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doggy petitions, petition, hunde, dogs,police, police abuse, dog shooting, shot to death, pet,

 Quelle/ Source: Google+

- Neu / New 26.5.2015 -


51. Urge Local Animal Welfare to Investigate Dog Shooting


52. Reprimand Police Officer for Shooting Puppy - After shooting Colonel, the police officer went back to writing parking tickets. He did not address the situation that had just taken place nor did he apologize or explain his actions. Currently, no action has been taken against this police officer; neighbors of Mr. Phillips said that they have seen him still on the streets in his uniform. Sign the petition below to demand justice for Colonel and his family.


53. Investigate Inappropriate Police Response to Disabled Veteran and Service Dog - When the officer learned that the service dog was to help with Ohayon’s depression and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, he responded by saying that Ohayon wasn’t blind and therefore the dog wasn’t necessary. The usual misdemeanor charge for refusal of service was not laid.


54. Applaud Police Officer’s Humane Response to Vicious Dog Report - Thankfully, this story didn’t end with a police officer shooting an innocent dog, as these types of stories all too often do. Officer Waskiewicz reported that he received a report of a vicious pit bull chasing children. When he appeared on the scene, the so called “vicious dog” calmly walked right up to him and licked his pants.


55. Applaud Police Department for Humane Dog Training - Encourage and applaud continuing education about non-violence to domestic dogs


56. Don’t Charge Police Officer Who Saved Dog From Euthanasia - Drop misconduct charges against Officer Lars Bo Lomholt for saving the German Shepherd “Thor” from euthanasia!!!!”om-euthanasia/


57. Don’t Condemn Man Who Saved Dog From Euthanasia - Drop charges against a Danish Police officer who saved a German Shepherd from being euthanized


58. Charge Officer Mark Matloff (Oklahoma District Attorney, District #17) who Allowed Dog to Cannibalize Kennel Mate - A dog was reportedly found eating the corpse of another dog by a visitor to an animal shelter in Idabel, Oklahoma. The man, who released a video of the incident to YouTube, said that the female pit bull that ate its kennel mate seemed friendly. The emaciated dog responded to orders to move away from the corpse, suggesting the dog was hungry rather than vicious. The visitor has since adopted the pit bull… thank you to this good and dogloving people!!!!


59. Demand Justice for Police Dog Killed by Negligent Officer - Dismiss the policeman that caused the death of a police dog by leaving him in a sweltering car.


60. Demand Justice for Puppy Killed by Police Officer - Provide adequate, humane training to police officers who encounter pets!!


61. Demand Justice for Dog Shot and Killed by Police Officer - Punish officer who shot and killed dog in gated backyard because he felt “threatened” by him


62. Punish Officer Who Brutally Killed Dog - Arrest the officer who shot and killed Max the dog for trying to come to his owner’s aid


63. Punish NYPD Officer Who Shot a Dog for No Reason - The New York Police Department needs to train officers on how to handle animals. But this situation doesn’t even sound like the animals needed to be handled. So, let us urge NYPD Police Commissioner Kelly to fire and press charges against the officer who shot Tricia Ratz’ dog :-/ !!!!!


64. Praise Punishment for Officer that Fatally Shot a Harmless Dog - The officer brutally shot “Arzy”, a leashed dog, while he was questioning the dog’s owner. According to witnesses the dog was friendly and posing no threat to the officer at the time of the shooting. The officer, Brian Thierbach, has since resigned from the police force.


65. Demand Justice for Dog Shot by Officer - In Liberty Hill, Texas, Police Officer Woodson Blase was serving a warrant for violation of probation. He approached the home, knocked twice, and received no answer. He went around back, where two German shepherds approached him. He opened fire, wounding one of the dogs. He was at the wrong house. Thankfully, the dog survived.


66. Condemn Police for Promoting Officer Who Shot Dog


67. Fire Officers Who Shot and Killed Harmless Dog - Lexie the dog was shot fifteen times by officers who responded to a barking dog complaint. The incident was captured on a police dash cam and one of the officers is heard saying, “The only thing I’m gonna do is shoot it anyway. I don’t like dogs. I don’t do snares. I don’t do dogs. I’ll shooting the fucking thing.”


68. Stop the Use of Deadly Force on Family Pets - It is sad and unfortunate that so many family pets have been wrongfully killed by police officers. Several families in Texas have been complaining and seeking justice against police officers for the murder of their family pets. Most of these pets were wrongfully killed simply because of a misunderstanding or miscommunication


69. Punish Police Officer Jeffrey Bolger of the Baltimore City Police for Slitting Dog’s Throat - Charge him with animal cruelty for slitting an innocent dog’s throat!!


70. Punish Police Officer for shooting a not violent or aggressive Dog - Officer Tarek Hassani from the Filer Police Department in Idaho recently shot Black Labrador to death near a young boy’s birthday party.


71. Punish Police Officer for Brutal Murder of Beloved Pet - Prosecute police officer who brutally killed an innocent dog and compensate the dog’s owner for her loss


72. Punish Police Officer Who Left Dog to Die in Hot Car


73. Punish Police Officer for Shooting Family Dog - A 3-year-old dog named Simone was cruelly and needlessly killed by a Chandler police officer, according to the dog’s family. Simone was killed in the family’s own yard after it was seen fighting another dog through a small hole inside a fenced enclosure. Javier Robles, Simone’s owner, expressed his disbelief about the unnecessary shootings


74. Demand Justice for Dog Left to Die by Police - Refuse to let Houston Police Department delay in investigating a cop’s role in killing a local dog


75. Demand Justice for Police Dog Who Died After Being Left in Car


76. Suspend Police Officer Who Gunned Down Family’s Golden Retriever


77. Fire Police Officer Who Strangled Puppy to Death


78. Demand Punishment for Cop Who Left Dog to Die on Highway


79. Denounce Officer Who Strangled Puppy


80. Charge Officer Who Allowed Dog to Cannibalize Kennel Mate - A dog was reportedly found eating the corpse of another dog by a visitor to an animal shelter in Idabel, Oklahoma. The man, who released a video of the incident to YouTube, said that the female pit bull that ate its kennel mate seemed friendly. The emaciated dog responded to orders to move away from the corpse, suggesting the dog was hungry rather than vicious. The visitor has since adopted the pit bull… thank you to this good and dogloving people!!!!


- Neu / New 8.6.2015 -


81. Investigate the Shooting Death of MiMi by A Cook County Parole Officer


82. Stoppt die sinnlose und unüberlegte Ermordung der Listenhunde durch die Polizei /

Stop the senseless and thoughtless murder of the BSL dogs by the police.


83. Train Officers How to Control Hostile Animals Without Shooting Them!!


84. Thank Officers for Rescuing Abandoned Dog Hit By Car


85. Thank Police Officers for Rescuing Chihuahua


86. Call a Outside Investigation into the shooting death of Chico A Pitbull by a San Angelo Texas Police Officer


87.  Frank Sedita, hold accountable and charge Dep. Greg McCarthy for Aggravated Cruelty to Animals, Endangering the Welfare of a Child, Official Misconduct and Falsely Reporting an Incident.


88. Charge Officer Nelson Enriquez with animal cruelty/manslaughter after the death of TWO K-9 officers.


89. Condemn Police for Killing Injured Stray Animals – Stop the Merced, California Police Department from killing injured stray dogs and cats, and encourage the department to partner with rescue organizations


90. Pour rendre justice à <3 HEAVEN <3 victime du délit de sale geule /

Frankreich, Gerechtigkeit für unseren Engel, kaltblütig von einem Polizisten getötet! Bitte bestätigen  /

France, justice for our angel, killed in cold blood by a policeman! Confirm please


91. Police Dogs Left to Die in Squad Car Allegedly by Cop Deserve Justice - Fire officer who allegedly left two K9 officers in his car to die.


- Neu / New 23.6.2015 -


92. Demand Justice for Dog Killed by SWAT Team - Punish officers allegedly responsible for the use of violent

force that resulted in the killing of a family pet.




94. Tell the press: Hold killer cops accountable! Stop dismissing shootings with lazy language!


95. Afrika / Africa: Ageing Durban Metro Police dogs left to die in kennels


96. Spanien / Spain: Exigimos responsabilidades por la muerte de Luka hacia el Ayuntamiento y la Policía Local de San Pere de Ribes, Barcelona. / 

Wir fordern Rechenschaftslegung für den Tod von Luka an die Stadtverwaltung und an die örtlichen Polizei von San Pere de Ribes, Barcelona. /

We demand accountability for the death of Luka to the City Council and the local police of San Pere de Ribes, Barcelona.


- Neu / New 4.7.2015 -


97. Justice 4 Cowboy


98. Justice for Jordan, Jax and Rocky


99. We call for the Immediate Resignation of Corporal Josh Coleman for the death of his K-9 Partner, Mason and stronger safety measures for ALL K-9 Officers - Justice for Mason!!!


100. Ensure Officer Is Held Accountable For Dog Left In Hot Car - Justice for Mason!!!

doggy petitions, petition, hunde, dogs,police, police abuse, dog shooting, shot to death, pet,

 Quelle/ Source: Google+


Ich stand neben dem Polizeibeamten Herr Chowky seit 4 Jahren, aber mein Freund von der Polizei

hat mir nicht geholfen ins Krankenhaus zu kommen

und meine Mörder zu fangen.

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- 2016 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -

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Polizeilicher Missbrauch an Hunden & Erschiessungen

Police Abuse & Shootings on Dogs 2

Doggy Petitions - The Petition Spread Portal for Dogs - Doggy Petitions - Das Petitions Verbreitungs Portal für Hunde - Doggy Petitions

©Doggy Petitions 7. April 2015 by Suse Freiberg

One Year of Doggy Petitions with 2819 Supporters


!!!! Thank you in the name of Dogs worldwide !!!!


Two Year of Doggy Petitions with 5309 Supporters


!!!! Thank you in the name of Dogs worldwide !!!!

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