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Doggy Petitions - The Petition Spread Portal for Dogs - Doggy Petitions - Das Petitions Verbreitungs Portal für Hunde - Doggy Petitions

Gerechtigkeit für gequälte Hundeseelen!! -

Justice for abused dog souls!!


2551. Justice for 14 Dogs Allegedly Neglected and Starved - What agricultural unit deputies and animal service officers reportedly found when they raided Ivan McCollum’s home was shocking. Fourteen dogs were reportedly confined to crates and covered in urine and feces. One dog was reportedly tethered to a tree outside of the home without access to food, water, or shelter...


2552. Sign: Justice for Neglected Dogs Left to Waste Away - Four extremely malnourished dogs left to suffer in neglect

... one was near death, and so emaciated that every one of his ribs showed through his skin.


2553. Demand a FULL and IMMEDIATE Investigation of Discount Vet Wellness Clinic of Newark OH


2554. Germany: Bitte rettet meine Hundebabys!!!! Petition gegen das Verbot von Halten sogenannter Kampfhunde /

Please save my puppies- Petition against BSL


2555. Demand the Investigation of Desert Oasis Farm & Dog Boarding (Desert Oasis Farm and Dog Boarding in Buckeye, AZ (greater Phoenix, AZ)

  ...RIP Zero and Keizer :-(


2556. Demand harsh sentence for death of 21 Pitbulls by Vernon Silver - Prosecute Vernon Silver, to the Fullest Extent of the Law for neglect after 21 Pit Bulls were found dead on his property in Hampton. 21 Pit Bulls were found dead in Cages along with Dogfighting Paraphernalia in his home on Abby Court.


- Neu / New 17.5.2017 -


2557. Mexico: Justicia para muñeca, la perrita azul /

Gerechtigkeit für Muñeca, die blaue Hündin - Finden und bestrafen Sie die Tierquäler, die eine Hündin namens „Muneca“ in blaue Farbe warfen, sie zwangen Lösungsmittel zu schlucken, und sie mit einem Eispickel erstachen, bevor sie sie in eine Nische, in der Stadt Michoucon, warfen. /

Justice for Muñeca, the blue dog – Find and Prosecute the animal abusers who threw a female Dog named 'Muneca' into blue paint, forced her to swallow solvent, and stabbed her with an ice pick before they threw her into alcove in the town of Michoucon.


2558. Above the Law- Remove Jerry Clase as Animal Control Officer of Kosciuszko County. He doesn't follow protocol as an ACO, destroying Animals without probable cause. He heartlessly killed a dog named Kenai the day after he was Seized, What happened to the 10 day quarantine.

...He is NOT above the Law!


2559. Spain: Cierren la página "Odio a los perros Gg" /

Schließen Sie die Webseite “Ich hasse Hunde Gg” /

Close the Page 'I hate Dogs Gg.'


2560.  Allow Niko outside Visits with his family. He is not a monster. It is cruel to keep him locked away.


2561. Brazil: Capturar a los asesinos de animales /

Erfassen Sie die Tierkiller - Finden und bestrafen Sie die Übeltäter, die die streunenden Tiere im Bezirk von San Carlos.vergiften /

Capture the Animal Killers - Find and Prosecute the POS that is Poisoning Stray Animals in the District of San Carlos.


2562. New Zealand: Demand the Levin Pet World closes for good!


2563. Russia: Отстранить от должности Мэра Махачкалы! /

Entlassung des Bürgermeisters von Makhachkala! - Wir fordern, dass der Bürgermeister von Makhachkala, Askhabalievicha Musa Musayev, und alle beteiligten Parteien des grausamen, unnötigen Massakers an streunenden Hunden, in vollem Umfang des Gesetzes verfolgt und bestraft werden! /

To dismiss the Mayor of Makhachkala! - We Demand the Mayor of Makhachkala, Askhabalievicha Musa Musayev, and all involved parties of the cruel, needless Massacre of abandoned Dogs be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law!


2564. Stop the genocide of unsheltered dogs in Yerevan - Instead of curing and sterilizing the poor animals properly they mainly shoot them on the streets and burn the bodies of the dead animals afterwards in order to destroy the evidences  

...even so donations are given to a company in Armenia called "Unigraph X"


2565. México: Salven a los perros /

Rettet die Hunde - Sie werden verbrannt, um als Dog-Meat-Tacos verkauft zu werden! Das ist grausam, schändlich und ekelhaft! Hunde zu verbrennen, nur um verschiedene Arten von Nahrung anzubieten! Rettet die Hunde! /

Save the dogs - They are burned to be sold as dog-meat tacos! This is cruel, shameful and disgusting! To burn Dogs just to offer different kinds of food! Save the dogs!


2566. Surrender Bandit to the no kill rescue - The nation has heard about Capone, the "wolf" dog. The same shelter that had unnecessarily kept Capone captive is holding another dog named Bandit in prison


2567. Demand Mayor Getty and Police Chief Keating have a necropsy done on KILO ! (dogaHOWLicks Rescue) - BE KILO's VOICE

... We Demand a Necropsy (Animal Autopsy) be preformed on Kilo so we can prove the cause of his death was extreme neglect. Charge his own with Criminal Charges instead of just a fine!

... RIP Kilo :-(


2568. Turkey:Milas’ta 15 hayvan telef edildi. BU VAHŞET'İN SORUMLULARI BULUNSUN!/

In Milas (Algerien) wurden 15 Tiere vernichtet. DAS IST DIE VERANTWORTUNG VON VATETH! - Ungefähr 15 Katzen und Hunde werden in Bahcelievler (der Nachbarschaft von Milas) in ihrem eigenen Hinterhof vergiftet und getötet! Finden und verfolgen Sie den Täter, der verantwortlich ist! /

In Milas (Algeria) 15 animals were destroyed. THAT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF VATETH! - About 15 cats and dogs are poisoned and killed in their own backyard in Bahcelievler (the neighborhood of Milas)! Find and prosecute the perpetrator who is responsible!


2569. Save Kron's Life


2570. Spain: Que la policía investigue los innumerables robos de perros que se están produciendo. /

Lassen Sie die Polizei die unzähligen Hunde Diebstähle, die stattfinden, untersuchen - Finden und bestrafen Sie den Täter, der in Myriad Familienhunde klaut und sie für geheime Hundekämpfe oder als Köderhunde benutzt! /

Let the police investigate the myriad dog thefts that are being produced - Find and punish the perpetrator who steals family dogs in Myriad and uses them for clandestine Dogfighting or as bait dogs!


2571. Save Sky - Release Sky and Let Her Live – UK ONLY!!!


2572. Please request adequate punishment for Animal Abuser - Prosecute Bentley Valdèz of Stratford, to the Fullest Extent of the Law for Extreme Animal Neglect when 22 French Mastiffs were found on his property Emaciated, 10 of the Dogs were dead.



Facebook, Hören Sie auf, Tierschützer und Retter zu blocken! /

Facebook, STOP Blocking Animal Advocates and  Defenders!


2574. Australia: Man (Haris Ljuhar) Accused of Keeping Nearly 100 Animals in Filth–Demand Justice - Eighty-one dogs and puppies, mostly American Staffordshire Bull Terriers, were removed from the home alongside 10 cats. Many of the animals were starved to the point of malnutrition and visible emaciation, per reports.


2575. Spain: Exigimos la renovacion de recogida de animales en granada !!! /

Wir fordern die Rückgabe der Tiere, die in Granada eingesammelt wurden !!! /

We demand the return of the animals collected in Granada !!!

Seite / Page

1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 5 > 6 > 7 > 8 > 9 > 10 > 11 > 12 > 13 > 14 > 15 >

- 2016 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -

16 > 17 > 18 > 19 > 20 >

21 > 22 > 23 > 24 > 25 > 26 > 27 > 28 > 29 >

- 2017 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -

30 >

31 > 32 > 33 > 34  35 > 36 > 37 > 38 > 39 > 40 >

doggy petitions, petition, hunde, dogs, justice, gerechtigkeit, animal abuse, voice for animals, petición, pétition, petizione, ходатайство,
doggy petitions, petition, hunde, dogs, justice, gerechtigkeit, animal abuse, voice for animals, petición, pétition, petizione, ходатайство,

Quelle / Source:  Hendrick & Co


Ich teile,

um Tiere wie sie zu retten.

Teile dies,

wenn Du auch dabei bist

Quelle / Source:   SPEAK UP Stop Animal Abuse


!!! Sprecht für Bandit !!!

Drei große Hunde haben mich angegriffen
Meine Frauchen hat nicht versucht, es zu stoppen
Ich bin gestorben,

während Fremde versuchten, mich zu retten ...


:-( Ruhe in Frieden, Bandit :-( RIP Bandit :-(

2576. Punish Woman Who Allegedly Denied Medical Care to Sick Puppies - Bailey was one of more than 100 puppies sold by Pawlosophy, a fake pet rescue organization reportedly run by Megan Ann Hoechstetter.



Verurteilung für den Verantwortlichen des Todes einer Hündin in Lucena - Wir fordern Gerechtigkeit für eine Hündin namens 'Venus', die von einem Balkon eines zweistöckigen Gebäudes in ihren Tod geworfen wurde. /

Condemnation for the person responsible for the death of a female dog in Lucena - We demand justice for a female dog named Venus, who was thrown into her death from a balcony of a two-story building.




2579. UK: Save Sky - Release Sky and Let Her Live - Sky is another victim of the BSL (Breed Specific Legislation) in the UK. We, the under signed, request her life be spared! Send her back to her loving family.


2780. Spain:  Retirar e impedir la tenencia de animales a este hombre / Der Besitz von Tieren durch diesen Mann muss verhindert werden - Finden und verklagen Sie diese Person aus Nerja, der eine Vorgeschichte aus Tiermissbrauch und Grausamkeit hat. Lebenslanges Haltungsverbot von Tieren für ihn! / The possession of animals by this man must be prevented - Find and Prosecute this person from Nerja that has a history of Animal Abuse and Cruelty. Ban him from Owning Animals for Life!


2581. Justice for Dog Thrown in Trash Bag and Left to Die by Police Officer - Prosecute Officer Michael Long, an officer of the Philadelphia Police Department to the Fullest Extent of the Law for Starving his Dog 'Cranberry', wrapping him up in a sheet, throwing hin into a Dumpster to die.


2582. Spain: Qué el propietario de este perro sea denunciado, juzgado y condenado por maltrato animal. /

Dass der Besitzer dieses Hundes wegen Tiermissbrauch angezeigt und verurteilt wird. /

That the owner of this dog be denounced and convicted of animal abuse.


2583. Justice for Tres the tripod - When he was rushed to pvsec he had broken ribs and internal bleeding. This puppy did nothing more than just be a puppy. According to investigators he made a mess in the house and that is what lead to his horrific abuse.


2584. Turkey: Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi kampüsünden toplanan köpekler bulunsun! /

Finden Sie die Hunde, die von Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Campus eingefangen wurden - Stoppen Sie die vergiften der streunenden Hunde, die auf dem Universitätscampus leben! /

Find dogs captured by Mehmet Akif Ersoy University campus - Stop the poisoning of the stray dogs that live on the university campus!


2585. Facebook- Recognize animal abuse and shut down "pitbull krysheci" and others like this!  

...and investigate against the holders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-/


2586. Justice for Puppy Who Lost Leg in Alleged Abuse - A puppy’s leg had to be amputated after it was broken in an alleged act of abuse. A man allegedly kicked the puppy in the leg, breaking it beyond repair. Demand justice for this innocent puppy.


2587. Punish Man (Yuk Cheung) Accused of Hurling Dog From Balcony - A New York man was arrested for reportedly throwing his ex-girlfriend’s dog off of a balcony, killing the animal instantly after she fell over 70 feet.


2588. Russia: Анонимный живодер может остаться безнаказанным /

Gegen Mord und sexuelle Gewalt an Tieren! Verfolgen Sie eine anonyme Bildtafel namens"Dvach", Verhaftung und Anklage nach Artikel 245 des Strafgesetzbuches! /

Against the Murder and Sexual Violence against Animals! Track Down an anonymous image board 'Dvach', Arrest and Charge under Article 245 of the Criminal Code!


2589. Prosecute repeated animal abuser Dolores Eva Saverese to the fullest extent of the law


2590. Justice for Dog Found Nearly Dead From Starvation - A Denver resident, Tyler Hicks, has been charged with animal cruelty after he surrendered his boxer at a veterinary clinic in North Denver.


2591. Justice for Dogs Reportedly Starved and Neglected - Brevard County Animal Control removed two dogs from Claire Mimier’s home after they were reportedly found to be malnourished and in poor condition.


2592. Ukraine: Покарати жорстокого вбивцю собаки! Punish the murderer of a dog! Наказать садиста-убийцу! /

Bestrafen Sie den brutalen Hunde-Mörder! - Finden und verfolgen Sie den Mann, der einen Hund, auf dem Markt von Sunny Oleksandr Sych!, ermordete !!(Englische Übersetzung unten) /

Punish the brutal killer of dogs! - Find and Prosecute the murder a Dog at the Market of Sunny Olexandr Sych!  (Full English translation below)


2593. Demand Maximum Penalty for Couple Facing 160 Animal Cruelty Charges - Prosecute Le Ngoe Pham and Hoan Con Nguwen of Dothan, to the Fullest Extent of the Law after they have been charged with 165 counts of Animal Cruelty for keeping 65 Dogs/16 Exotic Birds in Deplorable Conditions.


2594. Justice for Dogs and Cats Allegedly Abandoned and Starved - Prosecute Susie Robbins, of Sebastian County, to the Fullest Extent of the Law for Abandoning 15 Dogs/3 Cats in a house after she moved.



Das TÖDLICHE Flohmittel BRAVECTO muss sofort vom Markt! - Das Flohmittel „Bravecto“ hat die höchste Zahl der gemeldeten, schwerwiegenden und unerwünschten Ergebnisse der Welt (3988 bis 7. März 2017) und ist für den Tod von fast 1000 Hunden verantwortlich. Immer wieder werden die Hunde krank oder sterben nach der Verabreichung dieses Medikaments. Viel zu viele OPFER! HERSTELLER, ÖFFENTLICHE BEHÖRDEN UND REGIERUNG schließen die Augen und übernehmen keine Verantwortung. /

The DEADLY flea control product BRAVECTO off the market immediately! - The "Bravecto" flea control product has the highest number of reported, serious and unwanted results in the world (3988 to 7 March 2017) and is responsible for the death of nearly 1000 dogs. Again and again the dogs become sick or die after the administration of this medicine. Far too many VICTIM! MANUFACTURERS, PUBLIC AUTHORITIES AND GOVERNMENT close their eyes and accept no responsibility.



Für die Rechte der Tiere, meine Hündin starb nachdem sie in Polizeigewahrsam war - Gerechtigkeit für die Hündin, die von einem Auto angefahren und getötet wurde, nachdem die Marbella-Polizei sie auf dem Grundstück in Gewahrsam nahm und vernachlässigte, sie gut festzuhalten. /

For the rights of animals, my female dog died after she was in police custody - Justice for the Dog that was hit and killed by a car after the Marbella Police made an arrest on the property and neglected to detain it.


2597. Punish Dog Trainer Who Allegedly Abandoned and Starved Dogs and Birds - Prosecute Matthew Leeth of Alexander County, to the Fullest Extent of the Law for Abandoning a multitude of animals in a vacant building, which was supposedly used as a dog training facility, w/o access to food or water leading to many of their deaths.


2598. Spain: Pido cárcel para los que sacrifican mascotas en las perreras Españolas : Murcia Andalucía /

Ich erwarte Gefängnis für diejenigen, die die Haustiere in den Zwingern von Murcia Andalusien opfern / töten - Wir fordern die Höchststrafe für den Tierquäler und Killer in dem Zwinger von Murcia Andalusien! /

I expect prison for those who sacrifice / kill the pets in the kennels of Murcia Andalucia - We Demand the Maximum Penalty for the Animal Abusers and Killers in the Kennels in Murcia Andalucía!


2599. Justice for Puppy, abandoned in a storage container along the side of the road in Howard County, Maryland


2600. Justice for Dog Allegedly Stomped to Death - Prosecute 18 year old Kyle Corbin of Broome County, for stomping to Death his aunts Chihuahua and throwing it body in a creek by the trailer park where she lives.

©Doggy Petitions 7. April 2015 by Suse Freiberg

One Year of Doggy Petitions with 2819 Supporters


!!!! Thank you in the name of Dogs worldwide !!!!


Two Year of Doggy Petitions with 5309 Supporters


!!!! Thank you in the name of Dogs worldwide !!!!

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