(Gibt es in Deutschland nicht, hier wäre es das Ordungsamt, Veterinärsamt und Tierheim-Vorstände)
(Is there not in Germany, where it would be the clerk's office, veterinary office and shelter board members)
- 2016 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -
- 2017 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -
6 >
201. Save Bella and Release her to her Rightful Owner!! Bella has been through so much already, being a puppy mill survivor, and this woman promised to take her on a trial basis only - but instead of getting back to the rescue, she took her to animal control in Morganton, NC, insisting to have Bella put to sleep. She has been caught in numerous lies over this dog and the events leading up to her sending the dog on death row…
203. Vote NO to the proposal to Killing All Animals in Lincoln County, NC Shelter after 10 days!!!
204. Spain: Salvemos a sus perros de una euthanasia /
Bewahren Sie diese Hunde vor der Euthanasie - Tausende von Hunden sterben jedes Jahr an der Valle Colino Tierzentrum!! /
Retain these dogs from euthanasia - thousands of innocent dogs die each year inthe Valle Colino animal center !!
205. Spain: Que el Ayto. de Siero no conceda la recogida de animales abandonados al Centro El Xelán /
Ayto. de Siero gewährt keine die Aufnahme von ausgesetzten Tieren im Xelan-Center/
Ayto. de Siero grants no intake of abandoned animals in the Xelan Center
206. Neglect abuse of dogs in Contra Costa Caifornia - Owner left town for 3 days, abandoned dogs, no water / food. Same happened last year. Animal Control has been notified over the years about the condition of the dogs. Animal Control policy is that as long as the dogs are standing and alert, there is no proof of a crime … What a shame :-/ how could animal control look away - but is very quick in action in needless cases like confiscate a barking dog ???????
207. This is a call to the NYPD, NYC Animal Care & Control and the ASPCA to work to remove the dogs from her. This petition is for the removal of June Wiggins (Hercules) two pitbulls from her home/property in Brooklyn, NY - We need to be a voice to those of us who are horrified by this situation and demand these dogs be removed and a voice for poor dogs who have lived their lives neglected!
…read more: Senior dogs left to suffer in blizzard - owner ignored orders to keep them in
Please sign and share:
… please sign once again for the removal of June Wiggins (Hercules) two pitbulls from her home/property in Brooklyn, NY!!!!!
209. STOP LAW ENFORCEMENT'S 'CARE-LESS' SHOOTING OF FAMILY PETS! Many of these dogs have been shot running away! Many times officers have even walked into families own back yards and shot their dogs. This is not right! Tazers for instance, used with caution not to kill, would be a better option, and to call animal control.
210. Improve conditions for animals in the care of Polk County animal control
…what a shame !!! :-/
- Neu / New 14.2.2016 -
211. FIRE SUPERVISOR RAMON HERRARA AND LAUNCH FULL INVESTIGATION INTO THE NUECES COUNTY AC - Nueces County Tx Animal Control supervisor Ramon Herrera III has been quoted as saying " I am finished dealing with rescues and adopters drama, I am going back to the way it used to be and KILLING THEM ALL AFTER THEIR 72 HOUR HOLD."
212. Stop Euthanizing Dogs by Gunshot - Oklahoma residents recently discovered that an animal shelter in Bristow euthanizes dogs by shooting them. The mayor of the town confirmed the allegations and added that three dogs had been shot to death that past week. He informed the public that the practice was legal under the state’s law which says that any shelter with a population of fewer than 10 thousand animals can “destroy unclaimed animals in a humane, acceptable way.” The issue is that the law does not specify humane practices
… :-/ what a shame!!
213. Help us rescue a neglected Pitbull and charge the owner with animal cruelty - The images in this petition show a clear case of neglect towards animal life, however neither the police officers of Clermont nor the Animal Services of Lake County are willing to pursue this case and help us rescue this poor dog!!!
… to keep a dog locked in a crate all day and night is not only damaging to the animal on psychological level but also on physiological :-( Animal Control: DO SOMETHING!!!! :-/ in other unneeded cases you react so very quick – do something good instead what we all are so tired and angry about; like euthanizing to quick!!!!
214. Bristow OK animal shelter to use vet only for all euthanasia, open shelter to public
215. Germany: Wir fordern die Sicherstellung von Hund Flawi, Bahnhofs Hund Farmsen /
We call for the securing of the dog Flawi, train station dog from Farmsen, Germany - Flawil must sit all day at the side of a begging, Romanian woman at the train station, on a little mini blanket; he gets no food and no water. He is not allowed to move from this little blanket !! If he does it; either he is beaten or the woman jerks the poor dog on the leash back on the blanket. The small 2 kilos dog is wearing a collar, which means that it must be also very painful to him!!! Rescue Flawi to a loving home!!!!!
216. Don’t Ban Responsible Rescue Group From Transporting Animals - Colorado recently began to enforce a licensing rule, which should lead to the better care of animal rescues during transport. Instead, the rule effectively outlaws other safe transportation methods, which also keep animals safe and make transportation less stressful. As a result, Going Home Animal Rescue and Transport (GHART) can no longer bring rescues into Colorado.
- Neu / New 29.2.2016 -
217. Warren County, TN Remove Michael Martin - We do not feel he has the qualities or knowledge to perform his duties as required by this office. His lack of empathy, knowlege of policy and blatant disreguard for the beliefs of Warren County residents in regards to animal control is deplorable.
218. Brazil: Prefeitura de São Bernardo do Campo: O que as carrocinhas do CCZ de São Paulo vem fazer no Riacho Grande? (CCZ = Centro de Controle e Zoonoses de São Paulo) /
Rathaus von São Bernardo do Campo City Hall: Warum kommt die CCZ von São Paulo nach Riacho Grande? (CCZ = Kontrollzentrum und Zoonosen von São Paulo) Bis jetzt ist ein Geheimnis, was den Hunden passiert, die die Fähre in Riacho Grande überqueren. Wir vermuten, dass diese Fahrzeuge, wenn sie von Grajaú nach Riacho Grande kommen, um Hunde hin und her zu transportiere; sowie auch vom Kontrollzentrum und Zoonoses von São Bernardo do Campo nach Grajaú oder an anderer Orte Wir erheben Anspruch auf Erklärungen, warum diese Wagen von São Paulo nach São Bernardo do Campo kommen!?! /
City Hall in São Bernardo do Campo: Why the CCZ of São Paulo comes to the Riacho Grande? (CCZ = Control Center and Zoonoses of São Paulo) Until now is a mystery what happened to the dogs, who are crossing the ferry in Riacho Grande. We suspect that these vehicles when they come from Grajaú to Riacho Grande are transporting dogs to and fro; as well as from the control center and Zoonoses of São Bernardo do Campo to Grajaú or to other places We lay claim to explanations why these cars are coming from São Paulo to São Bernardo do Campo !?!
219. Justice for Czar! Help Save His Life from Wrongfully Being Deemed Dangerous!!
220. I am petetioning the courts to not Euthanize my two 13 month Pitbulls
- Neu / New 19.3.2016 -
221. Punish Woman for Allegedly Letting Dog Die of Parvovirus - A pet store owner faces animal cruelty charges after allegedly failing to care for a Yorkie puppy, which ultimately lead to his death. This woman, who’s also the wife of an animal control officer, reportedly sold the puppy to a couple, but the helpless animal fell ill and was diagnosed with parvovirus.
222. Russia: Прекратите незаконную практику убийств животных в Краснодаре! /
Stoppen Sie die rechtswidrigen Praktiken zur Tötung der Tiere in Krasnodar - Am 14. Februar 2016 um 10.00 Uhr in Krasnodar (an der Kreuzung von Gorki und Demetrius Dam) haben zwei Mitarbeiter einer Firma, die auf das Einfangen von Tieren spezialisiert ist, in ihrem Auto (Nummernschild A434RO) nach verschiedenen Schätzungen zwischen 14 bis 40 heimatlose Hunde und Hunde mit Besitzer getötet!! Der Ermordungen wurden durch das Abschießen von Pfeilen durchgeführt oder mit Chemikalien, die den Hunden in die Mäuler gestopft wurden! Die grausamen Taten dieser Männer hatten den sofortigen Tod der Tiere zur Folge und es war uns nicht möglich den armen Hunden in irgendeiner Weise zu helfen;; all dies kann durch zahlreiche Zeugen bestätigt werden, sowie von Mitarbeiter der Tierklinik "Biosphäre", die sich in der Nähe des Tatorts befindet. /
Stop the illegal practices of killing of animals in Krasnodar - On February 14, 2016 by 10:00 am at Krasnoda (At the intersection of Gorky and Demetrius Dam) two employees of a company, that is specialized in the capturing of animals, have killed according to various estimates between 14 to 40 homeless dogs and dogs with owners in their car(number plate A434RO !! The killings of the dogs were carried out by the shooting of arrows or with chemicals that have been stuffed into their mouths! The cruel actions of these men had lead to the immediate death of the animals and it was not possible for us to do anything to help this poor dogs. All this can be confirmed by numerous witnesses as well as employees of the veterinary clinic "biosphere", which is located near the crime scene
223. Replace the Rowan County, NC Animal Services Director
224. Demand an end to animal kill shelters, agencies and organizations.
225. Demand an End to Dog Euthanasia for Reasons Other Than Sickness! (Delano Animal Control, Wetzel County Animal Shelter, Heber Valley Animal Shelter, NYCACC-Brooklyn and Toccoa-Stephens County Humane Shelter)
226. PETITION TO REFORM THE CITY OF LUBBOCK ANIMAL SERVICES TO ACHIEVE NO-KILL STATUS - Lubbock should use newer methods in place of "temperament testing” as studies have shown that such testing has unfairly labeled certain dogs and cats as "unadoptable".
227. Investigate Euthanasia of Reportedly Docile Dog - Investigate the decision to euthanize a dog who was reportedly calm and well behaved and had two potential adopters (Toronto Animal Services)
…justice for this sweet Rottweiler …RIP Sewell :-(
228. Stop the Death Penalty of innocent pets! We were getting new cable services installed and the gate was mistakenly left open. Soon there was a knock at the door; the neighbor said “I think your dogs are out.” I ran out to see the gate open and they were running back into the yard. Well shortly after that, another knock, animal control. Without hesitation, without letting us explain, our babies were taken from our home and have been in the city shelter since. (Denver Animal Shelter)
- Neu / New 9.4.2016 -
229. Support an Animal Shelter for the City of Huntington Beach, CA
230. Stop Discriminating against Shelter Dogs - Stop listing breeds on incoming shelter dogs’ paperwork when the pedigree is not known.
231. 3 dogs deemed dangerous & their sweet as can be - Amarillo Animal Control
- Neu / New 1.5.2016 -
232. Stop unjust animal euthanasia - If you agree that the Nebraska Humane Society has no right to remove a dog from the home with unjust cause and that instead of euthanasia as an ultimatum, rehabilitation through training be offered to families willing to put forth the time and money please sign!!
...justice for Maggie :-( RIP :-(
233. UK: Change legislation on dangerous dogs act - Beautiful sociable dogs were taken from their homes, whom had never shown aggressive tendencies and never bitten, and simply be judged!! Because of the current legislation they could not be re-housed, they will be called Death row dogs and will be destroyed anyway. Where is the justice in this?
234. Demand Clemency for Moomoo & Thumbelina, living 4 yrs in cages, at Chicago Animal Control!! ...bring justice to Moomoo and Thumbelina :-( Let them free
235. Spain: Retire la orden de decomiso sin fundamento de losperros de una persona animalista. /
Ziehen Sie den unbegründeten Beschlagnahmung der wohlerzogenen Hunde einer fürsorglichen Familie zurück. /
Remove the unfounded confiscation of the well-behaved dogs from a protective family.
Rheumatoid Arthritis
:-( How can it be that there are perfectly healthy
Animal Abusers and Child Molesters...
and I, as a good human being and Animal Advocate,
have such a terrible disease :-(
(After a very long time in hospital, I hope,
that I may soon return to work with you in animal welfare !!!)
- Neu / New 10.2.2017 -
236. Help Save Diggy the American Bulldog
237. Justice For Diesel - The Police and Animal control informed Miss Sims that the neighbor had apparently feared for his life. As a result he had time to go in his home retrieve his shot gun, proceed to loading it and then return outside and shoot Diesel, a sweet loving family pet and guardian to 4 little boys.
...RIP Diesel :-(
238. Brazil: Pela criação de um Centro de Controle de Zoonoses em Taquaritinga, SP! #Juntospelosanimais /
Für die Schaffung eines Tier- Hilfs & Kontrollzentrum, mit tiermedizinischer Versorgung und Kastrationen zu vernünftigen Preisen, in Taquaritinga, SP! #About the animals /
For the creation of an Animal Care & Control Center, with veterinary care and neutering at reasonable prices, in Taquaritinga, SP!#About the animals
239. Justice For Rambo - "Rambo came back to the rescue in a garbage bag, dead" (Pompano Beach Animal Control)
...RIP Rambo :-(
240. Time For A Positive Change For Moore County Animal Control – We, the Moore County Residents, Are Outraged That The Dogs/Cats Are Being Put Down Without Any Attempt To Contact Any Outside Local Rescue Groups That Willing To And Have Tried To Pick Up These Poor Animals And Have Them Treated, Then Fostered And Eventually Placed In A Suitable Forever Home
- Neu / New 25.2.2017 -
241. Set Samson Free!
242. Repeal the laws you changed which will likely KILL MORE HOMELESS DOGS AND CATS
243. DEMAND CHANGE AFTER FAMILY DOG INDY WAS PUT DOWN @ HENDERSONVILLE ANIMAL SHELTER!! - "The animal control officer from Henderson County Sheriff told me that I couldn't pick up until Tuesday when they reopened," Jarvis recalls. "He assured me she was fine and told me there was no way I could get her before Christmas." Because of work, Jake couldn't make it to the shelter before closing Tuesday. On Wednesday, he was told Indy was put to sleep!
...RI Indy :-(
244. Turkey: Ankara Gölbaşı Hayvan Bakımevi ve RHBL.Merkezi Uygunsuz Koşullarından Dolayı KAPATILSIN /
Ankara Gölbaşi Tierpflegeheime (Tierheime) und RHBL.Merkezi - Wegen der unverantwortlichen Umstände zu schließen!! /
Ankara Gölbaşi animal care centers (animal shelters) and RHBL.Merkezi - close because of the irresponsible circumstances !!
245. Sign: Justice for Skeletal Dog Left for Dead by NJSPCA Animal Control Officer - animal control officer refused to rescue the dogs, saying the shelter was full and it was a holiday weekend. The officer also reportedly commented that the city would not pay for the medical expenses the skeletal puppy would need to survive.
246. We are Niko's last chance. He doesn't deserve to die - Niko was accused and convicted of killing a cat without any evidence. Niko is a loving family dog and has been locked away for 2 years at the CSPCA in Charlottesville, Virginia.
...Update says “Please keep on signing” even so January 18th 2017 hast past
247. Don't murder Niko
248. Justice for Sylvette - It was apparent from the scene that this was not an accidental death. According to law enforcement, animal control, and others on the scene, we learned that Sylvette was allegedly tethered to a tree and shot as a mercy killing because she was snake bitten.
...RIP Sylvette :-(
- Neu / New 25.5.2017 -
249. Spain: Exigimos la renovacion de recogida de animales en granada !!! /
Wir fordern die Rückgabe der Tiere, die in Granada eingesammelt wurden !!! /
We demand the return of the animals collected in Granada !!!
250. Help Save Laska - The FNDC Animal control had received a phone call about Laska "roaming" this person also sent in a picture of her with a duck in her mouth. They took Laska from her family saying they would release her when the property had a fully contained and secure area for her to be in. Laska's owners immediately took action preparing their home and section so Laska can never escape again, but after one day the FNDC Animal Control said they were no longer willing to release Laska and instead she would likely be booked for euthenasia.

"Harmonie" wurde durch einen Mitarbeiter
der Los Angeles Tier "Dienstleistungen"
(Tier-Kontrolle) zu Tode gewürgt,
weniger als zwei Stunden nachdem sie
bei der West Valley Abteilung in Chatsworth ankommen war.
Rest in peace,
...Ruhe in Frieden, Harmony

Quelle/ Source: Google+
Quelle/ Source: Google+