Harper:


706. Punish Reginald Smith for Mutilating an Innocent Puppy!!

… Justice for Miss Harper!!!!


707. Stop killing our pets in cold blood.


708. Justice for Dachshund "smashed" & killed!


- Neu / New 15.11.2015 -


709. Puppy Davey deserves justice - NO early release from jail for animal abuser Duanying Chen - Chen had admitted his guilt for repeatedly torturing Puppy Davey over a period of time, including burning 80% of his body with a utility lighter, breaking his bones and teeth, spinal injuries, and sexual mutilation to the point he had to be euthanized. Chen was convicted of five felonies and one misdemeanor, including two felony counts of animal cruelty and one count of felony assault by force likely to produce great bodily injury involving his girlfriend.


710. Zaglodzil i zakatowal psa lopata. Najwyzszy wymiar kary! /

Gerechtigkeit für drei ausgehungerte und missbrauchte Hunde (zwei Weibchen und ein Männchen)! Einer von ihnen hatte sichtbare Spuren von Schlägen mit einem stumpfen Instrument (Schaufel) auf seinem Körper und wurde in den Büschen zum sterben liegen gelassen. /

Justice for three starved and tortured Dogs (two females and a male)! One of them had visible traces of blows with a blunt instrument (shovel) on his body and was left to die in the bushes.


711. Investigate Animal Cruelty against Jacquii Cooke - On November 7, 2015 an Oak Ridge, Tennessee resident posted on a closed Facebook thread that they had smothered their dog, a Pitbull named Blu

…RIP Blu :-(


712. Praise Politician for Saving Innocent Husky’s Life - The court order to have a family pet euthanized was repealed after much public pressure and a helping hand lent by the Chairman of the OC Board of Supervisors, Todd Spitzer. The dog will be sent to a sanctuary instead. The four-year-old husky-mix named Karma was impounded in May after her owners were arrested for domestic violence.


713. Re-Sharing for Hugo: Save Innocent Dog from Being Put to Death - A two-year-old Shar Pei named Hugo was found wandering around without a leash after somehow getting out of his home’s backyard. After Hugo approached another dog and its owner, he was reported to the local council and transported to the pound. Lynette MvIlveen, Hugo’s owner, was then notified that the City of Gold Coast has decided that Hugo would be “destroyed”

… Hugo the dog did not do anything wrong to justify his being put to death. He had not bitten anyone. He only wandered away from his home without a leash on and went up to another dog and its owner :-( Why killing him :-(


714. Save Two Dogs from Euthanasia - Do not euthanize two dogs after minor nipping incident!! In October of 2013, the two dogs, Axle and Paris, escaped from their backyard. After they wandered across the street, one of the dogs nipped at a construction worker’s leg, not drawing blood, but leaving a small bruise. The City of Richmond then seized the dogs and submitted an application to euthanize them both, when just the larger, Axle, bit the worker. In the past, Richmond has worked with dog owners to avoid euthanasia, focusing instead on rehabilitation and behavioral training. Not even the construction worker thinks the dogs should be killed, stating that his small injury healed quickly and without any scars

…please don not euthanize Axle and Paris :-(


715. Save Dog from Unfair Euthanasia Law - Protest an unfair law that forces all dog bite cases to end in euthanasia!!!!!!!!!!! In two weeks, a dog may be sentenced to death for biting a boy in self-defense. The “Damage by Dogs” law states that if a dog bites a person, even in self-defense, the dog must be euthanized. Support a new bill which will end this black-and-white law and convince Judge Owens to rule against euthanasia and save an innocent dog’s life. Dr. Paul Gartenberg, Padi’s owner and veterinarian, obtained Padi through a rescue society after the dog was found tied to a tree with a chain. The chain was so tight that it had to be surgically removed from his neck. Despite this abuse, Padi is an affectionate and friendly dog. However, when a four-year-old boy came into the office and lunged at him, Padi fought back. It was clear that Padi had acted in in self-defense. However, per the “Damage by Dogs” law, Padi must be euthanized :-(


716. Save Innocent Service Dog from Euthanasia - To save a physically abused service dog from being wrongfully euthanized!! Currently, a service dog named Dutch is in danger of being euthanized due to a court order claiming him to be a “vicious” dog. Dutch has been classified as a “vicious” dog because he bit his previous owner after she beat him. Action needs to be taken in order to save Dutch’s life.


- Neu / New 18.11.2015 -



Rafael Correa - Innenministerium von ECUADOR: In Kraftsetzung eines Gesetzes zur Bestrafung für Tierquälerei und Verletzungen

von Haustieren in Ecuador #JusticiaDkasta / 

RAFAEL CORREA - INTERIOR MINISTRY OF ECUADOR: Enactment of of a law for punishment for cruelty to animalsand injury

of pets in Ecuador #JusticiaDkasta 

Read more:

French Bulldogs poisoned in Quito, Ecuador #JusticiaDkasta  & 

Justice for the murdered frensh Bulldogs of Criadero D Kasta #JusticiaDkasta

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718. Просим пресечь преступную деятельность Никифоровой Ольги Юрьевны! /

Bitte beenden Sie ihre kriminellen Aktivitäten Nikiforowa Olga Jurevna! Hören Sie auf unbescholtene Tierschützer im Internet  mit Tierquälerei in Verbindung zu bringen /

Please stop your criminal activity, Nikiforova Olga Jurevna! Stop to bring innocent animal rights activists on the Internet in conjunction with animal cruelty


719. Appeal Case that Freed Alleged Dog Fighters - Six people in Devon, United Kingdom were set free without charges after their court case concluded that their accused crimes were not directly stated in the current laws relating to dog fighting. The six people in question, Nathan Baker, Craig Ford, Benjamin Luscombe, Craige McCormick, Alex Salt, and Kerry Wrightson had, together, 33 charges pressed against them. Nathan Baker had eight charges on his own, some including unnecessary suffering to an animal, killing a deer, and buying and training dogs for fighting.


720. Vida digna para los perros de la fábrica de muebles El Caserío, en Recajo. /

Ein würdevolles Leben für die Hunde von der Möbelfabrik El Caserio in Recajo. /

A dignified life for the dogs from the furniture factory El Caserio in Recajo.


721. Justice for Jake - Animal Cruelty Law Reform Required (Sections 444 to 447 of the Criminal Code of Canada)

…RIP Jack :-(


722. Condena para el asesino de Guichon. /

Verurteilung für den Mörder von Guichón  …Ruhe in Frieden Guichón :-(  /

Condemnation for the killers of Guichón … RIP Guichón :-(


723. Arrest Man Who Shot and Killed Dog - Arrest a man who brought his dog into the woods, shot him multiple times, then left him to rot and die. Ryan Landry is a New Hampshire man who committed a tragic crime but is walking free of any punishment due to the lack of laws providing justice for his wrongdoings!!

…RIP Bruno :-( you sadly paid for the mistakes of your holders :-( PARENTS: PLEASE TEACH YOUR KIDS TO BE KIND TO ANIMALS!!!!!


724. Sanción por crueldad y muerte a dos perros en la cuidad de monte cristi /

Bestrafung für brutale Tierquälerei und die Tötung von zwei Hunden in Monte Cristi, Dominikanische Republik /

Punishment for brutal animal cruelty and the killing of two dogs in the city of Monte Cristi, Dominican Republic


725. Pardon homeless man for rescuing dog - Do not pursue charges against man for taking his dog out of a shelter and place

him in a safe and loving home.

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726. Columbia: Encuentren al asesino de Rocky/

Finden und bestrafen Sie den Mörder von Rocky!

...Ruhe in Friedn, Rocky:-(  /

Find and prosecute the murderer of Rocky!

…RIP Rocky :-(


727. Charge George Allan Burdock for animal cruelty - A 70 year-old man walking his dogs down Kenwood Avenue in Winter Park shot another dog in the eye Thursday night. George Burdock told police he felt the dog, a Samoyed named Lilly, was going to attack him and his two dogs so he shot the animal with a gun armed with BBs.



Gerechtigkeit für die Tiere von Poza Rica, Veracruz !!! Diese Mutter Hündin wurde mit einer Macheten getötet, während sie mit ihrem neugeborenen Welpen schlief. Die Person, die den Mord begangen hat, sagte, er bereue es nicht so gehandelt zu haben :-/   /

Justice for the animals in Poza Rica, Veracruz !!! This Mommy dog was killed with machetes while sleeping with their newborn pups, the person who committed the murder said he does not regret having done so :-/


729. Prisión para un hombre que mato de hambre a su perro, que sea la norma! /

Freiheitsstrafe für den Mann, der seinen Hund verhungern ließ, das ist die Norm! /

Imprisonment for a man who starved his dog to death, which is the norm!


730. Ayuda Urgente para perros hacinados en propiedad de Avelina Garza /

Dringend Hilfe für die Hunde, die auf den Grundstücken von Avelina Garza zusammengepfercht sind !! Avelina Garza, die Schwester des stellvertretenden Bürgermeisters Ray Garza von Naucalpan, ist Tierärztin und Züchterin und ist für den Missbrauch von Hunden auf ihrem Grundstück verantwortlich und in der Canofila registriert! Sie bietet tierärztliche Dienste in Av. Mexiko, Las Americas, an (in Tierarzt-Praxen) und besitzt außerdem ein Feld in Nicolas Romero, wo weitere Hunde untergebracht sind; es ist davon ausgehen, dass sie dort unter den gleichen schlechten Bedingungen leben müssen.  /

Urgent assistance for the dogs who are crammed together on the properties of Avelina Garza !! Avelina Garza, the sister of the deputy mayor Ray Garza of Naucalpan, is a veterinarian and breeder and is responsible for the abuse of dogs on her property and registered in the Canofila! She provides veterinary services in Av. Mexico, Las Americas, (in veterinarian practices) and also has a field in Nicolas Romero where other dogs are housed; it is assumed that they have to live there under the same bad conditions.


731. Justicia a la perrita "Husky" torturada y dejada ciega por dos niños en Saltillo /

Gerechtigkeit auf die Hündin "Husky", sie wurde gefoltert und dann Blind von zwei Jugendlichen Übeltätern in Saltillo zurückgelassen! /

Justice to the female dog "Husky", she was tortured and then left behind blind by two Adolescents malefactors in Saltillo!


732. Köpek dövüştüren şahsın cezalandırılması için destek verin /

Strafrechtlich Verfolgen dieser Person wegen Hundekämpfen! Die Daten belegen, dass diese Person an Hundekämpfen beteiligt ist;

Wir haben die Kopie des Video als Beweis! /

Prosecute this person for Dogfighting!  The data proves that this Person is involved in Dogfighting; we have a copy of the Video as Evidence!


- Neu / New 24.11.2015 -


733. Dog whose ears and leg cut off without anesthesia deserves justice - Enforce a stricter punishment for vet tech who cut off a dog’s ears and leg without anesthesia. An ex-veterinary technician pleaded guilty to multiple charges of animal abuse totaling two felonies and a misdemeanor. The dog, a pit bull mix named Miss Harper, was allegedly subjected to painful mutilation in Smith’s care, including having her ears and leg cut off without anesthesia

…Justice for Miss Harper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


734. Punish Boxer Seen Punching Dog on Video - An ex-professional boxer allegedly repeatedly punched his dog in the street. The incident was filmed by Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) and shows Paul Quarmby using a cashpoint and then starting to walk away. When his Alaskan Malamute dog Ajax hesitated to follow, Quarmby apparently dragged him by his leash, kicked him and then reached down to hold the dog by his collar with his left hand and punch him hard in the head three times.


735. Stop Owners from Shooting Pets


736. The illegal dumping of animals in the Plum Grove Texas area


737. Sack W.A police officer who killed a pet dog without justification. JUSTICE FOR BIGGIE!

…RIP Biggie :-(


738. Bodies of dead dogs were left to rot - don't approve this puppy farm!


739. Justice for Moose- a 3 month old border collie puppy who was tortured and killed.


740. Justice for Frank the Dog


741. Investigate Pack of Wild Dogs to Stop Attacks On Humans & Their Pets

…Take these stray dogs to a No-Kill animal shelter and give them a good behavior training :–( DON’T KILL THESE DOGS PLEASE!!!


742. Homeless man Commits crime to save his only family!


743. Dog Allegedly Left to Die Deserves Justice


744. Spot Deserves Better!


745. Justice for Apollo #justiceforApollo  

...RIP Apollo :-(


746. Don't Let Innocent Dog get Euthanized!!! Let it be taken by a Caring Rescue Group  

 …lets rescue Jasper!!!!! :-(


747. Justice for Lucky the beloved Chihuahua - Lance Barkhurst is a criminal, who lacks a conscience or empathy. This was an intentional act and he needs to be arrested and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law!!!!!


748. Help save our Huskies from getting taken away or euthanized.


749. Save Tilly's Mum and Siblings - The Jack Russell Terrier Rescue UK charity have recently rescued a tiny, sick puppy who was purchased by someone from a selling page called Gumtree.


750. Severely Beaten Yorkie Deserves Justice

doggy petitions, petition, hunde, dogs, justice, animal abuse, voice for animals, petición, pétition, petizione,


Ein verstoßener, streunender Hund,

ohne Chance auf Adoption! Aber hier ist er heute,


weil ein menschlicher Engel

durch seine gebrochene Seele sah

und ihn zu einem glücklichen Familienhund machte !!

davor   -   danach

Sein Lächeln und die Wertschätzung für das Leben

kann nicht gezüchtet werden,

es ist etwas, dass nur Rettungshunde erleben.

 Quelle/ Source: Google+

doggy petitions, petition, hunde, dogs, justice, animal abuse, voice for animals, petición, pétition, petizione,


Einige Engel

tragen Fell anstelle von Flügeln!

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Justice for abused dog souls!!


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©Doggy Petitions 7. April 2015 by Suse Freiberg

One Year of Doggy Petitions with 2819 Supporters


!!!! Thank you in the name of Dogs worldwide !!!!


Two Year of Doggy Petitions with 5309 Supporters


!!!! Thank you in the name of Dogs worldwide !!!!

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