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1151. URGENT: Demand that animal abusers & killers get harsh prison sentences, lifetime bans from owning & working with animals & a lifetime offenders register set up in the United Kingdom


1152. Make dog theft a serious crime - Find Teddy the French Bulldog


1153. Turkey: Çok geç olmadan sokakta yaşayan köpekler için kulübe yapılsın! /

Hundehütten für Hunde, die auf der Straße leben, bevor es zu spät ist! /

Doghouses for dogs who are living on the street before it's too late!


1154. Germany: Du bist Tierfreund? Bitte hilf uns helfen ! /

You are an animal lover? Please help us help! Animal Friends (animal rights activists and many social networks and groups active members) are dismayed that Facebook hampered their work for the benefit of the animals by an apparently new anti-spam policy.


1155. Germany: Der alte Schlosspark, wieder ein frei zugängliches Erholungsgebiet für Mensch und Hund! /

The old castle park is intended to be again a freely accessible recreational area for people and dogs!


1156. STOP FORCED MATING IN PUPPY MILLS - Dogs are not money making machines!!!!


1157. Stronger punishment and a National Animal Abuse Listing for all abusers



Die Freiwilligen des offiziellen Tierschutzes bitten die Gemeinden für ihren Segen!  /

OFFICIAL ANIMAL PROTECTION VOLUNTEERS are asking the municipalities for their blessing!


1159. Germay: Der Schutz der Tiere ist kein Verbrechen! /

The protection of animals is not a crime! (Full English translation is included to the petition text)


1160. Germany: Abschaffung der Hundesteuer /

Abolition of the dog tax


1161. Turkey: İzmir'de, sokakta yaşamaya çalışan köpek ve kedilere sıcak yuva! /

Die Obdachlosen Hunde und Katzen In Izmir laufen auf des Messers Schneide! Sie frieren im Winter und dehydrieren im Sommer - Sie brauchen Hilfe!!!  /

The homeless dogs and cats in Izmir run on the razor's edge! They freeze in the winter and get dehydrated in the summer - They need help !!!


1162. Enact Animal Abuse Registry in Kansas -

Read this please:

Sign and share here:


1163. Councils: Payment Plan for Animals on Death Row - An online petition has been started in a bid to have councils establish a payment plan process to help financially embattled residents save their impounded pets from death row. The petition argues that council already offered payment plans for rates and pet registrations and that a similar option would save struggling families from making the devastating decision whether or not to rescue their dog from the pound for financial reasons.


1164. Germany: Tiere sind keine Sache /

Animals are not things


1165. Germany: Einführung „Tierschutz/Umweltschutz als Pflichtfach an unseren Schulen" /

Introduction of "animal protection / Environmental Protection as a compulsory subject in our schools"


1166. Germany: Härtere Strafen Für Tierquäler ! Giftköder, vergiftete Lebensmittel in der Öffentlichkeit und das Grundlose Töten von Hunden und anderen Haustieren soll nicht als Sachbeschädigung bestraft werden, sondern als Tötung eines Lebewesens! /

Tougher penalties for animal abusers! Poison baits, poisoned food in the public and the unprovoked killing of dogs and other pets should not be punished as damage of property, but as the killing of a living being!


1167. Germany: Schluss mit Tierquälerei durch unnötigen Tierpelz an Kleidungsstücke - EU weit!! /

No more animal cruelty by unnecessary animal fur for garments - EU wide!!


1168. Germany: Protest gegen die Erhöhung der Hundesteuer in 59379 Selm (Nordrhein-Westfalen) /

Protest against the increase of the tax on dogs in 59379 Selm (North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany)


1169. Don’t Ban Responsible Rescue Group From Transporting Animals - Colorado recently began to enforce a licensing rule, which should lead to the better care of animal rescues during transport. Instead, the rule effectively outlaws other safe transportation methods, which also keep animals safe and make transportation less stressful. As a result, Going Home Animal Rescue and Transport (GHART) can no longer bring rescues into Colorado.


1170. Germany: Kein öffentliches Strassenland für den blutigen Pelzhandel in Berlin -Mitte. /

No public road land for the bloody fur trade in Berlin


1171. Germany: Tierschutzverein „Lauf“/Frau Filler - geben Sie meinen geliebten Hund zurück !! /

Animal Protection Society „Lauf“ ("Run")/Mrs Filler - Return my beloved Doggie to me!! - My beloved Rhodesian Ridgeback was given by a dog walker due to serious false allegations to the Animal Welfare Run! There Mrs Filler switched my beloved female dog !! Mrs Filler does not know me, she refused all communication! Please help me ! I miss my dog !!


1172. Germany: Absolutes Knallverbot an Silvester /

Absolute prohibition of fireworks on New Years Eve


1173. Germany: Einsatz von umwelt- und tierfreundlichen Streumittel  bei Schnee und Glätte in Stockerau gefordert /

Required use of environmentally friendly and animal friendly scattering agent in snow and icy conditions in Stockerau, Germany


1174. Austria: Gesetzesänderung – Stoppt die Bettelei mit Tieren /

Legislative change - Stop begging with animals: Many passers have compassion with the dog , and give the beggar money, the beggar will never stop begging with the poor dog;the given money is never used for the dog and this is a cycle of interrupted heard!


1175. Germany: Hunde als Hilfsmittel anerkennen /

Recognize dogs as assistants - I have dog and he means everything to me. She has saved my life. I am diabetic and Sandy woke me up so I check my diabetes levels, thereby it turned out that I am far in hypoglycemia. Even otherwise she is my guide dog since I am dependent on the wheelchair; Sandy helps me in all life situations. That's why I requested the health insurer to take over the costs, but this was rejected because dogs are not a aid tool. Because I am not the only one who owns this problem, I demand for all health insurance companies to acknowledge dogs as assistants / service dogs. This affects diabetics, wheelchair users and people with mental problems and we all would be happy if we would receive financial support from our health insurance companies


1176. Ban Pinch/Prong collars

  …since when trust arises from violence ??? :-(


1177. Germany: Helft uns bitte mit eurer Stimme, damit endlich das Verfahren wieder aufgenommen wird und wir endlich unsere Amy wieder bekommen!

  ...BRINGT AMY NACH HAUSE!!! :-(  /

Please help us with your voice so that finally the process is resumed and we will finally get back our Amy! My Amy was torn from me by a private foster home. As soon as I only rudimentary post the name Amy, while searching for my beloved female dog, I am kicked out of all "Dog in Bielefeld," groups. The perpetrators allied themselves with the administrators against me and anyone who helps me and threw a lot of very nice and dedicated helpers simply out of the group. They spread lies, criminal lies of the operative event of defamation and slander! As there are constantly new information or statements where Amy allegedly is staying and this changes from minute by minute, we do not even know in which city or which state Amy is currently! 



1178. Germany: Abschaffung der Hundesteuer in Rheinland-Pfalz – Frankenthal und Umland /

Abolition of dog tax in Rhineland-Palatinate - Frankenthal and region


1179. Step Up Mississippi Lawmakers: Implement Animal Abuse Registry Now


1180.  Germany:  Einführung einer Tierschutz-Polizei in Deutschland 

...denn Amtstierärzte und Veterinär Ämter trinken Kaffee und tun NICHTS !!!! :-(  /

Introduction of animal protection police in Germany

.. the official veterinarians and veterinary offices drinking coffee and doing NOTHING !!!! :-(


1181. Stop cat and dog meat served at the restaurant La Table Suisse,


1182. Germany: Für biologisch abbaubare Hundekotsäckchen in Vorarlberg! /

For biodegradable dog waste bag in Vorarlberg, Austria!


1183. Germany: Günstigere (Reise) Tarife für Hundebesitzer! /

Cheaper Travel Rates for dog owners!


1184. There should be stronger and more human laws for the animals of Jamaica. Dogs are being beaten run over and some are starved. It seems a lot of people don't give a damn.


1185. If you see a stray FOREVER FRIEND, please say or do something. SAVE a dog's life today.


1186. Vietnam: Stop Dog Meat Abuse


1187. Stop gumtree advertising "free to good home dogs"


1188. Make selling or giving away dogs under the age 8 weeks illegal


1189. Stop Dog Fighting, Organized Crime in Putnam County, FL


1190. Demand Hunt Hounds be muzzled

...or much better: Prohebit hunting and stop this abuse of all animals - the horse you are sitting on, the dog who is hunting for your fun and the poor victim of your cruel sports :-( mayby hunting becomes boring to you all  if the hounds must wear muzzles!!!


1191. Stop the Import of Dog Leather Products into the U.S.!


- Neu / New 28.2.2016 -


1192. Ban the Sale of Live Animals on Instagram


1193. Honduras: Que se abra una linea telefónica especial para denunciar el maltrato animal /

Erstellen Sie eine spezielle Telefon Hotline, um Tier Missbrauch zu melden /

Create a special telephone hotline to report animal abuse






1195. Help end backstreet breeding - A mother. Again… and again… and again… and again! Forced to have multiple litters by unlicensed breeders and abandoned when no longer of use!


1196. Argentina: Que vuelvan las castraciones gratuitas en Zoonosis Merlo /

Wiederaufnahme der kostenlosen Zoonose Kastrationen in Merlo /

Resumption of free zoonosis castrations in Merlo


1197. State license required to breed dogs in Arizona


1198. Vamos a crear la Policía de Protección Animal en Argentina /

Wir fordern ein Tierschutzgesetz in Argentinien /

We Demand an Animal Protection Law in Argentina!


1199. Argentina: Rescate y ayuda a animales en situacion de calle /

Rettung und Hilfe für heimatlose Tiere /

Rescue and help for homeless animals


2000. Allow our dogs to socialise and exercise in a cage free environment at The Doggy Den

Seite / Page

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11 > 12 > 13 > 14 > 15 > 16 > 17 > 18 > 19 > 20 >

21 > 22 > 23 > 24 >

- 2016 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -

25 > 26 > 27 > 28 > 29 > 30 

31 > 32 > 33 > 34 > 35 > 36 > 37 > 38 > 39 >

doggy petitions, petition, hunde, dogs, animal welfare, tierschutz, tierschutzgesetz, legislation, animal abuse, tierquälerei, petición, pétition, petizione, ходатайство,


Der Vergewaltigung Ständer
Etwas, dass nur ein Züchter

erfinden und nutzen würde.
!!!  Ich hasse Hundezüchter   !!!

(Zumindest solange die Tierheime

weltweit so absolut überüllt sind)

:-( Good job breeders!

You are ruining our dogs!

Here a few words from a veterinarian

about what you really do… :-/

doggy petitions, petition, hunde, dogs, animal welfare, tierschutz, tierschutzgesetz, legislation, animal abuse, tierquälerei, petición, pétition, petizione, ходатайство,


Bitte unterstützt Tierrechte

Quelle/ Source: Facebook

Tierschutz - Animal Welfare 30

Doggy Petitions - The Petition Spread Portal for Dogs - Doggy Petitions - Das Petitions Verbreitungs Portal für Hunde - Doggy Petitions

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©Doggy Petitions 7. April 2015 by Suse Freiberg

One Year of Doggy Petitions with 2819 Supporters


!!!! Thank you in the name of Dogs worldwide !!!!


Two Year of Doggy Petitions with 5309 Supporters


!!!! Thank you in the name of Dogs worldwide !!!!

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