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Doggy Petitions - The Petition Spread Portal for Dogs - Doggy Petitions - Das Petitions Verbreitungs Portal für Hunde - Doggy Petitions

Tierschutz - Animal Welfare 35

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- 2016 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -

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doggy petitions, petition, hunde, dogs, animal welfare, tierschutz, tierschutzgesetz, legislation, animal abuse, tierquälerei, petición, pétition, petizione, ходатайство, suse freiberg

Quelle/ Source: Facebook

doggy petitions, petition, hunde, dogs, animal welfare, tierschutz, tierschutzgesetz, legislation, animal abuse, tierquälerei, petición, pétition, petizione, ходатайство, suse freiberg


!! April ist der Monat

der Prävention von Tierquälerei !!

 !!! Mit Hoffnung geteilt !!!

2201. Save the animals from being thrown into forests here before it's too late! …in 2016, they have decided to shift the animals to remote areas: the animals die by starvation, get hit by heavy vehicles or get mauled by wild animals!  :-(


2202. Germany: Erweitern Sie die EU-Richtlinien für den Schutz von Straßentieren! /

Expand the EU guidelines for the protection of stray animals!


2203. Germany: Das Massentöten in Ecosal Shelter Galati darf nicht beginnen /

The start of mass killings in Ecosal Shelter Galati must not be allowed


2204. Texas: Pass Tougher Animal Transportation Laws


2205. Demand that the Hawaii Island Humane Society stop the killing of over 10,000 animals a year


2206. Make Animal Cruelty a Felony in Ohio


2207. Demand an end to the cruel practice of puppies being smuggled into the UK! Gangs are smuggling puppies into Britain from horrendous farms across Ireland and Eastern Europe.


2208. Stop Laboratory Beagle Breeding Facility in East Yorkshire!


2209. No more German Shepherds with sloping backs! 

… and all these poor dogs become so sick with the years :-(


2210. Fair rights for dogs in kennels


2211. Let’s make ear clipping illegal!!!




2213. Save and Rescue and Re-home this Rottweiler and Rottie Dog


2214. Whitehall Mall Pet Shop Sells Unhealthy Puppies: Demand an Investigation! (Pennsylvania)


2215. Make it Illegal to confine dogs in cars in ALL 50 STATES - For Pete's sake - its as easy as leaving the cars AC running or LEAVING THEM HOME where they won't be exposed to the severe conditions outside. Did you know the inside of a car is 20-40 degrees hotter than the temperature outside?


2216. Lose the Pit Bull Label to Save More Dogs from Death Row


2217. Stop export of Irish greyhounds to China


2218. Stop killing of stray dogs in Kerala!!


2219. Seek Maximum Punishment For Alleged Dog Hoarder - Upon entering the home, officers allegedly found multiple dogs in every corner of the house, two young boys laying on a filthy couch, and a floor that was filled with feces, urine, blood, and mold. It was noticeable that the dogs were not in good condition, a few of them having bloody faces and emaciated bodies. After searching the complete property police found more dogs in the backyard, as well as a few brand new dogs in a vehicle. (Maricopa County, Arizona)


2220. Stop Discriminating against Shelter Dogs - Stop listing breeds on incoming shelter dogs’ paperwork when the pedigree is not known.


2221. Turkey: Save the TRNC street dogs - Please help SAVE the TRNC street dogs from being left in the mountains to die.


2222. Enact "Little Man's Law" to require a warning label on pet food products containing illegal (but allowed by the FDA) and unsafe adulterated ingredients.


2223. Save abandoned animals in the Florida Everglades


2224. Restrict the use of fireworks to reduce stress and fear in animals and pets – UK Only!!!


2225. Germany: Stoppt die Massentötung von Hunden auf Bali /

Stop the mass killing of Bali's dogs


2226. Netherlands: Boycot de World Dog Show in China in 2019 /

Boykottiert die Welt Hunde Show 2019 in China /

Boycott the World Dog Show 2019 in China


2227. Germany: Stoppen Sie die Tierqualen und das Morden in Rumänien !! /

Stop the animal cruelty and the killing in Romania !!


2228. Personhood Rights for Animals - This Declaration on Consciousness can therefore be seen as an official stage setting for the new age of love and kindness for all living beings alike.


2229. Urge IOC (International Olympics Committee) and the South Korean Government to end the brutal dog meat trade


2230. Germany: Bitte unterstützen Sie unseren Appell an den Staatspräsidenten von Rumänien - Bitte beenden Sie die Hundetötungen in Rumänien!! /

Please support our appeal to the President of Romania - Please stop the dog killings in Romania !!


2231. Change the law for banned dogs in the UK


2232. Drop the charges against Bettina Cuce' Rodriguez for rescuing a severely neglected dog from the freezing cold, starving, and would certainly have died had Bettina not saved him - BETTINA FACES TEN YEARS IN JAIL FOR RESCUING A STARVING DOG FROM BELOW FREEZING TEMPERATURES AND WAS LIVING ON A CHAIN  

…Please sign for Bettina, she is a dog Angel and not criminal :-/


2233. Pit Bull Owners Need Pit Bull Education


2234. Proposal to change Orillia’s yearly dog licensing by-law to a one-time fee - I am calling on our society to question the validity of yearly dog licensing as it has not been re-assessed since its implementation in 1976


2235. I am working to encourage Missouri to implement and strictly enforce an animal cruelty registry


2236. Urge Montana to Implement Animal Cruelty Registry to Protect Animals


2237. Nebraska – Prevent Animal Abuse with Animal Cruelty Registry


2238. Encourage Nevada to Move Forward with Animal Cruelty Registry


2239. Germany: Tierschützer fordern *STOPPT DEN TIERHANDEL BEI EBAY* /

Animal rights activists calling * STOPS ANIMAL TRADE AT EBAY *


2240. Make Spectating Dogfights a Felony


2241. Mexico: Salvemos a los callejeros y pitbull /

Retten Sie die Straßenhunde und die Pitbulls /

Rescue the stray dogs and the Pitbulls


2242. Change the Legal Classification of Pets


2243. Dogs have suffered and died on property for years! ASHE CO NC- Independent Investigation!! Neighbors of Daniel Cruz in Ashe Co, NC, had spent 16 years “fighting the system”, trying to get help for neglected animals on a neglected property. Eventually they reached out to a known rescuer, Lisa Neyland Fitzpatrick, for help. She investigated and obtained current and consistent video and photos of the ongoing situation


2244. India: Stop euthanizing man's best friend after a life of service to the nation.....


2245. Mississippi - Protect Animals Through Strict & Enforced Animal Cruelty Registry


2246. Urge Passage of New Hampshire Animal Cruelty Registry to Save Animals from Abuse


2247. Remove the clause exempting competition Sled Dogs from Alaska's animal cruelty laws.


2248. Stop Ukraine from Burning Stray Cats and Dogs Alive


2249. Trenton, GA-Remove Vicious Dog Ordinance. No Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) in Trenton, GA


2250. Africa:  Pour une gestion responsable du problème des chiens errants à Ksar El Kébir /

Für verantwortungsbewussten Umgang mit dem Problem der streunenden Hunde in Ksar El Kebir - Stoppen Sie die unnötigen Abschlachtungen der Hunde und Katzen in den Straßen und übernehmen sie stattdessen ein menschenwürdiges „Einfang, Kastration und Wieder-Freilassungs-Programm“ !!! /

For responsible management of stray dog problem in Ksar El Kebir - Stop the needless slaughter of Dogs and Cats in the streets and instead adopt a Humane “Capture, Sterilization and Release Program” !!!


Engel haben nicht immer Flügel -
Manchmal haben sie Fell und Pfoten !


Engel tragen nicht immer Heiligenscheine -
Manchmal tragen sie Halsbänder !


Engel schlafen nicht immer auf Wolken -
Manchmal schlafen sie, angekuschelt an dich, direkt neben dir !


Engel singen nicht immer in einem himmlischen Chor -
Manchmal bellen und heulen sie !


?? Hast du einen Engel in deinem Leben ??

- 2017 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -

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©Doggy Petitions 7. April 2015 by Suse Freiberg

One Year of Doggy Petitions with 2819 Supporters


!!!! Thank you in the name of Dogs worldwide !!!!


Two Year of Doggy Petitions with 5309 Supporters


!!!! Thank you in the name of Dogs worldwide !!!!

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