- Neu / New 19.3.2016 -
2151. Drop defamation charges against Nami Kim who rescued puppies from a dog hanging restaurant
…please sign for Nami Kim!!! She is a wonderful animal rights activist and her only crime is to love animals!!!
2152. Animal Abusers should be treated the same as Child Abusers
2153. Help the Plight of Mak Intan (wife of later Pak Mie) Resquer of 450 abandone/strays dogs and cats in Kedah, Malaysia
2154. Declaración universal de los derechos del animal en Venezuela /
Allgemein gültige Erklärung der Tierrechte in Venezuela - Wir fordern, dass das Gesetz zum Schutz der Tiere, geregelt durch Artikel 18, durchgesetzt wird. /
Generally valid Declaration of Animal Rights in Venezuela - We demand that the law on the protection of animals, governed by Article 18, is enforced.
2155. Q se cumplan las leyes de protección animalista y se creen refugios para los perritos de Venezuela. /
Dafür, dass die Tierschutzgesetze in Venezuela durchgesetzt werden und für die Erbauung von Tierheimen für all die streunenden Welpen /
For that the animal protection laws in Venezuela are enforced and for the construction of shelters for all the stray puppy
2156. Demand Full Punishment for Animal Abusers
2157. EBAY is SELLING body parts/SKULLS of the DOGS and CATS murdered/eaten in CHINA on its TAXIDERMY sites!
2158. Turkey: İzmir, Menderes İlçesindeKöpekKatliamıDurdurulsun /
Stoppen Sie das Bezirks Hundemassaker in Izmir, Menderes: - Hunde werden durch Massenvergiftung und durch brutale Morde getötet !! /
Stop the district Dog massacre in Izmir, Menderes: - dogs are killed by mass poisoning and brutal murder !!
2159. Turkey: Hayvanlara işkence edilmesine artık ses çıkarın! /
Entfernen Sie die Tierquäler aus unserer Gesellschaft und stellen Sie sicher, dass diese Unmenschen, die Hunde foltern und töten, bestraft werden!! /
Remove the animal abusers from our society and make sure that these fiends who torture and kill dogs, are punished !!
2160. Stop Chicago's city pound from getting away with neglect.
2162. Demand a national animal cruelty register in the UK and ask for harsher penalties for animal abusers!
2163. Turkey: Hayvanların Yaşam Haklarının Anayasada Yer Almasını Talep Ediyoruz.. /
Wir fordern, dass ein Leben, gemäß der Rechte für Tiere, endlich Möglich gemacht wird!!!. /
We demand that a life in accordance with the rights of animals, is finally made possible !!!
2164. Turkey: Mersin Forum AVM Yönetimi; Petshop’taki Kedi/Köpek Satışını Durdurun! /
An das Management; des Einkaufszentrums "Forum Mersin!: Beenden Sie den Verkauf von Kätzchen (Katzen) und Welpen (Hunde) in den Zooläden ihrer Einkaufspassage. /
To the management; the shopping center "Forum Mersin": Stop the sale of kittens (cats) and puppies (dogs)in pet stores of your shopping arcade.
2165. Stop the mass killing of Bali's dogs
Wir sind gegen die Tötung von ausgesetzten und streunenden Hunden!! Die Delegierten sind mit dem Gesetzesentwurf, zur Änderung und Verbesserung des Tierschutzgesetzes, bezüglich des Schutzes und desWohlergehen der Tiere, nicht einverstanden... das derzeitige Gesetz, bietet, unter anderem, ganz legal die Möglichkeit der Euthanasie von streunenden Hunden, wenn sie, nach 15 tägigem Aufenthalt im Tierheim, nicht in einem neuen Zuhause untergebracht wurden!! Rettet unsere Hunde!!! /
We are against the killing of abandoned and stray dogs !! The delegates do not agree to the draft law, amending and improving the Animal Welfare Act, in relation to the protection and welfare of animals, .. the current law provides, amongst other things,, the perfectly legally possibility of euthanasia of stray dogs if they were not adopted or re-homed after 15-day staying at the animal shelter!! Rescue our dogs !!!
2167. Put an end to the dog hoarding and abuse by Diane Habener AKA Tuffie's Animal Rescue (Maricopa County, Arizona)
2168. Ohio's laws STILL protect animal abusers, A.R.C. threatens those trying to save them - We are in Montgomery County Ohio, and most residents here who attempt to save these poor animals know that The Animal Resource Center of Montgomery County (aka ARC) is probably the worst place to get involved, but the only place that holds any power to take action! ARC has a horrible reputation. Visit their Facebook page and you'll see they have numerous complaints for putting animals down before their mandatory hold time is up, breaking promises to animal owners, not doing their job to help animals
…Justice for Blue and all other suffering dogs like him :-(
Beenden Sie die illegalen Machenschaften der Hundezüchter in Spanien /
Stop the illegal wheeling and dealing of dog breeders in Spain
2170. Spain: Servicio de ayuda a animales en carretera /
Unterstützen Sie einen Dienst der Güte für die Tiere auf den Straßen – Ich möchte an Sie appellieren und erzwingen, den Lebewesen auf den Straßen zu helfen!! Nehmen Sie sie mit zu einem Tierarzt, einer Tierklinik, einem Tierheim oder zur Polizei und lassen Sie dort den Mikro-Chip einlesen, sowohl von lebenden als auch von toten Tieren!! Wenn sie es seelisch nicht verkraften ein totes Tier zu transportieren, melden Sie bitte wenigstens den Fundort des armen Tieres!! Tiere verdienen eine gute Behandlung!! Also, lassen Sie uns für einen gütigen und gerechten Service Sorge tragen !! /
Support a service of kindness for the animals on the streets - I would appeal to you and enforce you to help the living beings on the streets !! Take them to a veterinarian, a veterinary clinic, an animal shelter or to the police and let read the micro-chip, both alive as well as dead animals !! When you mentally cannot cope to transport a dead animal, please report at least the location of the poor animal !! Animals deserve a good treatment !! So, let us take care of a kindly and equitably service !!
2171. Ask NY Times to remove post 'India Stray Dogs Are a Menace' by GARDINER HARRIS - This promotes hatred towards the already mistreated stray dogs in India. News should not be one man's personal opinion about his likeness or hatred towards any animal. This hurts the feeling of people who are selflessly trying to help and give them a better life!!!!!
2172. Spain: Quiero veterinarios públicos nuestros animales,también pagamos impuestos por ellos! /
Unsere Tiere brauchen eine öffentliche Tierklinik , wir zahlen schließlich auch Steuern für sie ! /
Our animals need a public veterinary hospital, we also pay taxes for them!
2173. Spain: Por favor, norma para que todas las viviendas de alquileraceptenanimales de compañia. /
Bitte erklären Sie die Erlaubnis für den Besitz von Haustieren für alle Mietwohnungen als Norm /
Please explain the permit for the possession of domestic animals for all apartments as standard
- Neu / New 8.4.2016 -
2174. Stop killing army Dogs which help detect mines, retrieve buried persons. The Indian army euthanizes old retired dogs. Instead give them on adoption.
...such a shame :-( they are giving you all they have ... THEIR LIFE!!! :-/
2175. UK: Petition for the partial use of the Allerton Street Playground for off-leash Dog Use in Plymouth, MA
2176. Demand "Just Pups" to be Shut Down for Animal Abuse!
2177. Ban the Neglect of Dogs on Residential Balconies
2178. Help the Theiler's keep their dogs - Meire Grove MN City Council demand they get rid of their dogs!!She has 5 dogs. They are 4 sled dogs and one small breed. (2 of those 5 dogs are ESAs for medical reasons.) Meire Grove MN, recently imposed an ordinance that limits residents to 2 dogs per household
2179. Justice for Patches and Lucky: Prosecute to the full extent of the law - Ex-Jefferson County Deputy Sheriff Amy Vudures of Bailey, Colorado and board member of “Spoo Bell Weimaraner Rescue and the Littles” of NM aka Rose Farley was identified via witness who also identified the vehicle and the Colorado plate, kicking in the front door to Fred’s home. Along with credible witnesses in the neighborhood!!
… Justice for Patches and Lucky
2180. Stop Murdering Pit Bulls at Darke County Animal Shelter! The shelter doesn't even attempt to adopt out these innocent dogs. Instead they immediately euthanize them because they have visually identified them as "pit bulls".
2181. Oppose or Amend Wisconsin Bill (AB487/SB450) That Would Shorten Stray Hold for Lost Pets - A bill has been introduced into the Wisconsin State Legislature that seeks to reduce the required stray hold for found animals from the current seven days to only four days!
...are they way crazy :-/
2182. Stop India's Stray Dogs from Becoming Dog Meat
2183. STOP the poisoning and killing of the streetdogs in Turkey
2184. Find Man Who Raped and Brutally Hung Pit Bull from Tree - Thurston County, Washington
2186. Justice for Spike the friendly dog: fire NYPD policeman who shot him for no reason!
…Justice for Spike and his “Mommy” Yvonne :-(
2187. Britain just approved a farm that breeds puppies for animal testing. This must be stopped
2188. Justice for Prince - Maximum penalty against Mark Allan Lee! A pit bull named prince was stolen from his home and beloved family in a black vehicle. Surveillance footage shows the black Jeep pulling up next to their home and putting the dog in their car. It was only days later when a man known as Mark Alan Lee was showing off photos of his new family member (Prince) who he renamed “Monster”.
2189. Ban the Sale of Free Animals on Facebook
2191. Ban Wisconsin Petland’s and Furry Babies from selling puppies!
2192. BAN Airpets UK & British Airways -TORTURED/KILLED my Golden Retriever. Safer Pet Travel!!!!
…RIP Riley :-(
…RIP Jethro :-(
2194. Let dogs have Dlo assessment at home where there's no stress - Please let's try and change the BSL law even if 1 small part at a time, I think that by handing a dog owner a notice that their dog is considered to possibly be 'type' and let them know they will have to arrange an appointment with the DLO to come and see the dog and carry out an assessment in your home.
2196. Woody Harrelson Says NO to Cruel Fashion - I pledge to make compassion my fashion and fight back against the fur industry by not buying or wearing fur or fur trim (The Humane Society of the United States)
2197. Spain: Una Playa para perros /
Une plage de chien / Ein Hundestrand /
A dog beach
2198. Success: Animal Hoarder Banned From Owning Animals
2199. All pets deserve access to life-saving vet care! Please click “Agree”
2200. STOP anti freeze poisoning on CATS & DOGS by changing the taste by adding Denatonium.
Tierschutz - Animal Welfare 34
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- 2016 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -
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