- 2016 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -
- 2017 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -
6 >
301. Don't ban my dog from military housing just because of her breed and she may be taken away from me, because of an absurd and misguided ban on “aggressive” dog breeds on all military bases. What’s crazy is that bulldogs aren’t even on my base’s list of banned breeds, but the housing office says her jaws “look very pitbull. …are they way crazy?? So many police/ military dogs are Pitbulls, German Shepards and so on :-/
302. Kennett, MO Humane Department: Officer to be salaried or on call to prevent neglect
- Neu / New 13.1.2016 -
303. Punish Cops Who Allegedly Laughed While Shooting Puppy - Apparently the dog was secured properly in the yard, and that instead of knocking on her door to talk to her about supposed complaints about her pet, the police went straight onto her property, through her gate, and killed Bear. The animal control officer with them claims that Bear broke his restraints and knocked him over, but did not say that the dog bit him or attempted to hurt him. For this, the officers felt it necessary to pump eight bullets into the puppy. They then allegedly said to Fry: “Well you don’t have a dog anymore. He’s done now!”
:-( RIP Bear :-(
304. Make sure Chrystal Wright and Maudrice Daniels are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Don’t let this happen in Kennett again! A 16year old took a picture of his neighbor beside the dog he'd just beat with a metal pole. Even though the police knew the address of the crime they did not do enough to help the animal!!!!!
305. Justice for Brody - He is our family member that was shot and killed by a sherrif in our own yard today. Someone called and said that A DOG bit them... Yet there is no report or no record of it. They said the dog was a brown and tan Shepard mix female.. Now does our Brody which is a male look anything like that?
…RIP Brody :-( when will these trigger-happy officers/sheriffs learn to first take a look and then react :-(
306. Demand military dogs retire in the U.S.!Retired Military Dogs Will Return Home to U.S. for Adoption!
307. Demand justice for Biggie,the dog shot dead unfairly by a Perth cop
RIP to my beloved Cuddle Bear "Balou" :-(
we tried to run faster than Cancer, but did not make it...
he went to the rainbowbridge on January 15, 2016
Now Balou (left) is with my beloved Emma (right) ...
- Neu / New 29.1.2016 -
308. Retrain Officer Who Allegedly Laughed at Attacked Service Dog
… Justice for Andie!!!
309. Russia: Бездействие Вышневолоцкой Полиции, нарушения всех сроков по уголовному делу №1000056 /
Untätigkeit der Polizei von Wyschni Wolotschok und Verstöße in Hinsicht auf das Strafverfahren Nr. 1000056 - Gerechtigkeit und Strafverfolgung der Täter, die eine weibliche Person niedergestochen haben und ihren Hund vergifteten! /
Inactivity by the police of vyshny volochyok, Russia, and infringements in regard to the criminal proceeding no. 1000056 - Justice and prosecution for the culprits who stabbed a female person and poisoned her dog!
310. Have Officer Dillion fired for shooting innocent pups (Prince George County, Maryland)
311. Save Dubrovnik animals / Spasimo Dubrovacke zivotinje - On the night between December 20th and 21st 2015 Dubrovnik police department with more than 50 armed officers entered the NO KILL animal shelter on Zarkovica in Dubrovnik. Over 350 animals have been ABDUCTED without any court order, and taken all over the country to the KILL SHELTERS in which they are now given 60 days before being euthanized
…please save King's Landing animals and support Sandra, she won Dubrovnik volunteer of the year for her selfless devotion
to caring for these dogs!!!!! Help her please!!!
312. STOP LAW ENFORCEMENT'S 'CARE-LESS' SHOOTING OF FAMILY PETS! Many of these dogs have been shot running away! Many times officers have even walked into families own back yards and shot their dogs. This is not right! Tazers for instance, used with caution not to kill, would be a better option, and to call animal control.
- Neu / New 13.2.2016 -
313. Stolen Dogs - We need the police to take action about the rising number of stolen dogs (Dawson Creek British Columbia, Canada)
- Neu / New 23.2.2016 -
314. Stop redeploying war dogs for profit. Allow soldiers to adopt their heroic war dogs
Gerechtigkeit für einen Polizei-Hund, der in ein Auto gesperrt wurde und an Hitzschlag starb. /
Justice for the Police Dog who was locked in a car and died by heatstroke.
316. Iberia Parish Police allowing the beating of dog posted by owner on Facebook - We need to take a stand and push the Iberia Parish district Attorney to bring in outside officers to assist in he investigation as it appears the officers are incompetent to proceed with doing this job. Calls have gone rudely in which officers and dispatch have told callers that it is none of our business and have hung up the call.
317. Minnesota Sheriff's Brett Arthur Berry needs to be fired for brutally beating his canine partner Boone!
- Neu / New 17.3.2016 -
318. Mexico: Justicia para el perroFirulais, asesinado de unbalazopor ministerial de Parral /
Ich bitte um die Entlassung eines öffentlichen Bediensteten (einem Mitglied der ministeriellen Polizei in Parral, Chih), der verantwortlich für die Tötung eines streunenden Hundes, namens Spike, ist; Spike wurde mit einer gezielten Kugel in den Kopf getötet, weil er bellte
... Ruhe in Frieden, Spike :-( /
I ask for the dismissal of a public official (a member of the ministerial police in Parral, Chih) who is responsible for the killing of a stray dog named Spike, Spike was killed with a targeted bullet in the head because he was barking
... Rest in peace, Spike :-(
319. Remove and Prosecute Minnesota Deputy who beat his K-9 partner! Minnesota deputy Brett Arthur Berry was caught on surveillance footage behind Black Bear Casino in Carlton, Minnesota, abusing his K-9 partner, Boone, on June 15 2015 at a K-9 training event!!
…Justice for Boone!! :-/
320. Perú: Detengan los abusos contra los perros policies /
Stoppen Sie den Missbrauch von Polizeihunde – Hören Sie auf der Polizei zu erlauben, die Köpfe ihre Polizeihunde zwischen Eisenstangen im Rückteil ihrer Polizeiwagen einzuklemmen und sie angekettet zurückzulassen!! Die Hunde können sich nicht bewegen oder hinlegen und das ist unverantwortlich! Und Tierquälerei!! /
Stop the abuse of police dogs - Stop to allow the police to pinch the heads their police dogs between iron bars in the back of their police cars and leaving them chained !! The dog can not move or lie down and that is irresponsible and animal cruelty!!!
Ermittlungen und Durchsetzung des Gesetz Nr. 30407, bezüglich des mutmaßlichen Vergewaltigers von Hunden - Das Schlimmste ist, dass, trotzdessen es in Lima (Peru) bereits ein Gesetz gegen Tierquälerei gibt, die Behörde der Polizeistation des Bezirks Mateo Pumacahua, diese Beschwerde verhöhnt und sich weigert sie zu akzeptieren! Schon seit Monaten wird diese Angelegenheit von Tierschutz Aktivisten beobachtet und es wurden Aufzeichnungen gesammelt, die zeigen, wie die Hündin „Blanquita“ das Haus dieses Mannes, mit Spuren von Sperma an ihrem Körper, verließ!! Es wird auch vermutet, dass er sein eigenes Haustier vergewaltigt! Dies ist nur ein Beispiel für die Ignoranz der Behörden, die den Mangel an Solidarität, Bewusstsein und Ausbildung zu Themen wie Tierschutz beweist!!!
...Gerechtigkeit für Blanquita :-( und allen anderen Hunden!!! /
Investigation and enforcement of the Act No. 30407, regarding this suspected rapist of dogs - Even worse is that, while there is already a law against animal cruelty in Lima (Peru), the authority of the District Police Station Mateo Pumacahua, mocked this complaint and refuses to accept it! For months this matter is observed by animal rights activists and they collected videos that shows how the female dog "Blanquita" leaves the house of this man, with traces of semen on her body, !! It is also thought that he rapes his own pet! This is just one example of the ignorance of the authorities, which proves the lack of solidarity, awareness and education on issues such as animal welfare !!!
... Justice for Blanquita :-( and all other dogs!!!
322. Call for inquest into case of dog being killed by police on A55 road North Wales
… RIP little soul :-(
323. Dog Deliberately Run Over By Police Officers Deserves Justice - The officers said in a statement there was “no alternative” to running the dog over with their patrol car. However, considering the incident occurred at 3 a.m., it seems unlikely that traffic would have been too important to secure the area and close the road to traffic while the dog was caught.
- Neu / New 3.4.2016 -
325. Justice for Patches and Lucky: Prosecute to the full extent of the law - Ex-Jefferson County Deputy Sheriff Amy Vudures of Bailey, Colorado and board member of “Spoo Bell Weimaraner Rescue and the Littles” of NM aka Rose Farley was identified via witness who also identified the vehicle and the Colorado plate, kicking in the front door to Fred’s home. Along with credible witnesses in the neighborhood!!
... Justice for Patches and Lucky !!! :-/
326. Justice for Spike the friendly dog: fire NYPD policeman who shot him for no reason!
…Justice for Spike and his “Mommy” Yvonne :-(
327. Free Stella the dog & stop Devon Police from committing animal abuse.
328. Justice for A55 Dog
329. Fire and bring charges against NYPD officer who fatally shot a playful pitbull (Spike) in the Bronx while responding to a call.
330. India: Stop euthanizing man's best friend after a life of service to the nation.....
331. Save Stella the dog locked up by Devon police for two years without exercise
332. Save Stella the Pitbull from being destroyed
333. Fair rights for dogs in kennels
…free Stella and never abuse an confiscated dog so badly again :-/ shame on the police and also on animal control :-/
334. Devon and Cornwall police to Stop mistreating Stella
- Neu / New 16..4.2016 -
335. Dog Allegedly Shot by Officer While Wagging Tail Deserves Justice - Officer Ruben Cuesta reportedly shot the dog in front of his owner and her daughter after the dog snuck out into a hallway apartment while he was searching for another potential criminal. The dog was wagging its tail, according to witnesses. Although the dog’s owner tried to yell to the officer that the dog was friendly, the officer apparently did not make any effort to stop what he was doing.
336. Police Gave Away My Best friend/Dog
- Neu / New 29.4.2016 -
337. Spain: Desaparicion masiva de perros en la comarca del Baix Camp /
Massenhaftes Verschwinden von Hunden im Baix Camp - Viele Hunde sind verschwunden in den vergangenen Monaten!! Wir bitten, die Polizei diese Diebstähle zu untersuchen, denn inzwischen sind mehr als 50 Tiere verschwunden und es wird befürchtet, dass sie für Hundekämpfe (oder dem Training Hundekämpfe) missbraucht und gefoltert werden! Wo sind unsere Hunde????? /
Massive disappearance of dogs in the Baix Camp – Many dogs have disappeared in the past few months !! We ask the police to investigate these thefts because now more than 50 animals have disappeared and it is feared that they are abused and tortured for dog fighting (or for the training of dog fights) Where are our dogs ????
338. Spain: Solicito que la Policía muestre el debido interés,reciba formación,etc en Abuso Animal /
Alle Polizei Teams sollten, im Interesse der gesamten Bevölkerung, eine Ausbildung erhalten, die ihnen zeigt, wie sie in Fällen von Tierquälerei zu handeln haben, wie sie mit den Menschen und auch mit den gequälten, oder sogar verletzten, Tieren umgehen sollten; es sollte eine Leitstellen hierfür erstellt werden. /
All police teams should, in the interests of the entire population, receive training that shows them how they have to act in cases of animal cruelty, how to deal with the people and with the tortured, or even injured, animals; there should be a control center to be created for this purpose.
Gerechtigkeit für POLACA - Bei einem Einsatzkommando der Militärpolizei (PM) wegen Obdachlosen Menschen, feuerte ein unvorbereiteter Polizei zwei Schüsse auf die Hündin "Polaca", die Stunden später starb. Sie hinterlässt, nun verwaisten, 8 Welpen, die weniger als 10 Tage alt sind. Wir können diese Art von Gewalt nicht mehr akzeptieren, auch wenn sie mit einer Behörde zu tun hat!! Die Polizei ist dafür da Leben zu verteidigen und zu bewahren - sei es Mensch oder Tier, sie werden von uns Steuerzahler für die Sicherheit der Bevölkerung bezahlt!!
...Ruhe in Frieden, Polaca :-( es tut mir so leid, dass deine Babys allein sind :-( /
Justice for Polaca – In a task force of the military police (PM) because homeless people, an unpremeditated police officer fired two shots at the dog "Polaca", who died hours later. She leaves, now orphaned, 8 puppies that are less than 10 days old. We can no longer accept this kind of violence, even if it has to do with an authority!! The police are there to defend life and to preserve - be it human or animal, they are paid by us taxpayers for the safety of the public !!
... Rest in peace, Polaca :-( I'm so sorry that your babies are alone :-(
- Neu / New 13.8.2016 -
Rheumatoid Arthritis
:-( How can it be that there are perfectly healthy
Animal Abusers and Child Molesters...
and I,
as a good human being and Animal Advocate,
have such a terrible disease :-(
(After a very long time in hospital, I hope,
that I may soon return to work with you in animal welfare !!!)
340. DEMAND CT State Police and Mayor's Office to investigate the allegations of dog abuse in Waterbury, CT - There is a video being widely circulated which captures the horrific sounds of dogs screaming while being allegedly beaten. It has also been alleged that sexual abuse of one or more dogs may have taken place on the same property by the man who is allegedly beating the dogs in the video. This abuse has been allegedly going on for over 4 years! And the Waterbury Police Department and the Waterbury ACO have not done a thorough investigation!
341. Russia: Убийство собак сотрудниками Полиции! ... Стоп ты убиваешь :-( !!!!! /
Beenden Sie die Tötung von Hunden durch die Polizei!! Der Gouverneur der Region Astrachan AA erließ den Befehl, die Stadt von allen streunenden Tieren vollständig zu bereinigen. Die Spenden, für Kastrationen und Sterilisationen, das von Freiwilligen Mitarbeitern der Tierheime und Bewohnern der Stadt gesammelt wurde, ist, durch Bestechungen und Unterschlagungen, spurlos verschwunden!!
Stop the Killing of Dogs by the Police!! The Governor of the Astrakhan AA Region gave orders to completely clean up the city from all stray animals. The donations, for castrations and sterilizations, which were collected by voluntary staff of the animal shelters and residents of the city disappeared through bribes and embezzlement!
342. Prosecute Columbia Police for Animal Cruelty – The Officers Roger Schlude, Michael Cavener, Thomas Quintana and Robert Fox all participated in the intentional and unnecessary killing and cruel punishment of two domestic companion animals.
343. Investigate the Devon and Cornwall Police Department Accused of Keeping Dogs Locked Up for Years - The police force came under fire after it emerged that it had kept a gentle pit bull named Stella locked up for two years without ever letting her out, apart from two behavioral assessments, over the entire period.
344. Petition to arrest and convict Alan Willis & accomplices for animal cruelty in DeKalb, Tx.
345. Totti the police K9 died in a hot car; her handler should be fired! - Totti was a friendly 2-year-old yellow lab. She was also a police dog trained to sniff out drugs. Now she is dead because her handler left her in a hot car for over two and a half hours. This handler should lose his job now!!!
...RIP Totti :-(
346. Company Accused of Massacring Dozens of Dogs Must be Shut Down - Twenty-four bomb-sniffing dogs were allegedly massacred by an overseas security company. Graphic photos show dead dogs lining a hallway in the facility. Demand the immediate shutdown of this U.S.-based company until further investigation can take place.
- Neu / New 27.1.2017 -
347. Rommel my dog my Hero - The fact is that Rommel's only crime was to protect me and attempts to flee a terrifying and aggressive scene with police. The police tried even so to prove he was a Pitbull....
348. Justice For Diesel - The Police and Animal control informed Miss Sims that the neighbor had apparently feared for his life. As a result he had time to go in his home retrieve his shot gun, proceed to loading it and then return outside and shoot Diesel, a sweet loving family pet and guardian to 4 little boys.
...RIP Diesel :-(
- Neu / New 9.2.2017 -
349. GET PRINCESS HOME TO HER FAMILY - Princess has been seized by Leicestershire Police under the dangerous dogs act for being suspected to be a banned pitbull type
350. Get These American Bulldogs Back with their family
351. Bring Brodie, the K9, Home - fighting for Brodie's right to retire !!!!
352. Save Butch the dog - Butch is a 9yr old Staffordshire Bull Terrier - he was seized by Merseyside Police after he was discovered locked in a flat with his deceased owner, Butch had been there without food or water for a number of days.
353. Stop Putting Down Healthy War Hero Dogs Just Because They're "Old"

In Utah ist es legal für die Polizei,
deinen eingezäunten und abgeschlossenen Hinterhof
zu betreten ...
... und deinen Hund zu töten!
Dies ist Geist.
Er wurde, während einer Nachbarschaftssuche
nach einem vermissten Kind,
(Später wurde es sicher zu Hause gefunden!)
am 18. Juni 2014 angeschossen und getötet.
Geist wurde zweimal,
nach der angeblichen Annäherung an Beamte
"auf eine aggressive Weise", angeschossen.
Mir wurde immer durch die Strafverfolgungs-Behörden gesagt, dass ein Hund die beste Verteidigung gegen Kriminalität ist. Hunde sehen keine Abzeichen, nur Fremde.
Ich möchte nicht in einem Staat leben,
indem die Haustiere von gesetzestreuen Bürgern,
für die Verteidigung ihres Eigentums und ihrer Familien,
erschossen werden können!!
!! RIP Geist :-( !!
Quelle/ Source: Google+

Quelle / Source: www.sureawesomeness.com
!!! Justice for Nala !!!
Polizist, der einem unschuldigen Hund die Kehle durchschnitt, läuft frei herum ...
Für die Liebe zu Tieren. Weiterleiten!
!!! Gerechtigkeit für Nala !!!
Polizeilicher Missbrauch an Hunden & Erschiessungen
Police Abuse & Shootings on Dogs 5
Doggy Petitions - The Petition Spread Portal for Dogs - Doggy Petitions - Das Petitions Verbreitungs Portal für Hunde - Doggy Petitions
NYPD cop shoots playful family dog in head
while dog wagged his tail happily
Owner mourns loss of his German shepherd
shot and killed by police officer
Pit Bull Caged For Two Years By British Authorities
Is Finally Getting Her Happy Ending