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1. Rescue this dog and hold owners responsible for their neglect




3. Erie county SPCA: Save Wolf the Husky's life


4. Justice for Brownie


5. Evaluate the final judgment of Animal Abuse Case#467847, heard in San Antonio TX County Court 12 before Judge Scott Roberts.


6. Nashville dog who was left to freeze outside is returned to his callous owner! Voice Your Outrage Now:


7. North Carolina man ties dog outside, leave it without food and water for weeks! We want a harsh penalty!


8. Justice for emaciated, blind dog chained for days in front of house in Little Haiti, Miami!


9. Prosecute three men for stabbing a chained dog to death !!


10. Texas dog chained to a tree 24/7, without food or water in sight! Make tethering illegal!


11. Save BOLO - chaining


- Neu / New 26.5.2015 -


12. Owner Neglects Pit Bull For So Long That His Chain Gets Embedded Into His Neck! Demand Punishment!


 - Neu / New 17.7.2015 -


13. Investigate to Find Owner of Dog with Embedded Collar for Possible Charges of Abuse


 - Neu / New 9.7.2015 -


14. Justice for Chained Dogs Starved To Death;


- Neu / New 3.8.2015 -


15. Dog Starved to Death in Backyard Deserves Justice - The Pitbull was chained to a doghouse and was so emaciated that its bones could be seen protruding from its skin. Julio Reynerio Blandon and Brittney Shea Davis were reportedly arrested on charges of torture and ill treatment of animals, but were both released on bond…


16. Demand Justice for Dog Nearly Starved to Death in Carlisle, Kentucky - The dog, now named “Snow Chief,” was found chained outside, weighing about half of what he was supposed to weigh. Surprisingly, the owner of the dog claimed she was not at fault and did nothing wrong to this poor animal. This woman must be made aware of her crimes and be charged with animal cruelty.


- Neu / New 12.8.2015 -


17. Demand Justice For Zues!


- Neu / New 19.8.2015 -


18.    6 month old puppy brutally shot by local law enforcement. The puppy suffered a broken neck and discarded in the trash

:-(  there was no need to murder a puppy who was leashed and on its own  :-(


- Neu / New 19.9.2015 -


19.  Free Blaze - Blaze is a lab that has been tied to a tree, with a cone around his neck for years.

Blaze never gets human interaction or proper medical care and Arlington Animal Control is not enforcing RCW 16.52.207 2.)a- the law stating Blaze is entitled to shelter and adequate medical care.

!!!   Free Blaze   !!!


20.  Rescue an Iowa Dog from Neglect. Force Authorities and a Humane Society to Do Their Job!

!!!   SAVE BUDDY   !!!


- Neu / New 19.10.2015 -


21. SAVE BUBBLES THE DOG: In Risk of Wrongful Euthanasia at Anderson Animal Shelter in South Elgin, Illinois - at risk of being Euthanized under aggression claims, though there is no proof that she has shown aggression.  Though she is said to have spent much of her life in cages, Bubbles was promised she could be saved by a shelter willing to work with her!!! … Please rescue Bubbles :–( she just need to learn how to act right... she is afraid of the world because nobody has showed her the big wide world and all things what could happen :-( WHAT COULD YOU LEARN IN A CAGE / KENNEL???!!!! Fulfill the promise and through dog training she will be a great dog you want to adopt !!!!!


22. Fort Worth City Council: change "Intact Pet Permit" requirements - July, 2015 – Two “intact” Pitbulls have no daily access to clean water and are left outside regardless of weather conditions. When it rains, it’s a mud hole. A hot un-ventilated dog house is all they are given. All of which is against City Code and State law yet responding officer reported "No Problem". Despite current legislation requiring residents to apply for an "Intact Pet Permit" there are still un-cited code violations, stray animals wandering our streets and thousands of homeless pets entering our tax-payer funded Animal Care & Control center - where only roughly 70% of impounded animals exit the building alive :-(


- Neu / New 7.11.2015 -


23. Emaciated Dog Found behind A Home in Jackson, MS. Sign to force charges against owner!


- Neu / New 15.11.2015 -


24. Save Dog from Unfair Euthanasia Law - Protest an unfair law that forces all dog bite cases to end in euthanasia!!!!!!!!!!! In two weeks, a dog may be sentenced to death for biting a boy in self-defense. The “Damage by Dogs” law states that if a dog bites a person, even in self-defense, the dog must be euthanized. Support a new bill which will end this black-and-white law and convince Judge Owens to rule against euthanasia and save an innocent dog’s life. Dr. Paul Gartenberg, Padi’s owner and veterinarian, obtained Padi through a rescue society after the dog was found tied to a tree with a chain. The chain was so tight that it had to be surgically removed from his neck. Despite this abuse, Padi is an affectionate and friendly dog. However, when a four-year-old boy came into the office and lunged at him, Padi fought back. It was clear that Padi had acted in in self-defense. However, per the “Damage by Dogs” law, Padi must be euthanized :-(


- Neu / New 18.11.2015 -


25. Vida digna para los perros de la fábrica de muebles El Caserío, en Recajo. /

Ein würdevolles Leben für die Hunde von der Möbelfabrik El Caserio in Recajo. /

A dignified life for the dogs from the furniture factory El Caserio in Recajo.


- Neu / New 5.12.2015 -


26. Dog chained for 3 YEARS in backyard begins another winter outside!! RESCUE BELLA NOW!!!


- Neu / New 4.1.2016 -

- 2016 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -


27. BROOKHAVEN SHELTER has reputable rescue application for "BUDDY" the dog - RELEASE him NOW!


28. Chained 24/7 ....This dog needs to be saved!!


- Neu / New 13.1.2016 -


29. A Bed for Bella - Demand that Bella be Removed from Being Chained to a Tree !


- Neu / New 29.1.2016 -


Dieser Themenbereich wird zusammen gelegt mit "Kettenhunde-Chained Dogs" /

This topic will be merged with "Kettenhunde-Chained Dogs"

doggy petitions, petition, hunde, dogs, suse Freiberg, petición, pétition, petizione, ходатайство,
doggy petitions, petition, hunde, dogs, suse Freiberg, petición, pétition, petizione, ходатайство,

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Ketten sind für Fahrräder,

nicht für Hunde !!

Gerechtigkeit für Zwinger & Kettenhunde

Justice for chained dogs

Doggy Petitions - Petitionen gegen die Zwinger & Kettenhaltung von Hunden /

Doggy Petitions - Petitions against Chaining,Tethering & Kennel attitude of Dogs

Doggy Petitions - The Petition Spread Portal for Dogs - Doggy Petitions - Das Petitions Verbreitungs Portal für Hunde - Doggy Petitions

©Doggy Petitions 7. April 2015 by Suse Freiberg

One Year of Doggy Petitions with 2819 Supporters


!!!! Thank you in the name of Dogs worldwide !!!!


Two Year of Doggy Petitions with 5309 Supporters


!!!! Thank you in the name of Dogs worldwide !!!!

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