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doggy petitions, petition, hunde, dogs, sled dogs, schlittenhunde, musher, Hundeschlittenführer, dog sledding,

Quelle / Source: Google+


Musher zeigen,

wie man Hunde erschießen


1. Stop Whistler Sled Dog Cruelty Industry!

– geschlossen / closed –


2. Save the Sled Dog: Reform British Columbia's Anti-Cruelty to Animals Law

– Erfolg / Victory -


3. Prosecute for the senseless slaughter of 100 Sled Dogs!

– geschlossen / closed -


4. 200 Krabloonik Sled Dogs in Snowmass Village, Colorado Need Your Help


5. Take a Stand Against the Savage Cruelty of the Dog Sledding Industry

– geschlossen / closed -


6. The Iditarod Dog Sled Race Hurts And Kills Dogs

– geschlossen / closed -


7. Boycott the Iditarod (Dog Sled Race)

– geschlossen / closed -


8. Punish Caretakers of Deceased Iditarod Sled Dog - Penalize caretakers of Iditarod sled dog that died from being left out in freezing temperatures


9. Dogs: Are they really man's best friend? Stop dog sledding; stop animal abuse!

– geschlossen / closed -


10. Demand Abusive Sled Dog Operation be Shut Down


11. Demand Longer Prison Sentence for Man Who Killed Sled Dogs - Increase maximum sentence for murderer of over 50 sled dogs, Canada


12. Snow Sledding NOT Dog Sledding! Boycott!


13. Stop abuse of Greenland sled dogs


14. The Horror of Greenland Sled Dogs


15. Stop the Inhumane Slaughter of Sled Dogs in British Columbia, Kanada


16. Prosecute for the senseless slaughter of 100 Sled Dogs 


- Neu / New 6.8.2015 -


17. Stop the Media Slating our Sled Dogs


18. Horror der Grönländischen Schlittenhunde / Horror of Greenland Sled dog


- Neu / New 12.8.2015 -


19. Speak Out for Sled Dogs Chained Without Shelter /

Gebt eure Stimme für Schlittenhunde, die angekettet ohne Behausung überwintern müssen



Die Schlittenhunde von Grönland - Bitte kopiert den Text ganz unten auf der Seite und sendet ihn ab, Daten sind leicht zu erkennen!!!


21. Lebenslange Sperre für Claudio De Ferrari an allen Schlittenhunderennen! Tierquäler Claudio De Ferrari aus Italien wird Vize-Europameister 2012 in Gryon / Suisse, das allerdings auf Kosten der Hunde, wie man auf dem Video eindeutig sehen sehen. / Lifetime ban for Claudio De Ferrari at all sled dog races! Animal abuser Claudio De Ferrari from Italy is Vice-European Champion in Gryon / Suisse 2012,, but at the cost of the dogs, how to see unambiguously on the video


- Neu / New 17.10.2015 -


22. Convict Serial Animal Abuser for Mistreating Dogs - The owner of the Aspen, Colorado-area dog-sledding company Krabloonik has been indicted on eight counts of animal abuse for neglecting and mistreating his dogs. According to the Denver Post, owner Dan McEachen has been accused of underfeeding the animals and leaving them outside in freezing temperatures. A couple of the dogs even had visible wounds that were untreated. We must encourage District Attorney Sherry Caloia to prosecute MacEachen to the full extent of the law.


- Neu / New 23.10.2015 -


23. Aberkennung der Silbermedaille von Lenker Claudio De Ferrari wegen Tierquälerei! Weltweites Verbot für weitere Schlittenhunden-Rennen, und ein Disziplinarverfahren wegen Tierquälerei!! /

Withdrawing the silver medal of handlebar Claudio De Ferrari for animal cruelty! Global ban for other sled dogs race, and disciplinary proceedings for animal cruelty !!


- 2016 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -


RIP to my beloved Cuddle Bear "Balou" :-(

we tried to run faster than Cancer, but did not make it...

he went to the rainbowbridge on January 15, 2016

Now Balou (left) is with my beloved Emma (right) ...













- Neu / New 30.1.2016 -

24. France: Saisie illégale de chiens de traineaux chez Nordic aventures /

Illegale Beschlagnahmung von Hundeschlitten-Abenteuer im Nordic - Der Eigentümer hat die unterschiedlichen Rudel in getrennten Räumen untergebracht, die nicht nur durch ihre Aktivitäten festgelegt wurden, sondern auch ihre Rudel Hierarchie, ihrer Ernährung, ihrer Größe und ihrem Bedarf nach. Alle Hunde werden regelmäßig von einem Tierarzt überwacht. Sie werden gut behandelt, sie alle kommen regelmäßig raus, dürfen rennen,, es wird Zeit mit ihnen verbracht, sie essen reichlich und sie werden gestreichelt und gebürstet ... Der gleiche Besitzer rettet außerdem Hunde aus anderen Zentren, die nicht über die Möglichkeit verfügen, alle diesen Luxus anzubieten; was zu einer raschen Zunahme der Gruppen geführt hat. /

Illegal seizure of Sled Dogs at Nordic Adventures - The owner has the different packs housed in separate rooms, which have been defined not only by their activities, but also their pack hierarchy, their diet, their size and needs. All dogs are regularly monitored by a veterinarian. They are treated well, they all come out regularly, they are allowed to run free, it is time spent with them, they eat abundantly and they are petted and brushed!!! The same owner also rescues dogs from other centers that do not have the opportunity to offer all of this luxury; which has led to a rapid increase in his groups.


25. Demand Animal Abuse & Cruelty Registry in Alaska - Although there are other animal abuse issues in Alaska, the most common concern is with sled dog animal cruelty. When it comes to sled races, sometimes the dogs are forced to run at exhausting and demanding speeds daily without any regard to the well-being of the animals.  Many of these dogs suffer from dehydration, spine injuries, heart attacks, muscle deterioration, pneumonia and more.


- Neu / New 13.2.2016 -


26. Prosecute the Wisconsin coyote hunter who killed two dogs - The four dogs were wearing reflective vests, and their veterinarian owner points out that large dogs do not run like coyotes; they are heavier and louder and don't sound anything like coyotes 

  … :-/ RIP :-(


- Neu / New 18.3.2016 -


27. End the Cruel Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race


- Neu / New 8.4.2016 -


28. Help the Theiler's keep their dogs - Meire Grove MN City Council demand they get rid of their dogs!!She has 5 dogs. They are 4 sled dogs and one small breed. (2 of those 5 dogs are ESAs for medical reasons.) Meire Grove MN, recently imposed an ordinance that limits residents to 2 dogs per household


29. Remove the clause exempting competition Sled Dogs from Alaska's animal cruelty laws.


Rheumatoid Arthritis

:-( How can it be that there are perfectly healthy

Animal Abusers and Child Molesters...

and I, as a good human being and Animal Advocate,

have such a terrible disease :-(

(After a very long time in hospital, I hope,

that I may soon return to work with you in animal welfare !!!)


- 2017 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -

Schlittenhunde / Sled Dogs 1

Quelle / Source: Google+


Help to end the suffering of Sled Dogs

while Iditarod Race

Petitionen für Schlittenhunde und gegen ihren Missbrauch / Petitions for sled dogs and against their abuse

Schlittenhunde / Sled Dogs 1

Doggy Petitions - The Petition Spread Portal for Dogs - Doggy Petitions - Das Petitions Verbreitungs Portal für Hunde - Doggy Petitions

©Doggy Petitions 7. April 2015 by Suse Freiberg

One Year of Doggy Petitions with 2819 Supporters


!!!! Thank you in the name of Dogs worldwide !!!!


Two Year of Doggy Petitions with 5309 Supporters


!!!! Thank you in the name of Dogs worldwide !!!!

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