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doggy petitions, petition, hunde, dogs, justice, animal abuse, voice for animals, petición, pétition, petizione,


Wenn Du Tiere missbrauchst / quälst,

hoffe ich,

dass du in der Hölle brennst!

 !!! Stoppt jetzt das Töten der Tiere !!!

 Quelle/ Source: Google+

951. Punish People (Frankie Lynn Barker and Danielle Elizabeth Durocher, Cumberland County) for Allegedly Starving Dog to Death –


952. Demand Espanola, Ontario Police Department Act To Remove Dog From Abusive Home!!!


953. Help me get my dog Jangers back!


954. Serbia: Kazniti odgovorne za mucko ubistvo psa petardom za docek 2016 god /

Bestrafen Sie die Sadisten, die eine Hündin töteten, indem sie einen  Feuerwerkskörper in ihre Schnauze steckten und anzündeten, um das Jahr 2016 willkommen zu heißen /

Punish the sadists who kill a dog by putting a firecracker in her snout and set it on fire to welcome the year 2016


955. Criminal charges against Lydia Rossow for animal abuse. Remove Alaska from her care and return her to the boys.


956. Turkey:  Bunu Yapan İnsan Olamaz..! Devrekani'de Köpek Katliamı..!! /

Von schrecklichen Menschen durchgeführt...! Hunde Massaker in Devrekani .. !! /

Conducted by dreadful people ... ! Dog massacre in Devrekani .. !!


957. To Address the Neglect of the Backyard Pit-Bull in Westcliffe, CO - Remove the Pit Bull from the Home of William and Darlene Mercer Who is Chained Outside Without Food and Water or Adequate Protection from the Extreme Weather! Prosecute the Owners to the Fullest Extent of the Law for Animal Cruelty and Neglect! 

…Rescue Blue!!!! :-(


958. Demand something is done now, over the amount of dogs and cats that are being stolen.


959. Argentina: Justicia para regina, una perra mastina violada, torturada y asesinada. /

Gerechtigkeit für Regina, eine Mastino Hündin, die vergewaltigt, gefoltert und ermordet wurde

... Ruhe in Frieden, Regina :-(  /

Justice for Regina, a female Mastino dog who was raped, tortured and murdered

... Rest in peace, Regina :-(


960. Argentina: Que se ocupen de los pobres animales que se encuentran en el Mercado Central ya que se encuentran en muy mal

estado de salud  /

Kümmern Sie sich um die armen Tiere, die am Zentral Markt gefunden wurden und in einem sehr schlechten gesundheitlichen Zustand sind. /

Take care of the poor animals that were found at the central market and are in a very poor state of health.


961. Justice for Beloved Boxers, Cope & Penny, Gunned Down by Neighbor 

…RIP Cope & Penny :-(


962. Justice for Pit Bulls Allegedly Shot in Cold Blood - Justice for two brothers accused of shooting their two dogs.


963. Brazil: Justiça para os cães assassinados em Capão Novo, no Rio Grande do Sul /

Gerechtigkeit für die ermordeten Hunde in New Capon, in Rio Grande do Sul /

Justice for the murdered dogs in New Capon, in Rio Grande do Sul


964. Costa Rica: Encuentren al motociclista que llevaba a un perrito enfermo encerrado en una bolsa /

Findet die Motorradfahrer, die einen kranken, blinden und schrecklichen riechenden  Hund, in einer Tasche verpackt, transportierten. /

Find the motorcyclists carrying a sick, blind and terrible smelling dog stowed in a bag.


965. France:  Pour que la femme à l'origine de plus de 171 morts soit condamnée comme il se doit! /

Höchststrafe für eine Frau, auf deren Grundstück 171 tote Tiere gefunden wurden; 30 weitere Tiere lebten dort unter schrecklichen und gesundheitsgefährdenden Zuständen!!  /

Maximum penalty for a woman on whose land 171 dead animals were found; 30 more animals lived there under appalling and hazardous to health conditions


966. France: Prison pour les responsables de l'abattage des animaux dans un abattoir illegal /

Gefängnisstrafen für die Verantwortlichen des illegalen Schlachthofs, auf dem ausgesetzte und entführte Hunde und Katzen abschlachtet wurden; ein Konzentrationslager, dass der Nahrungsaufnahme diente :-( /

Prison sentences for those responsible for the illegal slaughterhouse, where abandoned and kidnapped dogs and cats have been slaughtered; a concentration camp which was used for food consumption :-(


967. Save Dog from Barren Mud Hole - A friendly dog has been continuously confined to a small mud pit, according to local construction workers in Henderson, North Carolina. Almost every day, this dog comes to the edge of his pit to wag his tail and beg for attention. It seems that the attention from the construction workers and scraps of food they give are some of the only moments of kindness this dog has experienced


968. Success: Dog Saved From Mud Hole


969. Peru: Carcere per i depravati che violentato un cane sul tetto di un ristorante /

Gefängnis für die Widerlinge, die einen Hund auf dem Dach eines Restaurants vergewaltigten /

Prison for the sleazebags who raped a dog on the roof of a restaurant


970. Honorable Judge Rothstein-Impose the maximum sentence for murdering a family pet - Zachary Senner was arrest January 4, 2016 for the mutilation and fatal stabbing of a cocker spaniel named Brandy. Judge Donald, we ask that you prosecute DA case number 2016ml000131 against Zachary Senner charged with breaking statute 952.02 mistreatment of animals/cause death classified as a felony under Wisconsin law to the fullest extent you are allowed under the current law. 

…RIP Brandy :-(


971. Retrain Officer Who Allegedly Laughed at Attacked Service Dog  

… Justice for Andie!!!!


972. Tell Canine Partners for Life to Allow Livy to Stay in her "Furever" Home


973. A Man (David Lowe) was set free for starving his 15 year old dog -  We want JUSTICE FOR FLY 

…RIP Fly :-(


974. Germany: Gegen Herr Scheibelhut wegen Rufmord an Tierschützern auf Facebook /

Against Mr. Scheibelhut for character assassination to animal rights activists on Facebook


975. Justice for Oscar – Chained to a Dog House in ice cold weather with a broken leg!!

…he has been taken from some Neighborhood-Dogangels to a vet and the leg that the Owners said was not broken has to be amputated because of the nerve damage and the top of it was raw and bleeding  - but they said he was fine to be where he was… :-/


976. End the inhumane treatment of pitbulls at a Waterbury residence - A resident of Waterbury, Connecticut is leaving his pitbulls outside in small cages all day and night. He only takes them out to abuse them and train them to dog fight.


977. Justice for Alex the Pekingese -

…someone took this female dog out into the woods and shot her through the box; hitting the poor dog in the head :-( RIP Alex


978. Justice for Dog with Nose and Ear Cut Off


979. Hold the NJSPCA responsible for the death of the frozen pit puppy in Atlantic County NJ 

…read more: Two dogs including a puppy die after freezing to death in Atlantic County

Please sign and share:


980. Spain: Degollaron a “Cantinflas”, el perro más querido de San Morales. ¡Encuentren al asesino! /

Sie schlachteten "Cantinflas" ab, den liebsten Hund von San Morales. Bitte finden Sie die Mörder!  

…Ruhe in Frieden Cantinflas :-(  /

They slaughtered "Cantinflas" dearest dog of San Morales. Please find the murderer!   

…RIP Cantinflas :-(


981. STOP LAW ENFORCEMENT'S 'CARE-LESS' SHOOTING OF FAMILY PETS! Many of these dogs have been shot running away! Many times officers have even walked into families own back yards and shot their dogs. This is not right! Tazers for instance, used with caution not to kill, would be a better option, and to call animal control.


982. Spain:  Un padre y un hijo apalean y cuelgan a su perro, asta causarle la muerte /

Ein Vater und sein Sohn hängten ihren Hund auf und schlugen ihn mit einer Stange zu Tode  

…Gerechtigkeit für diese arme Seele :-( Ruhe in Frieden /

A father and his son hang their dog and beat him with a pole to death

...justice for this poor soul :-( Rest in peace


983. Justice for Nina by bringing more charges against Percy Lunsford for Nina's murder 

…RIP Nina :-( please sign once more for Nina!!


984. Spain: Quiero justicia para el perrito asesinado con un cuchillo y los otros seis envenenados! /

Ich will Gerechtigkeit für den Hund, der mit einem Messer getötet wurde, und für die anderen sechs, die vergiftet wurden /

I want justice for the dog, who was killed with a knife, and the other six who were poisoned


985. Neglect abuse of dogs in Contra Costa Caifornia - Owner left town for 3 days, abandoned dogs, no water/food. Same happened last year. Animal Control has been notified over the years about the condition of the dogs. Animal Control policy is that as long as the dogs are standing and alert, there is no proof of a crime 

… What a shame :-/ how could animal control look away - but is very quick in action in needless cases like confiscate a barking dog ???????


986. Spain: Mataron a tiros a un perro , en Zaragoza, porque les resultaba agresivo /

Ein Hundebesitzer  erschoss seinen Hund in Zaragoza, weil er angeblich aggressives Verhalten zeigte /

A dog owner shot his dog in Zaragoza because he allegedly showed aggressive behavior


987. Stop killing army dogs and horses after their retirement


988. Spain: Ayudemos a encontrar a este demente que le disparo a Noah en la cabeza! /

Lassen Sie uns helfen, diese verrückten Menschen zu finden, die Noah mit einer Schrotflinte in den Kopf geschossen haben  …glücklicherweise wird sich Noah von seinen Wunden erholen!!! /

Let us help you to find these crazy people who shot Noah with a shotgun in the head .. Fortunately, Noah will recover from his wounds!!!


989. Spain: Cárcel al enfermo que le disparó a un pitbull porque le molestaban sus ladridos /

Haftstrafe für die kranke Person, die einen Pitbull erschoss, weil ihn sein Bellen störte /

Imprisonment for the sick person who shot a pit bull because his barking annoyed him




991. Spain: Encierren al dueño de un criadero que tenia 55 perritos en terribles condiciones de salud / Haftstrafe des Besitzer einer Farm, der 55 Hunde unter schrecklichen, gesundheitsschädlichen Bedingungen hält 

...alle Hunde sind reinrassig und wurden zur illegalen Zucht missbraucht, vielen Hunden wurden ihre Schwänze amputiert und ihre Stimmbänder durchgeschnitten  :-( /

Imprisonment of the owner of a farm, where he keeps 55 dogs in terrible, unhealthy conditions 

…all dogs are purebred and were misused for illegal breeding, many dogs had amputated their tails and their vocal cords cut :-(


992. Spain: Justicia para Lola /

Gerechtigkeit für Lola …Lola hat Leishmaniose und der Besitzer hat sich überhaupt nicht um seine 5 Jahre alte Boxer Hündin gekümmert. Nachdem Lola endlich von einer Tierschutzorganisation gerettet und zum Tierarzt gebracht wurde, diagnostizierten die Tierärzte,

dass sie untergewichtig ist, die Leishmaniose stark fortgeschritten ist und sie sich in einem sehr kritischen Zustand befindet! Die Tierärzte und die Tierschutzorganisation fordern Gerechtigkeit für Lola und dass der Hundebesitzer seinen anderen Hund, ein Deutscher Schäferhund, bei einem Tierarzt untersuchen lässt. Jedes Lebewesen hat das Recht auf medizinische Versorgung und Lola wurde einfach im Stich gelassen :-( /

Justice for Lola … Lola has Leishmaniasis and the owner has not taken care of his 5 years old female Boxer. After Lola was finally rescued by an animal welfare organization and brought to the vet the veterinarians diagnosed that she is underweight, leishmaniasis is heavily advanced and that she in a very critical condition! The veterinarians and the animal protection organization seeking justice for Lola and that the dog owner allows a medically check of his other dog, a German Shepherd. Every living being has the right of medical care and Lola was just let down ..


993. Spain: Revisar la denuncia contra la Clinica veterinaria Burjassot (David Garcia/Fran Benitez) /

Überprüfen Sie die Beschwerde gegen die Tierklinik Burjassot (David Garcia / Fran Benitez) – Gerechtigkeit für Gus!!! 

…Ruhe in Frieden Gus :-(  /

Review the complaint against the veterinary clinic Burjassot (David Garcia / Fran Benitez) – Justice for Gus!!!  

…RIP Gus :-(


994. Russia: Требуем наказать виновных в жестоком обращении с животными на территории ЖК "Светлый"! /

Wir fordern, die Verantwortlichen für die Misshandlungen von Tieren, in dem Gebiet der Wohnanlage "Светлый" ("Licht"), zu bestrafen! /

We demand to punish those responsible for ill-treatment of animals on the territory of the residential complex"Светлый"( "Light")!


995. Russia: Помогите добиться справедливого суда над убийцей двух щенков в Санкт-Петербурге /

Tragen Sie dazu bei, dass ein faires Verfahren für den Mord von zwei Welpen in St. Petersburg stattfindet /

Please contribute to a fair trial for the murder of two puppies in St. Petersburg will takes place



…RIP Layla :-)




998. Russia: БОЙНЯ ЖИВОТНЫХ и ЛЮДЕЙ в Донбассе. ПОМОГИТЕ спасти ЖИЗНИ! SOS animals Donbass! /

Helfen auch Sie die 10.000 Tiere zu retten, die jeden Monat in Donbass abgeschlachtet werden; auch Menschen, die gegen die Tötungen der heimatlosen Tiere sind, werden ermordet!! Rette ein Leben! SOS Tiere Donbass! Die Mörder sind - KP "Tiere in der Stadt" (die Organisation des Tierheims "OF"), das Militär, die Polizei und die Jäger. Helfen Sie dabei, diese Gesetzlosigkeit zu stoppen!! /

Help rescue the 10,000 animals who are slaughtered each month in Donbass; even people who are against the killings of homeless animals are killed!! Help save a life! SOS animals Donbass! The Killers are - KP "Animals in the City" (the organization of the shelter "PIF"), the military, the police and hunters. Help to stop this lawlessness


999. Animal Cruelty - A dog in our community was found on a chain left laying in the front yard starving and dehydrated with sores and maggots on it.It was reported pictures were taken and it was so ill it had to be put down 

…shame on ASPCA and RIP to the poor dog :-( ...there is love at the rainbowbridge, little angel...


1000. Have Officer Dillion fired for shooting innocent pups (Prince George County, Maryland)

doggy petitions, petition, hunde, dogs, justice, animal abuse, voice for animals, petición, pétition, petizione,

 Quelle/ Source: Google+


Wir wollen Liebe fühlen

Gerechtigkeit für gequälte Hundeseelen!! -

Justice for abused dog souls!!


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©Doggy Petitions 7. April 2015 by Suse Freiberg

One Year of Doggy Petitions with 2819 Supporters


!!!! Thank you in the name of Dogs worldwide !!!!


Two Year of Doggy Petitions with 5309 Supporters


!!!! Thank you in the name of Dogs worldwide !!!!

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