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Quelle/ Source: Google+
Quelle/ Source: Google+

Markus has survived Romania!
Then and now!
A Comparison!
- Neu / New 1.6.2015 -
103. The dogs in Valcea, Romania need your help! Don’t let them down!
104. Public servants in Navodari, Romania, pound stray dogs countless times while laughing! Ask the mayor to take action!
105. Romanian dogs for recycling!!!
106. Stop the cruel and senseless mass slaughter of your stray dogs now! /
Beendet jetzt die grausamen und sinnlosen Abschlachtungen eurer Straßenhunde (Beinhaltet eine deutsche Übersetzung!!)
107. Punish Hunters Who Killed 30 Dogs - Prosecute hunters in Romania who killed 30 dogs for fun
108. Condemn Romanian President’s Call to Kill Stray Dogs - Oppose the needless killing of thousands of stray dogs
109. Punish at the full extend of the law the person(s) who committed this atrocity. / Pedepsiti conform legii, persona care a comis aceasta atrocitate
110. Nein zum Abschlachten der Strassenhunde in Rumänien /
No to the slaughter of stray dogs in Romania
111. Forderung der Einhaltung des EU Übereinkommens zum Schutz von Heimtieren im öfftl. Tierheim in Rosiori. /
Request of compliance with the legislation of the EU agreement about protection of animals in the Public Shelter in Rosiori
112. Director Gabriel Gritcu: Help the dogs currently suffering unimaginably at Bacau Shelter
113. No Funding to Romanian Dog Killers in the European Union
114. Save the Romanian stray dogs from death.
115. Stop the euthanasia in Romania!
116. Please do not support Romania's accession to the Schengen Area until it will solve in a civilized manner the problem of stray dogs!
117. Stop the dog slaughter in Romania!
118. Ausschluss Rumäniens aus der EU /
Exclusion of Romania from the EU
119. Stop the killing and torture of stray dogs in Romania
- Neu / New 14.7.2015 -
120. We ask you to tell us if it is true what Romanian official said regarding the export of stray dogs from Bulgaria for
zoophiles from Europe
121. Stop the mass killings of dogs in the public shelter and the manipulation of the population. /
Opriti uciderea in masa a cainilor si manipularea populatiei
122. Take a stand on the abuses against homeless animals and their protectors
123. I pledge to boycott your country and its products
124. Stop stray dogs euthanasia in Romania!
125. Robbie Williams! Romanian dogs need you! Will you defend man’s best friend?
- Neu / New 19.7.2015 -
126. Lasst die rumänischen Streunerhunde leben! Fordere gemeinsam mit VIER PFOTEN den rumänischen Ministerpräsidenten Victor Ponta dazu auf, das Tötungsgesetz außer Kraft zu setzen! /
Let the Romanian stray dogs live! Demand, together with FOUR PAWS, that the Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ponta to put the killing law repealed!
127. Die massenhafte Tötung von heimatlosen Hunden in Rumänien, bitte unterstützen Sie unseren Appell an den Staatspräsidenten!! „Bitte beenden Sie die Hundetötungen in Rumänien!“ /
The mass killing of homeless dogs in Romania, please support our appeal to the President!! "Please stop the killing dogs in Romania!"
- Neu / New 28.7.2015 -
129. Stop the inhumane practice of capture dogs
- Neu / New 6.8.2015 -
130. Punish Marius Alexandru Tone, from Berceni-Bucharest at the full extend of Romanian laws for the intentional killing of a dog . Pedeapsa maxima pentru Marius Alexandru Tone, din Berceni-Bucuresti pentru omorarea cu intentie a cainelui vecinei lui.
131. Punish Mihai Costache at the full extend of the law for attacking dogs at sheep pen, with a sword and gun. Pedepsele maxime prevazute de legile in vigoare in Romania pentru Mihai Costache
- Neu / New 13.8.2015 -
132. Bestiality is still LEGAL in Finland, Hungary and Romania. Let's end this and make it ILLEGAL NOW!
133. #EMERGENCY in Odai Bucharest Romania 600 Dogs Dying! They are so Hungry that they EAT EACH OTHER!
134. Stop Mattilsynet's unfairness! - ROLDA is the only active Romanian charity protesting against the unfairness committed by the Norwegian authorities
135. Protect Romania’s Homeless Dogs
136. Stop the Mass Killing of Dogs in Romania
- Neu / New 21.8.2015 -
137. Klaus Johannis, please help to save the dogs of Breasta/Romania which are to be killed on the 28th/2 (Still open to sign!!!)
138. Please Help Dogs Starved and Beaten in Romania
139. Save the Stray dogs of Romania
140. Protestbrief an Rumänien - Bitte unbedingt kopieren und per E-Mail versenden (siehe Adress-Liste weiter unten)
Noch immer so wichtig und leider auch aktuell :-( Bitte absenden!!! /
Letter of Protest to Romania - Please urgently copy and paste and send this Sample Letter to (see address-list below)
Still so important and, unfortunately, currently on :-( Please send !!!
Sample Letter
Dear _____________
I'm deeply sorry for the recent death of a four-year-old boy who was attacked and mauled by a pack of stray dogs, after his grandmother had lost sight of him. This is a very sad casualty which should not have occurred.
The incident has raised again the unresolved issue of stray dogs in Bucharest and throughout Romania. We are aware that the dog that is being primarily held responsible for the attack had been released from a public shelter by a small animal rights organization in Bucharest, thus violating the rule not to release a dog known to be aggressive. As a result, all animal welfare organizations are now blamed for protecting dogs more than people forgetting the very valuable work which has been done for years by organizations such as “Vier Pfoten” or “Save the Dogs” who have been running neutering campaigns and education programmes to fight against the abandonment of stray dogs.
In 2011 a large majority of the European Parliament adopted the by Daciana Octavia Sârbu, Adina-Ioana Vălean, Elisabeth Jeggle, Raül Romeva i Rueda, Janusz Wojciechowski on dog population management in the European Union which calls on Member States to adopt comprehensive dog population management strategies which include measures such as dog control and anti-cruelty laws, support for veterinary procedures including rabies vaccination and sterilisation as necessary to control the number of unwanted dogs, and the promotion of responsible pet ownership.
A large majority of Romanian MEPs have also signed this declaration. Your call for a systematic mass killing of strays goes against the will of the democratically elected Romanian MEPs. This is something which we consider as profoundly undemocratic and it is unacceptable in the European Union.
I call on you not to promote the legalization of systematic mass euthanasia of stray dogs. This will cause a horrible and useless massacre of dogs which goes against the values and objectives of the Treaty on the functioning of the European Union.
I really hope that my voice will be heard and look forward to your reply.
Kind regards,
E-Mail Adress- List
To the President Traiain Basescu
To the Prime Minister Victor Ponta
To the President of Romanian Parliament,
Mr.Valeriu Stefan Zgonea
zgonea@cdep.ro & cabinet.presedinte@cdep.ro
To Romania Gov't Relations petitions:
Phone: 021 314 34 00 – extension: 1903
Fax: 021 313 98 46
E-mail: drp@gov.ro
SEE MORE HERE: http://www.gov.ro/contact__l2a98265.html
To the Permanent Representation of Romania to the European Union
Address :Rue Montoyer 12 / Montoyerstraat 12
1000 Bruxelles/Brussel
BELGIUM (Belgique)
Tel: +32 27000640
Fax: +32 27000641
Email: bru@rpro.eu
Website: http://ue.mae.ro/node/166
To the attention of:
(1) Mr. MOTOC Mihnea Ioan
Permanent Representative to the EU (Coreper II)
(2) Mr. BADESCU Cristian
Deputy Permanent Representative (Coreper I)
(3) Mr.BRATU Adrian-Cristian
Minister Plenipotentiary
Representative on the EU Political and Security Committee (COPS)
To EU Animal Welfare
Rue Breydel 4/Breydelstraat 4
1049 Bruxelles/Brussel
BELGIUM (Belgique)
Tel: +32 229-91111
Email: Andrea.Gavinelli@ec.europa.eu
Twitter: https://twitter.com/andreagavinelli
Infos: http://www.fao.org/ag/againfo/themes/animal-welfare/aw-direc/search/detail/it/c/9025/
Website: http://ec.europa.eu/food/animal/index_en.htm
!!! Vielen Dank für Deine Zeit und Dein Mitgefühl im Namen aller rumänischen Streuner /
Thank you for your time and compassion in the name of all Romanian Stray Dogs !!!
141. Boycott the request of Romania to enter in Schengen until it will solve in civilized mode the problem of strays
142. Protest against the Romanian Dog Slaughter
- Neu / New 30.8.2015 -
143. Shut down the death camps in Romania
- Neu / New 5.9.2015 -
144. Diesem Menschen: "Herrn" Flavius Barbulescu und vielen seiner Mitstreiter muss endlich unbedingt sein Handwerk gelegt werden. Bitte unterschreibt und leitet die Petition weiter. Vielen Dank!!! /
This man "Mr." Flavius Barbulescu (Romania) and many of his colleagues must pay at last for their Dog Abuse. Please sign and forward the petition further. Many thanks!!!
- Neu / New 10.9.2015 -
145. Jail time for those who shot dogs in Arad County, Romania-Pedeapsa cu inchisoare
146. Cerem aplicarea legii in cazul REX /
Wir fordern Strafverfolgung – Gerechtigkeit für REX!! Wir fordern, dass die zuständigen Stellen (Polizei in Zusammenarbeit mit DVS Website) die Täter dieses Grauens zu identifizieren und das Tierschutzgesetz 205/2004, geändert durch das Gesetz 9/2008, durchzusetzen. Wir möchten nicht, dass diese Personen nicht für ihre Taten zur Verantwortung gezogen werden, wir sind nicht länger frei mitten unter uns und wir sind nicht mehr in der Lage, weitere Schrecken an anderen Tieren oder Menschen zu ertragen. /
We urge law enforcement - Justice for REX !! We demand that the competent authorities (police, in cooperation with DVS website) to identify the perpetrators of this horror and to enforce the Animal Protection Act 205/2004, as amended by Law 9/2008.
We do not want these people are not held accountable for their actions, we are no longer free in our midst and we are no longer able to endure more terror to other animals or humans.
147. Pro Tierschutz in Moldawien (Nahe Romania :–( die gleichen Grausamkeiten!) /
Pro Animal Protection in Moldova (near Romania :-( same torture!)
- Neu / New 23.9.2015 -
148. Anchetati de urgenta activitatea conducerii ASPA! /
Dringende Untersuchung Aktivitäten des ASPA-Managements! /
Urgent investigation into the activities of the ASPA management!
149. PORTONS PLAINTE contre la Roumanie pour dénoncer les massacres des chiens ! /
Überbringung der Beschwerde gegen Rumänien, um die Massaker an Hunden zu denunzieren! /
Carry complaint against Romania to denounce the massacres of dogs!
150. Pledge to help Romania Animal Rescue help more animals · Ask for your donation to support our free campaigns in RO
Rumänien / Romania / România 3
Petitionen für Hunde aus Rumänien /
Petitions for dogs from Romania /
Petiții pentru cîine din România