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Doggy Petitions - The Petition Spread Portal for Dogs - Doggy Petitions - Das Petitions Verbreitungs Portal für Hunde - Doggy Petitions

Gerechtigkeit für gequälte Hundeseelen!! -

Justice for abused dog souls!!


2401. Rommel my dog my Hero - The fact is that Rommel's only crime was to protect me and attempts to flee a terrifying and aggressive scene with police. The police tried even so to prove he was a Pitbull....


2402. Give violent dog abuser a lifetime ban from owning animals


2403. Prosecute hunter who killed two beloved dogs on purpose - The Byers family and friends are remembering five-year-old Emmy, a Weimaraner and six-year-old Bella, a Doberman, after a hunter shot and killed the pets on purpose 

...RIP Emma and Bella :-(


2404. Russia:  Остановите противоправное убийство домашних и безнадзорных животных /

Stoppen Sie den illegalen Tötungen von Haus- und Straßentieren mit vergifteten Pfeilen! /

Stop the illegal killing of domestic and stray animals with Poisoned Darts!


2405. Justice For Diesel - The Police and Animal control informed Miss Sims that the neighbor had apparently feared for his life. As a result he had time to go in his home retrieve his shot gun, proceed to loading it and then return outside and shoot Diesel, a sweet loving family pet and guardian to 4 little boys. 

...RIP Diesel :-(


2406. Help Save Emily: Fire the Director of Florida's Hillsborough County Pet Resources Center


2407. Help Save Diggy the American Bulldog


2408. We want JUSTICE for Ryu!!!! ARREST THE MONSTER!!!!! 

  ...RIP Ryu :-(


2409. Appeal judge's decision to return animal victims to alleged abusers - We respectfully request that Delaware County (Oklahoma) District Attorney Kenny Wright file an appeal of Judge Alicia Littlefield's ruling to return the animal victims to their alleged abusers who still face 10 counts each of animal cruelty.


2410. Spain:  Cuevas del Almanzora, justicia ante esta atrocidad /

Cuevas del Almanzora, Gerechtigkeit für diese Grausamkeit - Gerechtigkeit für den Hund, dessen Augen schwer verletzt wurden (Im Gebiet Rulador) /

Cuevas del Almanzora, justice for this cruelty - justice for the dog whose eyes were seriously injured (in the Rulador region)


2411. Dogs were rented out for sex: Demand Justice for "The California 5" - A veterinarian examination of two of the dogs, Ava and Emma, revealed trauma consistent with sexual abuse.


2412. Argentina: Justicia para "El Negro"!  /

Gerechtigkeit für "El Negro"! - Ein streunender Hund wurde von einer Bombe ermordet, die von einer Person aus dem Boca Juniors Club geworfen wurde. Finden und bestrafen Sie den Täter! /

Justice for " El Negro "! - A Stray Dog was Murdered by a having a bomb Thrown at it by a person belonging the Boca Juniors Club. Find and Prosecute the Perpetrator!


2413. Colombia: NO + Impunidad Ivan Castañeda Ramirez -Asesino de palo y puñal /

NEIN zur Straflosigkeit von Ivan Castañeda Ramirez - Der Stock und Dolchkiller !! /

NO to the Impunity of Ivan Castañeda Ramirez – The Stick and dagger killer!!


2414. Ecuador: Respeten la vida, devuelvan a los perros de la Base Naval de Esmeraldas./

Respektieren Sie das Leben! Geben Sie die Hunde zurück, die verschwunden sind oder irgendwo ausgesetzt wurden, zurück zur Naval Base Esmeraldas! Sie wurden dort umsorgt und geliebt!!!! /

Respect life! Return the dogs that have disappeared or been abandoned somewhere, back to Naval Base Esmeraldas! They were cared for and loved !!!!


2415. Russia: наказать садиста, систематически убивающего кошек и собак /  

Höchststrafe für die sadistischen,  systematischen Tötungen von streunenden Hunden und Katzen durch Eugene Vyalshin. /

Maximum Penalty for the Sadistic Killing of Stray Dogs and Cats by Eugene Vyalshin.


2416. Russia: Примите меры против живодера Свободова Анатолия /

Strafverfolgen gegen Anatoly Flayer Svobodova, für das Anbinden seines Hundes an seinem Auto und hinterher schleifen! /

Prosecutions against Anatoly Flayer Svobodova, for tying his dog on his car and grinding him behind!


2417. Ukraine: К президенту П.А Порошенко, Прокуратуре г.Александрия Кировоградской области.: Наказание студентов и преподавателя /

An den PA Präsidenten Poroschenko, G. Alexandrov Staatsanwaltschaft der Region Kirovograd: Bestrafung für Studenten und Lehrer - Verfolgen Sie die Lehrer und Studenten des Alexandria Landwirtschafts-College,  für das Massaker an einem Welpen vor den Augen anderer verängstigter Studenten! /

To PA President Poroshenko, G. Alexandrov Prosecutor's Office of Kirovograd region: Punishing students and teacher - Prosecute the Teacher and Students of the Alexandria Agricultural College for the Massacre of a Puppy in front of the other Terrified Students!


2418. Spain: Justicia para la muerte de la perrita asesinada a martillazos /

Höchststrafe für den Täter, der einen Hund mit einem Hammer zu Tode schlug, nachdem er ihn adoptiert hatte. /

Maximum sentence for the perpetrator that bludgeoned a dog to death with a hammer after he adopted him.


2419. France: Justice pour Laïko traîné derrière une voiture /

Gerechtigkeit für Laiko, eine 2 jährige Stafford Hündin, die an einem Auto angebunden und zu Tode geschleift wurde  

...Ruhe in Frieden, Laiko /

Justice for Laiko, a 2 year old male Stafford,  tied to a car and dragged to death 

...RIP Laiko


2420. Canada: Demand maximum sentence for couple charged with dragging dog - Prosecute Cassandra McKay and Gary Dewilde of Fort Erie to the Fullest Extent of the Law for Dragging a Dog behind their car!


2421. Seven Dogs Shot to Death and Left on Side of the Road Deserve Justice - They were believed to have been former hunting dogs. According to commentators on Pawsitive Impact’s Facebook page, it is all too common for hunting dogs to be treated so cruelly and thoughtlessly when they are considered no longer useful.


2422. Bring Brodie, the K9, Home - fighting for Brodie's right to retire !!!!


2423. Colombia: Terminen con las peleas de perros, los entrenan para ser asesinos! /

Stoppt Hundekämpfe, von Menschen als Mörder trainierte Hunde! /

Stop dog fighting, dogs trained by humans as killers!


2424. Justice For Rambo - "Rambo came back to the rescue in a garbage bag, dead" (Pompano Beach Animal Control)

...RIP Rambo :-(


2425. Justice for Dog Allegedly Beaten to Death – a female Pitbull was discovered in the woods behind a Virginia home...

Seite / Page

1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 5 > 6 > 7 > 8 > 9 > 10 > 11 > 12 > 13 > 14 > 15 >

- 2016 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -

16 > 17 > 18 > 19 > 20 >

21 > 22 > 23 > 24 > 25 > 26 > 27 > 28 > 29 >

- 2017 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -

30 >

31  32 > 33 > 34 > 35 > 36 > 37 > 38 > 39 > 40 >

2426. Argentina: Nosotros somos su voz, gritemos para que se haga justicia ! Reformar urgente la ley 14.346 /

Wir sind ihre Stimme; Lasst uns laut nach Gerechtigkeit schreien! Dringende Reformierung des Gesetzes 14.346 - Horror in Córdoba: Mörder überfielen ein Tierheim für Hunde und massakrierten mindestens 37, während sie schliefen

... Ruht in Frieden :-(  /

We are her voice; Let us shout loudly for justice! Urgent reform of the law 14.346 - Horror in Córdoba: murderers attacked a shelter for dogs and massacred at least 37, while they slept

... Rest in peace :-(


2427. Save Butch the dog - Butch is a 9yr old Staffordshire Bull Terrier - he was seized by Merseyside Police after he was discovered locked in a flat with his deceased owner, Butch had been there without food or water for a number of days.


- Neu / New 25.2.2017 -



Gerechtigkeit für eine wehrlose Hündin, dir von einem Subjekt in PALÄSTINA zu Tode gequält wurde – 10x wurde auf sie eingestochen!!! /

Justice for defenseless female dog who was abused to death by a subject in PALESTINE – she was stabbed 10 times!!!


2429. Punish State Trooper Accused of Trying to Shoot Friendly Dog - A West Virginia state trooper reportedly attempted to shoot a dog in the head before the dog’s owner intervened and was then tackled to the ground.


2430. Canada: Get "vet's" licence revoked for abusing animals at vet clinic in St. Catharines


2431. Justice for Pit Bulls Allegedly Injured in Dog Fighting Ring - Prosecute Cherise Mickens of Queens to the Fullest Extent of the Law for training her 4 Pit Bulls to fight in a Dogfighting Ring!


2432. RUSSELL COUNTY: DEMAND JUSTICE FOR THE VOICELESS - Intracardic injection (heart sticking) of conscious animals was performed on dogs, puppies, cats, and kittens. This is an illegal and very painful form of euthanasia. (McAfee Note: animals must be completely unconscious before performing intracardiac euthanasia, not simply sedated and certainly not conscious. 3.2-6503, 3.2-6570A.) Animals would take 20-30 minutes to die. They would "flop around" until they died, and if they did not die, they were heart stuck again. (



Untersuchung bezüglich des Verschwindens und Ermordungen von Hunden, durch einen Mann namens David Rodríguez Vince in der Stadt Tar Viejo (Tucuman, Argentinien) und behalten sie ihn im Gefängnis! /

Investigation into the Disappearance and Murder of Dogs by a man named David Rodríguez Vince in the town of TAFI VIEJO (Tucuman, Argentina) and keep him in Jail!


2434. Justice for Dog Thrown from SUV on Highway


2435. Justice for Multiple Animals Allegedly Tied Up and Left to Suffer- Dog groomer Caroline Miller who allegedly starved multiple animals to death must be banned from owning or working with animals as part of her punishment.


2436. Justice for Dog Adopted Only to be Killed Unecessarily


2437. Punish Man Who Allegedly Kept Pets in Freezer


2438. Italy: Giustizia per Nerina  /

Gerechtigkeit für Nerina, die in der Gemeinde Castoregio erschossen und getötet wurde! /

Justice for Nerina who was Shot and Killed in the Municipality of Castoregio!


2439. Justice for Dog Allegedly Starved to Death and Left to Decompose


2440. UK: Help me free breeding dogs from convicted illegal puppy farmer Richard Jones.


2441. Punish Man Accused of Stabbing His Dog With Kitchen Knife


2442. Set Samson Free!


2443. Argentina: Demand justice for Luz, the sweet gentle puppy who was skinned alive by cruel maniacs


2444. Dog Allegedly Left With No Leg After Dozens of Beatings Deserves Justice - A dog named Dolores is reportedly in need of a leg amputation after sustaining over a dozen beatings.


2445. Puppy Skinned, Shot and Left for Dead on Road Deserves Justice


2446. Argentina:  Ahorcaron un perrito en Barrio Müller, investiguen por favor! /

Welpen werden in Barrio Müller (Cordoba) erhängt, Ermittlungen bitte ! - Finden Sie den Täter, der Chocolate, und eine Menge anderer Welpen, ermordet hat, wir müssen der Polizei und die Justiz bedrängen, um den Mörder dieses Welpen zu finden. Schauen Sie in die Straßenkameras, die Person, die ihn getötet hat, muss zu sehen sein!

... Ruhe in Frieden Chocolate :-( /

Puppies are hanged in Barrio Müller (Cordoba) please investigate! - Find the offender, who murdered Chocolate and a lot of other puppies too, we must press the Police and Justice to find the murderer of this puppy. Look in the street cameras, there must be the person who killed him!!! 

...RIP Chocolate :-(


2447. Justice for Dog Frozen to Death in Doghouse - Demand the maximum penalty for the person who abandoned their dog in a doghouse in freezing temperatures, leading to its death.


2448. Turkey: Köpeğe eziyet eden bu caniler ceza almalı /

Diejenigen, die diesen Hund peinigten, müssen bestraft werden - Starten Sie ein Strafverfahren gegen diejenigen aus  Isparta, die die Ohren  dieses Welpen abschnitten!  /

Those who have tormented this dog must be punished - Start a criminal case against those from Isparta who cut the ears of this puppy!


2449. Canada: Justice for KINGSTON (Dog mutilated by Welland couple)


2450. Justice for Dog Found Starving and Left to Die

doggy petitions, petition, hunde, dogs, justice, gerechtigkeit, animal abuse, voice for animals, petición, pétition, petizione, ходатайство,
doggy petitions, petition, hunde, dogs, justice, gerechtigkeit, animal abuse, voice for animals, petición, pétition, petizione, ходатайство,

Quelle/ Source: Google+

Quelle/ Source: Google+


Manchmal müsst du das Leben

aus einer anderen Perspektive betrachten
Zitat: Ritu Ghatourey


Tiere sind so angenehme Freunde

- sie stellen keine Fragen,

sie kritisieren nicht.

Zitat: Georg Elliot

Photo of sad dog on Philadelphia balcony causing anger online

Concerned about the situation?

The animal control agency for Philadelphia can be found here:

Phone: (267) 385-3800, 


©Doggy Petitions 7. April 2015 by Suse Freiberg

One Year of Doggy Petitions with 2819 Supporters


!!!! Thank you in the name of Dogs worldwide !!!!


Two Year of Doggy Petitions with 5309 Supporters


!!!! Thank you in the name of Dogs worldwide !!!!

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