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- Neu / New 15.11.2015 -


101. Jail for immoral left undernourished, overcrowded and neglected 10 dogs


102. Zaglodzil i zakatowal psa lopata. Najwyzszy wymiar kary! /

Gerechtigkeit für drei ausgehungerte und missbrauchte Hunde (zwei Weibchen und ein Männchen)! Einer von ihnen hatte sichtbare Spuren von Schlägen mit einem stumpfen Instrument (Schaufel) auf seinem Körper und wurde in den Büschen zum sterben liegen gelassen. / Justice for three starved and tortured Dogs (two females and a male)!

One of them had visible traces of blows with a blunt instrument (shovel) on his body and was left to die in the bushes.


- Neu / New 18.11.2015 -


103. Prisión para un hombre que mato de hambre a su perro, que sea la norma! /

Freiheitsstrafe für den Mann, der seinen Hund verhungern ließ, das ist die Norm! /

Imprisonment for a man who starved his dog to death, which is the norm!


- Neu / New 5.12.2015 -


104. Cárcel para el inmoral que dejó desnutridos, hacinados y abandonados a 10 perros /

Gefängnis für unmoralisches Verhalten: 10 unterernährte und vernachlässigte Hunde wurden zusammengepfercht zurückgelassen /

Jail for immoral: 10 undernourished, overcrowded and neglected dogs were left behind


105. Perro desnutrido, dueño no hace nada. Condena YA! /

Unterernährter Hund und der Hundebesitzer tut nichts. Sofortige Verurteilung

…Gerechtigkeit für Brewest :-( /

Malnourished dog and the dog owner does not do anything. Immediate condemnation

... Justice for Brewest :-(


106. El abandono y la desidia humana casi matan a Roco. ¡Qué se haga justicia! /

Menschen Vernachlässigung und Unvorsichtigkeit haben Roco fast umgebracht. Wo ist die Gerechtigkeit für Roco?! /

Human neglect and imprudence have Roco nearly killed. Where is the justice for Roco ?!


107. Pena para la pareja que dejó morir por desnutrición a Lázaro /

Strafe für das Paar, das Lazarus an Unterernährung sterben ließ

…Ruhe in Frieden Lazarus :-( /

Penalty for the couple who left Lazarus to die of malnutrition

…RIP Lazarus :-(


108. Prisión para la persona que dejó morir de hambre a su perro en Gijón /

Gefängnis für denjenigen in Gijon, der seinen Hund zurück ließ und ihn an Hunger sterben ließ /

Prison for those in Gijon, who left a dog behind and let him die of hunger


- Neu / New 6.1.2016 -


109. Una perrita pasa dos meses en condiciones deplorables en El Molar /

Eine Hündin verbrachte zwei Monate unter erbärmlichen Bedingungen in El Molar /

A female dog spends two months in deplorable conditions in El Molar


110. Owner starved dog to death: No jail time - what a joke!


111. Rescaten a dos perros que están muriéndose de hambre y sus dueños no dejan que los ayuden /

Retten Sie diese beiden Hunde, die hungern und ihre Eigentümer lassen niemanden helfen - einer ist schon gestorben und die anderen beiden sind stark unterernährt und stehen auch am Rande des Todes! /

Rescue these two dogs who are starving and their owners do not let anyone help - One already died and the other two are severely malnourished and are also on the verge of dying…


112. Stop the suffering for the many dogs at the Kinship Companion Kennels - The 100+ dogs are kept in a building without windows. The dogs live in dark, cramped living conditions. Dogs are crowded in small crates.  The dogs are matted, urine soaked, and covered in feces. They are not exercised or given human contact :-(


113. Justice for a puppy starved on Christmas ! This puppy – clearly neglected and malnourished – is simply looking for a bite to eat under the Christmas tree. All around the lively-decorated room, presents for the loved ones. Yet, the all the dog’s bones are visible. A few more days without food and he will be a walking skeleton… :-/


114. Justice For Cosmos ! Starved And Thrown Over A Fence Like Garbage Just Days Before Christmas !


115. CONVICT SERIAL ANIMAL HOARDER “KIMI PECK” -  Kimi Peck and Susan Marlowe launched another rescue website called “Dog Angels”, claiming that it too, was a sanctuary for unwanted and abandoned pets. They now had two fraudulent websites up acquiring dogs and requesting donations. The Facebook page “Where on earth is animal hoarder Kimi Peck” was launched by concerned citizens and enlisted the help of the community in locating Peck …please help to get this evil woman!!! Search below to get more informations!!!

116. Prosecute Woman for Allegedly Starving Dogs


- Neu / New 13.1.2016 -


116. Sentence Terrence Cody to Maximum Jail Term for Starving Dog to Death!

… Former Baltimore Ravens player Terrence Cody kept Taz in a filthy, feces-covered crate in Cody's garage with no food or water. As Baltimore County Assistant State’s Attorney Adam Lippe described, "He let this dog starve over more than four weeks. In the end, that dog was eating trash and eating bones to survive.” :-(  RIP Taz


RIP to my beloved Cuddle Bear "Balou" :-(

we tried to run faster than Cancer, but did not make it...

he went to the rainbowbridge on January 15, 2016

Now Balou (left) is with my beloved Emma (right) ...













- Neu / New 29.1.2016 -


117. Mexico: Sancionen a los dueños de perros que los usan como seguridad pero no los alimentan /

Strafen für Hundebesitzer, die ihre Hunde für Sicherheitszwecken benutzen, aber sie weder füttern noch sonst für sie sorgen !! Stoppt das Aushungern und die Kettenhaltungen der Hunde !!! /

Penalties for dog owners who use their dogs for security purposes, but neither feed nor care for them !! Stops the starvation and the chaining of dogs !!!


118. Punish People (Frankie Lynn Barker and Danielle Elizabeth Durocher, Cumberland County) for Allegedly Starving Dog to Death –


119. Justice for Starved Dogs Found with decayed Jaw - The owners of a pit bull and seven puppies were arrested for animal cruelty. One of the dogs had an infected eye and an injury on her face that was so severe her jaw bone was exposed. She hadn’t eaten or had water in days, the shelter believed.  Her condition was so severe that she had to be euthanized. The animal control officers described the scene as horrific and said her jaw injury looked like decay. An animal control officer said there wasn’t any food or water for the dogs and one was on a short 5-foot chain outside.


120. A Man (David Lowe) was set free for starving his 15 year old dog -  We want JUSTICE FOR FLY 

…RIP Fly :-(


121. Spain: Sancionen a los dueños de un refugio de animales que los tenían en terribles condiciones. /

Strafe für die Besitzer von einem Tierheim und schließen Sie das Tierheim in Vancouver, in dem Tiere unter schrecklichen Zuständen leben müssen /

Punishment for the owners of an animal shelter and close the animal shelter in Vancouver in which animals forced to live under terrible condition.


- Neu / New 13.2.2016 -


122. "Jada's Law" to strengthen animal abuse laws - Pets are members of our families and should be afforded the same protections under the law!!!!!!



Das Tierheim „Liebe“ (In Yaşamkent in der Eskisehir Straße) vernachlässigt die Tiere und lässt sie unbeaufsichtigt Die Hunde sind so hungrig und fühlen sich so elend, dass sie sich buchstäblich gegenseitig zerreißen für ein Stück Brot, das wir auf der Rückseite des Tierheims durch den Drahtzaun drückten. Welpen wimmeln überall herum und viele der kranken Hunde haben eine räudige Haut und sind bis auf die Knochen abgemagert. /

The shelter "love" (In Yaşamkent in Eskisehir Road) neglected the animals and leaves them unattended Dogs are so hungry and feel so miserable that they quite literally tear each other for a piece of bread, which we pressed at the back of the shelter through the wire fence. Puppy are swarming around everywhere and many of the sick dogs have a mangy skin and are emaciated to the bone.


124. Properly Punish Man Arrested for Starving Dogs to Death - Memphis law enforcement arrested a man they say starved his dogs in cages, which ultimately led to the deaths of two of them. One of the dogs died before the arrest was made. Police found him wrapped in a plastic bag behind the residence. Two others were found locked in cages without any food or water, one of which had to be euthanized. An autopsy of the deceased pet showed that the dog had not eaten or drank for quite some time.


125. Punish Man Charged with Injuring Seven Dogs - Anthony Thompson from New York faces animal cruelty charges for the seven severely starved and wounded dogs found behind his property.


126. We demand the maximum penalty for the tragic death of poor Pal, the Chihuahua - Starved to death by his owner

 … RIP Pal :-(


127. Justice for Amara!!!!


- Neu / New 28.2.2016 -


128. Ban Couple from Owning Animals after Dogs Suffered Illness and Starvation


129. Justice for Starved Poodle 

…RIP Brownie :-(


- Neu / New 18.3.2016 -


130. France: Pour que le tortionnaire de Brunisoitcondamné!  /

Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Folterer von Brunei verurteilt werden - Ein Anwohner fand den extrem dünnen Körper des Tieres. Ausgesetzt, in einem unvorstellbaren Zustand von Magerkeit!! Bruni wog in der Tat nicht mehr als 18,8 kg, die Hälfte des Gewichts die er haben sollte. Ein Tierarzt diagnostizierte, dass er an einer starken Mangel- und Unterernährung litt: jeder Muskel in seinem Körper hatte sich aufgelöst und zersetzt, er war extrem schwer Dehydrierung und in einem allgemeinen sehr schwachen Zustand! Bruni lebte noch ein gutes Leben, bis er dann nach 4 Monaten starb.

...Gerechtigkeit für Bruni :-( Ruhe in Frieden /

Ensure that the torturers of Bruni get condemned - A local resident found the extremely thin body of the animal. Abandoned in an unimaginable state of skinniness!! Bruni weighed in fact not more than 18.8 kg, half the weight he should have. A veterinarian diagnosed that he was suffering from a severe malnutrition and undernourishment: every muscle in his body had dissolved and decomposes, he was extremely dehydrated and in a generally very weak condition!Bruniwas livinga good life, until heunfortunately diedafter 4 months.

... Justice for Bruni :-( Rest in peace


131. Italy: Giustizia per Calista! Gravementeabusato e Starved dal suoproprietario in Paterson, New Jersey! /

Gerechtigkeit für Calista! Ausgehungert und schwer missbraucht von seinem Besitzer in Paterson, New Jersey! /

Justice forCalista! Starved and severely abused by his owner in Paterson, New Jersey!


132. Italy: Decine di cani malnutriti nella "House of Horror", ilcarcere per iresponsabili!  /

Ein Dutzend unterernährter Hunde wurden aus den "Haus des Grauens" (ein Bauernhof in der Sierra de San Cristoba, Italien) gerettet.  Gefängnis für die Verantwortlichen! - Der Tierschutz verband, der die Beschwerde gegen den Inhaber des Bauernhofs erstattete, vermisst weitere 50 Hunde, deren Schicksal weiterhin ungewiss ist!! /

A dozen malnourished dogs were rescued from the "House of Horror" (a farm in the Sierra de San Cristoba, Italy). Prison for those responsible! - The Animal Welfare Association, which filed the complaint against the owner of the farm, is missing another 50 dogs whose fate remains uncertain !!


133. Mexico: Crear la ComisiónEstatal de Protección a losAnimalesen Michoacán /

Erschaffung einer staatlichen Kommission zum Schutz der Tieren in Michoacan - Leider sind im Bundesstaat Michoacan, Mexiko, die Tierrechte nicht sichergestellt, deswegen ist die Erschaffung einer staatlichen Kommission für den Schutz der Tiere, um Situationen von Missbrauchs zu regeln, dringend notwendig!Wie im Fall von Mika, einer Hündin, die im eigenen Zuhause unter großem Verzicht litt, bis ihr Besitzer sie nicht mehr wollte und sie sterben lies. Mika wurde nicht mehr gefüttert, hatte nur Regenwasser zu trinken und musste unter sehr unhygienischen Bedingungen und, angekettet, auf dem Hinterhof leben; dies sorgte für verschiedenen Krankheiten wie übertragbare Räude, eine genitale Erkrankung und Krebstumore.

...Ruhe in Frieden Mika :-(  du wirst geliebt werden an der Regenbogenbrücke, liebe Mika, und ein Tierschützer, dessen Zeit gekommen ist, wird dich mit Liebe überschütten und dich über die Brücke ins himmlische Reich geleiten /

Create a State Commission for the Protection of Animals in Michoacan - Unfortunately, the animal rights in the state of Michoacan, Mexico, are not guaranteed!  Because of that the creation of a state commission for the protection of animals, to control situations of maltreatment, is urgently needed! As in the case of Mika, a female dog who suffered under great renunciation in her own home until her owner no longer wanted her and let her die. Mika was not fed any longer, had only to drink rainwater and had to live under very unhygienic conditions and chained, in the backyard; this caused various diseases such as communicable mange, a genital disease and cancer tumors!  ...

...Rest in peace Mika :-( you will be loved at the rainbow bridge, dear Mika, and an animal rights activist, whose time has come, will shower you with love and lead you over the bridge into the heavenly kingdom


- Neu / New 4.4.2016 -


134. Justice for Dog Allegedly Starved to Death and Eaten - Prosecute Idella Williams from  Michigan to the fullest extent of the law who allegedly starved one dog to death and left the body to be eaten by other animals in the home.


135. Demand Jail Time for Alleged Drug Dealer Accused of Starving Dog


136. Drop the charges against Bettina Cuce' Rodriguez for rescuing a severely neglected dog from the freezing cold, starving, and would certainly have died had Bettina not saved him



…Please sign for Bettina, she is a dog Angel and not criminal :-/


- Neu / New 30.4.2016 -


137. Dog was euthanized after being starved. Owners Get only a Five Year Ban On Owning Pets :-(


138. France: Peine de prison pour avoir laisser mourir de faim ses chiens /

Haftstrafen für Besitzer von Haustieren, die ihre Hunde verhungern ließen /

Imprisonment for pet owners, who let their animals starve


139. Justice for Dog Who Starved to Death 40 Pounds Underweight - A severely emaciated dog was recently rescued during a police raid on a suspected drug house. The three-year-old Pitbull-Mastiff mix, named Reggie, was 30 to 40 pounds underweight when he was found

:-( RIP Reggie :-(

doggy petitions, petition, hunde, dogs, starved dogs, starved to deth, neglected, animal abuser, justice, pétition, petizione,


Wenn Du nicht gerne siehst,

dass Bilder mit  Gewalt gegen Tiere

veröffentlicht werden,
dann musst Du etwas dazu beitragen

die Gewalt zu stoppen

- nicht die Bilder !!!

doggy petitions, petition, hunde, dogs, starved dogs, starved to deth, neglected, animal abuser, justice, pétition, petizione,


Ich war loyal, warmherzig und liebte dich
Warum hast du mich

auf den Straßen zum Sterben

zurück gelassen?

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- 2016 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -

- 2017 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -

4 >

(Ver)Hungern lassen :- / Starvation 


Doggy Petitions - The Petition Spread Portal for Dogs - Doggy Petitions - Das Petitions Verbreitungs Portal für Hunde - Doggy Petitions

- Neu / New 16.8.2016 - 


Rheumatoid Arthritis

:-( How can it be that there are perfectly healthy

Animal Abusers and Child Molesters...

and I,

as a good human being and Animal Advocate,

have such a terrible disease :-(

(After a very long time in hospital, I hope,

that I may soon return to work with you in animal welfare !!!)


140. Italy: Basta maltrattamenti, vogliamo giustizia! /

Jetzt reicht´s mit der schlechten Behandlung, wir wollen Gerechtigkeit! Retten Sie SOFORT den Deutschen Schäferhund, der stark vernachlässigt wird, verseucht mit Zecken ist und unter erbärmlichen Bedingungen leben und leiden muss; ohne Nahrung oder Wasser. /

Enough of the mistreatment, we want justice! IMMEDIATELY  rescue the German shepherd, whoh is neglected, infested with ticks and must live and suffer in deplorable conditions; without food or water.


141. France: Une éleveuse laisse ses chiens mourir de faim: Exigeons une peine exemplaire ! /

Eine Züchterin von American Stafford Terriern (Avilley, Département Doubs in der Region Bourgogne-Franche-Comté) ließ ihre Hunde hungern: Forderung einer exemplarischen Strafe! 14 Hunde (darunter 7 Welpen) wurden aus extrem kleinen Käfigen gerettet, sie lagen inmitten ihrer Fäkalien und waren halb Tod :-( /

A breeder of American Stafford Terrier (Avilley, Doubs in the region Bourgogne Franche-Comté) let her dogs starve: Demand an exemplary punishment! 14 dogs (including 7 puppies) were rescued from extremely small cages, they were lying in the midst of their faeces and were half death :-(


142. Spain: Que recaiga todo el peso de la justicia sobre Antonio Pericas Maestro por maltrato Animal. /

Bestrafen Sie Antonio Pericas Maestro für das Aussetzen und zu Tode hungern seiner Hündin „Luna“, im vollen Ausmaß des Gesetzes und der Gerechtigkeit /

Punish Antonio Pericas Maestro for abandoning and starving his female dog "Luna" to death, to the full extent of the law and justice


143. Justice for young Husky starved to death - Robert Porter from Belfast, Northern Ireland, admitted to letting his four-year-old dog starve to death and to leaving his body to decompose in his kitchen for four months. He only received a small fine, some community service and a mere five-year ban on keeping pets :-(


144. Don’t Return Starved Dog to Allegedly Abusive Owner - Two dogs allegedly died and one reportedly starved in a backyard. A neighbor apparently called animal control on Thomas Jones, Jr. after she noticed a lonely and neglected dog chained up in his backyard alongside two other dogs that had previously died.


145. Dog Shot, Burned and Beaten Deserves Justice - A Great Pyrenees was reportedly shot, burned, and severely beaten. The poor dog was 40 pounds underweight and suffered gunshot wounds to two legs, cuts all over its body, and a gash around its neck that is believed to have been caused by an electric shock collar.


- Neu / New 10.2.2017 -


146. Seeking Justice for Fred and Wilma – both were starved to death in Quitman County! 

...RIP Fred and Wilma :-(


147. Justice for Dog Found Starving and Left to Die


148. Justice for Dogs Allegedly Left to Starve to Death in Mobile Home - Amber Davis (Charlestown, Indiana) the dogs’ reported owner, has been charged with five counts of animal cruelty. She could face up to five years in jail. The dogs were transported to a shelter for treatment. Demand the maximum penalty!!! could dhr... :-( RIP...


- Neu / New 25.2.2017 -


149. Justice for Dog Allegedly Starved to Death and Left to Decompose


150. Justice for Dog Found Starving and Left to Die

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