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- 2016 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -


- 2017 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -

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doggy petitions, petition, hunde, dogs, dogfighting, hundekämpfe,  pitbulls, petición, pétition, petizione, ходатайство,


Wahre Männer

lassen Pit Bulls

niemals kämpfen...

!!! Sie lieben sie !!!

Quelle/ Source: Google+

201. Take Action: Ask the U.S. Sentencing Commission to get tough on animal fighting!


202. Stop Dog Fighting, Organized Crime in Putnam County, FL


- Neu / New 23.2.2016 -


203. Punish Man Charged With Running Dog Fighting Ring - Career criminal Roy Chester Bennett was recently charged with 33 counts of animal cruelty by the Delray police. The charges include 11 counts for animal fighting, 11 counts for keeping animals in poor condition, and 11 counts for causing cruel pain. An anonymous tip brought the police to Bennett’s door, by informing them that he had been running a dog fighting ring on his property for weeks.





Read more: Ontario SPCA plans to euthanize 21 dogs seized from dog fighting operation

Please urgently sign and share


206. South African justice system: Help put dog fighters behind bars in South Africa


207. Stop dog fighting and punish those participating in the cruel sport harsher!


208. Stop Dog Fighting and Animal Abuse in Kimberly.


- Neu / New 17.3.2016 -


209. France: Interdire les combats de chiens !! Contre le combat des chiens !!  /

Verbieten Sie Hundekämpfe !! Gegen die Kämpfe von Hunden !! In einigen Ländern sind Hundekämpfe immer noch erlaubt, dies ist nicht akzeptabel! Diese sogenannte "Kampfhunde " werden schrecklich missbraucht, sie werden frühzeitig von ihrer Mutter entwöhnt, isoliert und de-sozialisiert - Wir fordern die Regierung und die Stiftung "30 Millions d'Amis" (30 Millionen Freunde)auf, diesen Hunde zu helfen !! /

Prohibit dogfighting!! Against the fighting of dogs!! In some countries dogfighting is still allowed, this is unacceptable! This so-called "fighting dogs" are terribly abused, they get weaned much too early from their mother, isolated and de-socialized - We call on the government and the foundation "30 Millions d'Amis" in (30 Million Friends) to help these dogs !!


210. Increase Penalties for Animal Fighting Criminals to Ensure End to Dog Fights


211. Ban Cruel Dog Fighting Festival - Over 40 dogs were recently forced to fight each other in a cruel tradition during the Lantern Festival in the Shanxi Province of China. Tortured into becoming aggressive, the dogs are trapped in an enclosure and pitted against each other. Photos show dogs ripping out pieces of each other’s faces and bodies as spectators cheer and capture the fight on their phones.


212. Prosecute Operator of Dog Fight Training Camp - A woman in Slough, United Kingdom has been found guilty of training dogs to fight. The woman, named Julie Wright, was sentenced after being found guilty of two charges related to dog fighting. Alongside two pit bulls, including one scared female named Honey, investigators found dog fighting paraphernalia at the woman’s home. She had also been reportedly linked to dog fighting circles back in 2014.


213. Prevent Kittens from being Sold as Dogfight Bait - Investigate people who allegedly sell kittens only so they can be viciously torn apart by dogs.


- Neu / New 3.4.2016 -


214. Don’t Kill Dogs Rescued from Dog Fighting Ring - Deny application asking to kill pit bulls seized from alleged dog fighting ring.


215. Make Spectating Dogfights a Felony


- Neu / New 16..4.2016 -


216. México: Alto a las peleas internacionales de pitbulls en Aguascalientes /

Stoppen Sie die internationalen Hundekämpfe mit Pitbulls in Aguascalientes - Jedes Jahr im April ereignet sich in Aguascalientes ein internationales Pitbull Hundekampf Veranstaltung, das zeitgleich mit der Messe von San Marcos, Mexiko, stattfindet. Dies geht nun schon so seit mehreren Jahren und wird von dem Tierschutzverband „Pro Hundefreunde“ („Pro Animal Friends Association“) stark  angeprangert. Beendet endlich diese Hundehölle und erlasst ein Gesetz, dass Hundekämpfe verbietet!!! /

Stop the international dog fights with pit bulls in Aguascalientes - Aguascalientes hosts an international Pitbull Dog Fighting Event happens every April, coinciding with the fair of San Marcos. This has been going on for several years now and is strongly denounced by the Animal Protection Organization "Pro Animal Friends Association". Finally end this hell for dogs and passes a law that prohibits Dogfighting !!!


- Neu / New 29.4.2016 -


217. Spain:  Cerrad todas las páginas relacionadas con MALTRATO ANIMAL y PELEAS DE PERROS. /

Schließung und Ermittlungen gegen alle Internetseiten, die auf Tiermissbrauch und Hundekämpfe bezogen sind. /

Closure and investigation of all the web pages that are related to animal abuse and dog fighting.


218. Canada: Remove & ban "game fit working dogs" group from Facebook for openly promoting dog fighting  

...and don´t forget to investigate against them !!! :-/ Justice for these poor Dogs!!!!


219. Spain:  No a las páginas que manifiestan cualquier abuso animal /

Wir fordern, dass die Website, die Hundekämpfe im Internet veröffentlicht und Werbung dafür macht, offline gestellt wird und gegen die Inhaber durch Interpol ermittelt wird /

We demand that the website that published and promote dogfighting on the Internet, is taken offline and Interpol is investigating the owner


220. Germany: Import Verbot aufheben für Betsy - Betsy ist ein schwerverletzter Hund der aktuell in Spanien lebt. Sie wollte nicht an Hundekämpfen teilnehmen, und deshalb wurde sie gefoltert. Grausam was diese Hündin mitmachen musste.Momentan kümmert sich "Lets Adopt Deutschland" um sie /

Repeal the Import ban for Betsy - Betsy is a seriously injured dog, she currently lives in Spain. She did not participate in dog fights, and therefore she was tortured. Cruel what this female dog had to go through. Currently, "Lets Adopt Germany" cares about her.


221. Dogs Allegedly Abused in Dogfighting Ring Deserve Justice - Sixty-four dogs were allegedly abused and made to fight each other in a dogfighting ring.


222. Russia, Kyrgyzstan: Подпишите петицию против собачьих боёв! /

Unterzeichnen Sie die Petition gegen Hundekämpfe ! /

Sign the petition against dog fighting!


223. Spain: Desaparicion masiva de perros en la comarca del Baix Camp / 

Massenhaftes Verschwinden von Hunden im Baix Camp - Viele Hunde sind verschwunden in den vergangenen Monaten!! Wir bitten, die Polizei diese Diebstähle zu untersuchen, denn inzwischen sind mehr als 50 Tiere verschwunden und es wird befürchtet, dass sie für Hundekämpfe (oder dem Training Hundekämpfe) missbraucht und gefoltert werden! Wo sind unsere Hunde????? /

Massive disappearance of dogs in the Baix Camp – Many dogs have disappeared in the past few months !! We ask the police to investigate these thefts because now more than 50 animals have disappeared and it is feared that they are abused and tortured for dog fighting (or  for the training of dog fights) Where are our dogs ????


224. Mexico: Alto a las peleas internacionales de pitbulls en Aguascalientes /

Stoppen Sie die internationalen Hundekämpfe mit Pitbulls in Aguascalientes - Jedes Jahr im April ereignet sich in Aguascalientes ein internationales Pitbull Hundekampf Veranstaltung, das zeitgleich mit der Messe von San Marcos, Mexiko, stattfindet. Dies geht nun schon so seit mehreren Jahren und wird von dem Tierschutzverband „Pro Hundefreunde“ („Pro Animal Friends Association“) stark  angeprangert. Beendet endlich diese Hundehölle und erlasst ein Gesetz, dass Hundekämpfe verbietet!!! – NICHT DOPPELT!!! /

Stop the international dog fights with pit bulls in Aguascalientes - Aguascalientes hosts an international Pitbull Dog Fighting Event happens every April, coinciding with the fair of San Marcos. This has been going on for several years now and is strongly denounced by the Animal Protection Organization "Pro Animal Friends Association". Finally end this hell for dogs and passes a law that prohibits Dogfighting !!! – NOT DOUBLE!!!


- Neu / New 13.8.2016 - 


Rheumatoid Arthritis

:-( How can it be that there are perfectly healthy

Animal Abusers and Child Molesters...

and I,

as a good human being and Animal Advocate,

have such a terrible disease :-(

(After a very long time in hospital, I hope,

that I may soon return to work with you in animal welfare !!!)


225. Tunisia:  Président de la république de Tunisie : L'interdiction des combats de chiens /

Präsident der Republik Tunesien: Ein Verbot von Hundekämpfen! /

President of the Republic of Tunisia: Ban on Dog Fighting!


226. Demand more aggressive action in investigating dog fighting


227. Argentina: Control de tenencia de perros pitbull, prohibir su explotación, Stop peleas. /

Überprüfen Sie die Besitzer von Pit Bulls und die verbieten Sie Hundekämpfe in Villa Maria sofort !! Stoppen Sie diese Tierquälerei !!! /

Inspect the owners of Pitbulls and prohibit the dog fights in Villa Maria immediately!! Stop this animal cruelty!!!


228. Maximum Sentence Urged for California Dog, Animal and Child Abusers - After originally facing four felony counts of dog fighting, 17 felony counts of cruelty to an animal and one felony count of child abuse and a possible maximum sentence of 13 years in state prison, Pauline Ruth Winbush (53) and Kevin Williams (52) plea to far lesser charges and as part of the plea deal, 27 other counts against Winbush and Williams will be dismissed  

... 19 Dogs lost their lives due to the actions of these Monsters :-( #BeTheirVoice.


229. Stop dog fighting and animal inhumanity. Please sign and share


230. Help make dog fighting illegal in Kentucky.




- Neu / New 14.1.2017 -


231- Justice for Dogs Forced into Dogfighting Ring - Inside the home authorities found blood-ridden walls and floors, conditioning equipment and five dogs along with multiple puppies that seemed to be “in training.” :-(


232. Punish Man Charged with Injuring Seven Dogs


- Neu / New 27.1.2017 -


233. Demand an increase in penalties for dog fighting in the UK


234. Eradicate Dog fighting completely


235. Close down its second group on Facebook!! "Game Fit Working Dogs"


236. Justice for Dog Injured in Fight and Left to Die


237. Justice for Four Dogs Seized from Alleged Dog Fighting Ring


238. We the undersigned call on the UK Government to introduce stronger sentences for dog fighting and support the League Against Cruel Sports plan of action to tackle dog fighting – England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales ONLY!!!


- Neu / New 9.2.2017 -


239. Chile: Basta de Peleas de Perros, Gallos, Jaripeos donde los Toros Matan Caballos /

Genug von Hundekämpfen, Hahnenkämpfe und "Jaripeos", wo Bullen Pferde töten /

Enough of dog fights, rages and "jaripeos", where bulls kill horses


240. Colombia: Terminen con las peleas de perros, los entrenan para ser asesinos! /

Stoppt Hundekämpfe, von Menschen als Mörder trainierte Hunde! /

Stop dog fighting, dogs trained by humans as killers!


241. Mexico:  Prohibamos las peleas de perros, existe una Ley, háganla cumplir! /

Lassen Sie uns Hundekämpfe verbieten, es gibt ein Gesetz, erfüllen sie es! Dieser Hund wurde für Hundeämpfe benutzt, sein Gesicht ist entsetzlich entstellt, und er verlor ein Auge. Zum Glück lebt er und erholt sich, aber dies ist nur ein Fall von Hunderten ... /

Let us forbid dog fighting, there is a law, fulfill it! This dog was used for dogfights, his face was terribly distorted, and he lost an eye. Fortunately, he lives and recovers, but this is just a case of hundreds ...


- Neu / New 17.2.2017 -


242. Justice for Pit Bulls Allegedly Injured in Dog Fighting Ring - Prosecute Cherise Mickens of Queens to the Fullest Extent of the Law for training her 4 Pit Bulls to fight in a Dogfighting Ring!


243. Atlanta Falcons: Do Not Include Dogfighter, Michael Vick in Season Finale  ...outlaw him!!!! :-/


244. Demand Facebook To Stop Allowing Videos/Pictures of Dogfighting!!


245. Atlanta Falcons: Do Not Include Dogfighter, Michael Vick in Season Finale 

...outlaw him!!!! :-/


- Neu / New 19.4.2017 -


246. UK: Remove "Game Fit Working Dogs @GFWD.Official" page from Facebook for promoting dogfighting


247. Demand harsh sentence for death of 21 Pitbulls by Vernon Silver - Prosecute Vernon Silver, to the Fullest Extent of the Law for neglect after 21 Pit Bulls were found dead on his property in Hampton. 21 Pit Bulls were found dead in Cages along with Dogfighting Paraphernalia in his home on Abby Court.


- Neu / New 17.5.2017 -


248. Spain: Cambien la ley sobre peleas ilegales de perros. Penas de cárcel ya! /

Ändern Sie das Gesetz bezüglich der illegalen Hundekämpfe. Gefängnis ab heute! - Erhärten und erzwingt das Gesetz gegen Hundekämpfe in Madrid! /

Change the law regarding illegal dog fighting. Prison from today! - Stiffen and enforce the Law against Dogfighting in Madrid!


249. Spain: Que la policía investigue los innumerables robos de perros que se están produciendo. /

Lassen Sie die Polizei die unzähligen Hunde Diebstähle, die stattfinden, untersuchen - Finden und bestrafen Sie den Täter, der in Myriad Familienhunde klaut und sie für geheime Hundekämpfe oder als Köderhunde benutzt! /

Let the police investigate the myriad dog thefts that are being produced - Find and punish the perpetrator who steals family dogs in Myriad and uses them for clandestine Dogfighting or as bait dogs!


250. India: Against dog fight in Punjab

doggy petitions, petition, hunde, dogs, dogfighting, hundekämpfe, pitbulls, suse freiberg, petición, pétition, petizione, ходатайство,


Nun habt ihr einmal einen Hund mit einem Löffel

gegen einen Hummer kämpfen sehen...

Es gibt nicht mehr zu sehen...

Quelle/ Source: Google+

Gegen Hundekämpfe /

Against Dogfighting 5

Video: Dogs Don't Choose to Fight – PETA


Taking Action to Stop Dogfighting – How to spot the signs and what you can do 

(The Humane Society)


Dog fighting ring in Linda Vista raided: 9 dogs rescued


Suspected dog fighter and breeder tied, tortured and ear cut off by masked men

Doggy Petitions - The Petition Spread Portal for Dogs - Doggy Petitions - Das Petitions Verbreitungs Portal für Hunde - Doggy Petitions

©Doggy Petitions 7. April 2015 by Suse Freiberg

One Year of Doggy Petitions with 2819 Supporters


!!!! Thank you in the name of Dogs worldwide !!!!


Two Year of Doggy Petitions with 5309 Supporters


!!!! Thank you in the name of Dogs worldwide !!!!

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