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doggy petitions, petition, hunde, dogs, justice, animal abuse, voice for animals, petición, pétition, petizione,

 Quelle/ Source: Google+

351. Punish Puppy Killers Properly – A 15 month Rottweiler/Pitbull puppy was killed by his owner with a hammer. The owner lives in the West End neighborhood of Vancouver British Columbia, Canada.;


352. Fire USDA Wildlife Service Federal Trapper Jamie Olson for Animal Cruelty - Former Wildlife Service Trapper Jamie P. Olson's dogs tormenting and mauling trapped wildlife including coyotes, bobcats and raccoons…  What a cruel animal abuser!!!!


353. STOP THE SURRENDER OF FINN TO HIS PRIOR OWNERS - This poor soul is sitting in a high kill shelter while his owners are in holidays, uncaring stupid people should not have animals :-/ !!!!


354. We ask that Doug Hagler be punished to the fullest extent of Susie's Law House Bill1609.


355. Possible Charges for Mr. Kelly (from Montrose, Colorado) who Shot Dog Twice & Slit its Throat – Justice for Flex!!!!!


356. Stop animal abuse and animal slaughtering - Please help make a change in Cyprus!!!


- Neu / New 25.7.2015 -


357. Charge Officer for Death of his Police Dog left in Hot Cruiser for 10 Hrs - NO MORE!!!


358. Rettet Juni - Ein Herz für Juni! /

Rescue Juni – Have a heart for Juni… she was in her foster family for the last years and now the animal welfare group wants to take Juni - who is so very scared of everything (The vet has to come and visited her at home, because Juni could not drive by car – she is at risk of heatstroke caused by stress!) – out of her family, where she had made so many good steps forward into her new life. Nobody has contacted the foster family through the last years and now they want to give Juni to a “Expert for scared dogs”… I would have liked vomited when I saw a training video of this alleged expert on fearful dogs !!! : - /

Please look yourself:

Please sign for Juni!!!


359. Return My Illegally Taken Pets - My family as well as other innocent people continues to have their loved and well cared for pets illegally taken by a corrupt unqualified animal control/shelter director.


360. Free Kato and Kleo in Connecticut – both Rottweiler’s ave been impounded on Death Row since 2012 and deserve to be allowed return to their loving home where they can live the rest of their lives as cherished members of their family.


361. Help Save Bear


362. Delta (CEO Delta Airlines) lost our dog and we want justice - Where is Ty???!!!


363. Investigate Rescue of Dogs & Cats at Acreage to Determine any Wrong Doing


364. Expulsen al soldado coreano que uso a un perro como saco de boxeo! /

Ausschluss des koreanischen Soldaten, der einen Hund als Boxsack benutze!/

Expel the Korean soldier who use a dog as a punching bag!


365. Justicia! Cortó a su Perro con una Motosierra /

Gerechtigkeit! Er schnitt seinen Hund mit einer Kettensäge /

Justice! He cut his dog with a Chainsaw


366. Justicia para Fidji! /

Gerechtigkeit für Fiji! Dieser Junghund starb in einem überhitzten Auto /

Justice for Fiji! This young dog died in an overheated car


367. Maximum penalty for Illinois woman that cooked three-month-old Pit Bull Puppy in 300-degrees oven!




369. Berufung/Aufklärung im Fall Susanne B. und Andreas B. Grausame Tötung von Dobermann-Dame Sheila Unglaubliches Urteil,

6 Monate auf Bewährung, 100 Sozialstunden. Gesetzesänderung des § 90a BGB, Tiere müssen als Lebewesen anerkannt werden.  /

Vocation / elucidation in case Susanne B. and Andrew B. A ruthless killing of a female Doberman named Sheila !! Unbelievable judgment, 6 months on parole, 100 hours of social work. Amendment of § 90a BGB, animals must be recognized as a living being.


370. Punish Puppy Killers Properly


371. Требуем возбуждения уголовного дела и максимального наказания виновного /

Wir fordern die Einleitung eines Strafverfahrens und die maximale Strafe für die Täter  - Dieser treue Hund wurde von seinem Besitzer vor den Augen von Kindern mit einer Kettensäge zerstückelt und weggeworfen. Die Polizei sah keinen Anlass eine Anzeige aufzunehmen… /

We demand the initiation of criminal proceedings and the maximum sentence to the guilty - This faithful dog was dismembered by its owner with a chainsaw and thrown away. right in front of the eyes of children .The police saw no reason to take a display ...


372. Lay charges over Murder of Dogs in Agar, South Dakota;


373. Prosecute Man to the Fullest Extent of the Law for Puppy Torture.


374. JUSTICE for a Stray!!! Please take action against the Security(Head) & guards of Lovely Professional University, Punjab who has beaten a stray Dog till Death.


375. We demand justice for K9 officer Zane who died because he was left in a hot car in Georgia for 10 hours by his handler.


376. Justice for Zane - left in a hot car for 7 hours.


377. For all Pitbulls in the world no dog or animal should go thru this - My baby was shot in the stomach and left to bleed out in the driveway on July 5, 2015. Cause the police was on call due to a dog attack and they shot the wrong one for the fact that she was a Pitbull and the fact that Pitbulls have bad names!!


- Neu / New 4.8.2015 -


378. Justice for Tiger - A Neighbor who knew Tiger has a well-natured dog took Tiger in his car to a different location, let him out, shot him in his head and put him in feed sack and left him in woods! ….RIP :-(


379. Serial Dog-Poisoner must be Found and Punished - An unidentified perpetrator has been trying to kill random dogs in the streets of Barcelona by lacing food with rat poison or putting nails in apples.


380. To investigate the death of a German Shepherd by the name of Spike! …RIP Spike :-(


381. Save Mia!


382. Praise Rescue of Over 150 Animals from Deplorable Conditions - Over 150 animals, ranging from cats and dogs to farm animals, have been successfully rescued from cramped living conditions, untreated health problems, and malnutrition from a small farm in North Carolina.


383. Dog Starved to Death in Backyard Deserves Justice - The Pitbull was chained to a doghouse and was so emaciated that its bones could be seen protruding from its skin. Julio Reynerio Blandon and Brittney Shea Davis were reportedly arrested on charges of torture and ill treatment of animals, but were both released on bond…


384. Justice for Muddy the Cattle Dog! ...RIP sweet Muddy :-(


385. JUSTICE FOR BOB!!!! Press charges on attacker of Bob the Pit Bull!


386. Harshest Charge for Blowing Up Fireworks in Dogs Mouth & Ban on Future Animal Ownership/Encounters


387. Villa Ballester, Argentina: Denuncia Publica! Ata a sus Perros con Alambre en Hocico y Cuello! Difundelo! /

Denunziations Post! Sie binden Ihren Hunden Draht Maulkorb und -halsketten um! Verbreitet es !! /

Denunciation Post! They tie their dogs in wire muzzle and collar! Spread it!!


388. Demand Justice for Dog Nearly Starved to Death in Carlisle, Kentucky - The dog, now named “Snow Chief,” was found chained outside, weighing about half of what he was supposed to weigh. Surprisingly, the owner of the dog claimed she was not at fault and did nothing wrong to this poor animal. This woman must be made aware of her crimes and be charged with animal cruelty.


389. Investigate & Manage Increase in Missing Dogs - Toledo Police Department - Chief George Kral


390. Support Justice for Pet Dog Beaten to Death – Anthony Sather of Minnesota is facing prison time for allegedly torturing his girlfriend’s pet dog before killing it and throwing it in a ditch…


391. Demand Justice for Stray Dog Beaten by Mob in Bulgaria - A family in the village of Selcha in Bulgaria is facing public aggression for taking in a severely injured puppy, named Borko. Borko’s spine had been broken and Dr. Litov and his family took care of the puppy and began its recovery process. Now, however, the Litovs are facing local persecution for their kindness.


392. Apologize to and Compensate Woman Refused Concert with her Service Dog


393. Punish New Bedford, MA Animal Abusers - Jake Brousseau (24) and Sabrina Harding (23) collected free animals from Craigslist, Facebook and other sites with the supposed intention of offering a good home for them.


394. Giustizia per Enpa Torino, distrutta da vandali rom! /

Gerechtigkeit für ENPA Turin , vernichtet durch Vandalen in Rom! /

Justice for ENPA Turin , destroyed by vandals in Rome!


395. Masaniello, pitbull di 9 anni, trucidato. VOGLIAMO GIUSTIZIA !! /

Masaniello, Pitbull, 9 Jahre alt, ermordet. WIR wollen Gerechtigkeit !! /

Masaniello, Pitbull, 9 years old, murdered. WE WANT JUSTICE !!


396. GIUSTIZIA PER IL CANE IMPICCATO A TARANTO - L'abusante dovrebbe appendere là sul legno della croce!!!!! /

Gerechtigkeit für einen Hund, der in Taranto erhangen wurde /



397. Abrogation de l'arrêté municipal pris le 22 juin qui dépossède Mr Wyss de ses chiens /

Aufhebung der Gesetzgebung vom 22. Juni, die Herrn Wyss und seine Hunde verdrängte /

Repeal of law made on June 22 ousting Mr Wyss and his dogs


398. Tiro a su perra a un pozo por estar en celo! /

Erschoß seine Hundin wegen ihrer Läufigkeit in einem Bohrloch /

Shot his female dog in a borehole because of her heat


399. Punish Man Who Allegedly Suffocated Puppies - Jason Gentry is facing trial on ten accounts of animal abuse for both neglect and the death of two puppies at an unlicensed training facility.


400. Demand Justice for Dog Dragged Behind Vehicle - A dog in Clewiston, Florida had to be euthanized after she was found with injuries that were consistent with having been dragged behind a vehicle. When the pit bull named Aaliyah came into the care of veterinarians, several of her bones were broken, her front paws were shredded, and her belly was torn :-(

doggy petitions, petition, hunde, dogs, justice, animal abuse, voice for animals, petición, pétition, petizione,

 Quelle/ Source: Google+


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Justice for abused dog souls!!


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©Doggy Petitions 7. April 2015 by Suse Freiberg

One Year of Doggy Petitions with 2819 Supporters


!!!! Thank you in the name of Dogs worldwide !!!!


Two Year of Doggy Petitions with 5309 Supporters


!!!! Thank you in the name of Dogs worldwide !!!!

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