Quelle / Source: www.facebook.com/RespekTiereLeben
Love means all My wounds are healing
- Neu / New 29.8.2015 -
451. Annulation de l'euthanasie de RIKA /
Aufhebung der Einschläferung von RIKA /
Annulment of the euthanasia of RIKA
452. Justice for Dogs Enduring Burns from Being Forced to Sit in Chemicals - A former supervisor of Miami-Dade Animal Services revealed that many dogs in her center ended up with severe burns to their scrotal area, but despite her reporting the incident and expressing concern that employees may not have been following protocols, she says the issue still continues because of the chemicals used on the floors. This is the same center that’s been touted as a “high-kill” shelter by the public, but they ignore the pleas to stop the use of corrosive chemicals.
453. Applaud Newark’s Mayor Corey Booker for Rescuing Dogs from Freezing Cold - Newark’s Mayor Corey Booker went out of his way to personally rescue dogs left in the freezing cold. The entire Northeast region has been suffering under freezing cold temperatures for the past week. The dogs were seen outside shivering by an eyewitness reporter who tweeted at the mayor. Booker immediately drove out with a police escort and carried the dogs into his heated car until their owner could be located. Sign the petition to praise Booker’s selfless actions in helping the dogs
454. Justice for Borko: Demand the Bulgarian Government take action on Animal cruelty! - Borko's story - Bulgaria: Lynch Mob Beats Defenceless Crippled Doggy
455. Tiro a su perra a un pozo por estar en celo! /
Erschoss seine Hündin und schmiss sie in einen Brunnen, weil sie ihre Läufigkeit hatte!! /
Shot his dog and threw it into a well, because she had her heat !
457. Justice for Dukey an innocent dog shot and killed by the RCMP!!
…RIP Dukey :-(
458. Mata de 3 escopetazos a un perro y no va a ir preso! /
3 Schrotflintenschüsse, um einen Hund zu töten, und keine Gefängnisstrafe! /
3 shotgun to kill a dog and not going to be jailed!
459. Support Homeless Man who Rescues Dogs - Steve, had been homeless since 2001, but that did not deter his dedication in saving animals who suffered from neglect. Steve had put whatever he had into keeping these animals and had helped over 50 dogs in the last few years
… Love always finds a way to help, Good Man :-) TY Steve!!
460. Punish Criminal who Burned Five Dogs with Acid
461. Investiguen a la Protectora de A Madroa /
Eine Ermittlung der Madroa-Rettungs-Hilfe /
An investigation of Madroa Rescue Help
462. Insist S. Dak. Attorney General seek justice for Duke, dog unlawfully killed by an Officer
463. Justice for Rocky, an innocent dog shot by his caregiver
… RIP Rocky :-(
464. Justice for Moose …RIP Moose :-(
465. Demand Justice for Moon! Be her voice! -An innocent family dog was brutally tortured over a break up. We must not forget Moon's pain and fight for her justice.
466. Prosecute Woman for Allegedly Making Son Shoot Puppy - Pursue the maximum punishment for woman accused of stealing neighbor’s puppy and forcing her teenage son to kill it. The puppy named Duke was reportedly shot because it ate a woman’s ducks. If the alleged perpetrator is not punished to the fullest extent of the law, she may hurt many more innocent animals
…RIP Duke :-(
467. We the people demand that the city of Winter Park, Florida charge George Allan Burdock for animal cruelty
... Justice for Lilly!!!!
468. Punish Man Who Allegedly Left Dog in Truck to Die
469. Justicia para Amy, totalmente destrozada por cazadores /
Gerechtigkeit für Amy, von Jägern total zugrunde gerichtet /
Justice for Amy, totally destroyed by hunters
- Neu / New 4.9.2015 -
470. Capture Fake Animal Control Officers Who Are Stealing Dogs - A number of dogs have gone missing in Morristown, Tennessee and it is allegedly because a group of people are pretending to be animal control officers and stealing the neighborhood dogs. It has been reported that 10 dogs have disappeared in only a span of two weeks. The thieves also hit several neighborhoods nearby Morristown.
472. Qeremos justiça para este cachorro que perdeu a vida! #ChegaDeImpunidade /
Wir wollen Gerechtigkeit für diesen Hund, der sein Leben verlor! #ChegaDeImpunidade /
We want justice for this dog who lost his life! #ChegaDeImpunidade
473. Increase the sentence for Te Kapua Reremoana Hemopo! The Perth man that nearly beat his dog bubba to death,leaving her for dead.Wanting to see a larger fine,community service,banned from ever owning a pet, deported back to newzealand or jail time!!
474. Charge Lazaro Ruiz with Maximum Penalties for Animal Cruelty, With Separate Charges for Each Dog
475. Find Man Responsible for Throwing Dog and Puppy Off Bridge - Recently, an unknown perpetrator committed a disgusting act of animal violence. This man was seen dumping a mother dog and her puppy off of a bridge and into the water in Brookwood, Alabama. This crime was witnessed, but no action has been taken to find the man responsible for this crime :-(
477. Demand justice for marvin the little jack russell that had his throat slit , and other knife wounds, and left to die in agony.
478. Expulsion des élèves qui ont assesine le chien en le jetant du 3 étage du collège /
Ausschließung der Studenten, die einen Hund, durch das Werfen aus der 3 Etage des College, töteten /
Expulsion of students who killed a dog by throwing it from the 3 floor of the college
479. Untersuchung und Auffindung des Mörders von Dominic ...es fehlen nur noch wenige Unterschriften /
Investigate and find the murderers of Dominic ...only a few signatures are missing!!!
480. Justicia por el maltrato a la perrita Foxy, protección para Salvador y rehabilitación para la perrita pitbull./
Gerechtigkeit für die Misshandlung des weiblichen Pitbull "Foxy" !! Schutz für Salvador und Rehabilitation für den Hund !! /
Justice for the mistreatment of the female Pitbull "Foxy"!! Protection for Salvador and rehabilitation for the Dog!!
481. Puppy Farmer Lisa Walsh, 6 months not enough! …only 9 signatures missing!!
482. Tranquilizers for Tessa - a Police Officer in Amherst, Nova Scotia, Canada shot and killed Josh Strickland's (resident of small town Amherst) non-aggresive, family and community loved dog in her own backyard. Deputy chief of the Amherst Police Department was asked why a tranquilizer gun was not used? He replied that, "POLICE OFFICER'S RARELY HAVE READY ACCESS TO TRANQUILIZER GUNS AND THAT THEY WOULD HAVE TO CALL THE "LANDS AND FORESTS" DEPARTMENT TO OBTAIN A TRANQUILZER GUN".
483. Dog Thrown from Moving Car and Left for Dead Deserves Justice
- Neu / New 10.9.2015 -
484. Castiguen de manera ejemplar el intento de envenenar perros en Barcelona. Empezando por el hombre de Sagrada Familia que ha tirado veneno para ratas en la calle y en la casa de una vecina. /
Exemplarische Bestrafung für den Versuch, Hunde in Barcelona zu vergiften. Beginnend mit dem Mann, der in Sagrada Familia Rattengift auf der Straße und im Haus eines Nachbarn verteilte. /
Exemplarily punish the attempt to poison dogs in Barcelona. Beginning with the man who rolled Sagrada Familia rat poison on the street and in the house of a neighbor.
485. Help get Justice for Max, a friendly family pet who was shot, left for dead by a neighbor
486. Ten-year-old kicked stabbed and beat this little puppy to DEATH. For fun!
…RIP Cookie :-(
487. Cerem aplicarea legii in cazul REX /
Wir fordern Strafverfolgung – Gerechtigkeit für REX!! Wir fordern, dass die zuständigen Stellen (Polizei in Zusammenarbeit mit DVS Website) die Täter dieses Grauens zu identifizieren und das Tierschutzgesetz 205/2004, geändert durch das Gesetz 9/2008, durchzusetzen. Wir möchten nicht, dass diese Personen nicht für ihre Taten zur Verantwortung gezogen werden, wir sind nicht länger frei mitten unter uns und wir sind nicht mehr in der Lage, weitere Schrecken an anderen Tieren oder Menschen zu ertragen. /
We urge law enforcement - Justice for REX !! We demand that the competent authorities (police, in cooperation with DVS website) to identify the perpetrators of this horror and to enforce the Animal Protection Act 205/2004, as amended by Law 9/2008. We do not want these people are not held accountable for their actions, we are no longer free in our midst and we are no longer able to endure more terror to other animals or humans.
488. Illegal Fireworks Cause the Death of a Beloved Family Pet
…RIP Sunshine :-(
489. Queremos apoyo y justicia por el brutal exterminio de 27 perros exhibidos y colgados en la tranquera de la estancia del kilómetro 1.945. /
Wir unterstützen und wollen Gerechtigkeit für die brutale Ermordung von 27 Hunden, die an einem Ranch Gatter am der Nationalstraße, 3,30 km von Caleta Olivia, hingen! /
We supportive and want justice for the brutal killing of 27 dogs and hung on the ranch gate at National Route 3,30 km from Caleta Olivia!
490. Condemn Journalist who casts off Puppies after they are not "Cute" any more :-/
491. File charges on Jon Brandon Scarce immediately!
492. Punish Man Who Allegedly Used Dog as Weapon
Gefängnis für die Vorschullehrerin und Center-Mitarbeiterin von "Country Kids Bilingual Children" Francyni Aragon, weil sie ihrem Hund langsam zu Tode hungern lies! /
Prison for pre-school teacher and center employee from “Country Kids Bilingual children” Francyni Aragon, because she slowly starved her dog to death!
494. EX-Soldier CHRIS SMITH lines up his trophy kills ( dogs) and brags about it on facebook
495. Free Thor and Gobonna
496. Justice for Trigger - Pitbull was fatally shoot and killed twice in the back with a 12 gage buck shoot in his back “My family would like to see justice for trigger and know why the police did write down my side of the story, recorded my police call?”
...RIP Trigger :-(
497. Justice for Tyson, Pitbull stabbed to death
...RIP Tyson :-(
498. Charge Tonawanda, NY man with the maximum penalty for beating his dog with a pipe - Police say they learned Dmitriy Blyashuk, a 20-year-old Fuller Avenue man in Tonawanda, NY beat his husky with a PVC pipe on September 6th, 2015 at about 9:30 p.m. When officers arrived to his home, they say they found the 2-year-old dog bleeding from its spine, nose and face.
- Neu / New 19.9.2015 -
499. Justice for Lacey: End the Corruption and Killing of Healthy Animals at KCHA
(Kanawha Charleston Humane Association's Animal Shelter)
...No animal should be killed if other rescues and adopters are willing to save the animal!!!
500. Free Blaze - Blaze is a lab that has been tied to a tree, with a cone around his neck for years.
Blaze never gets human interaction or proper medical care and Arlington Animal Control is not enforcing RCW 16.52.207 2.)a -
the law stating Blaze is entitled to shelter, and adequate medical care.
!!! Free Blaze !!!

Quelle / Source: www.facebook.com/hendrickboards
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Gerechtigkeit für gequälte Hundeseelen!! -
Justice for abused dog souls!!