Quelle/ Source: Google+
101. Allow "Tripp" to be available to rescue groups or up for adoption: Do not euthanize him
102. Stop BSL and threatening to evict tenants of the Summerdale RV park or anywhere in Summerdale, AL
103. Lift the ban on pit bull breed in Louisburg KS
104. Repeal Winnipeg's pit bull ban Bylaw #2443/79 Section 20.2(3)
- Neu / New 28.4.2015 -
105. RI: Say no to breed discrimination in our state! Tell your elected officials to say "No" to H 5800
106. KS: Tell Salina's elected officials that there's no such thing as a bad breed of dog - Help us end breed discrimination in Salina today.
- Neu / New 7.52015 -
106. Cancel the ruling that "Diesel" be destroyed, and instead adopted.
107. Removing all bans and breed discrimination on dogs of all breeds
108. Repeal ban on "Pit Bull breeds"
109. Support a law to protect pit bulls in Brazil! Take Action Now!
110. Make It Fair! Make Pit bulls Legal Once Again
111. Abolish current Breed Specific Legislation and replace with Canine Regulation and Breed Management Legislation (CRBML)
112. Revoke and rethink the insane UK 'dangerous dogs act'
- Neu / New 15.5.2015 -
113. Pit bulls are good dogs don’t criticize them for what and how owners treat and raise them its owners fault
114. Want to End BSL in Ontario? CAST YOUR VOTE for Next Leader of the Ontario PC Party. The Next Leader of the PC party of #Ontario could be the next Premier of Ontario.
115. Print the petition of Support Hersheys Bill:
Sign it, get others to sign it.
Send it to Cheri DiNovo, MPP:
or Randy Hillier, MPP:
Call, write & email the Premier of Ontario and your local MPP. Ask them to remove the breed-specfic portions of the Dog Owners' Liability Act. Ask them to restore fair and equal treatment of all dog owners across Ontario. Find out who your MPP is
See sample letter for ideas:
116. Ontario: Lift the "Pitbull" Ban, Harsher punishment for ANY dog that bites and a No Tolerance animal abuse law.
117. My name is Ashley Lybarger, I am the owner and mother mostly and firstly of 3 beautiful great danes (and 3 human children also) my male Dane was falsely accused of attacking a neighbor down on the opposite side of my street. On Thursday April 29th my dog
118. Ask Facebook to remove page ‘Pit Bulls Are Not Pets’!
119. End Pit Bull Discrimination at Anne Arundel County Animal Control / Beendung der Pit Bull Diskriminierung bei der Anne Arundel County Tierkontrolle
120. Pennsylvania: Review & Update the current PA Dangerous Dog Law / Pennsylvania: Überprüfung & Aktualisierung des aktuellen PA Gefährliche Hunde Gesetz
121. Stop the senseless killing and euthanization of pit bulls!
122. In loving memory of all the animals who have suffered at the hands of an abuser. Justice will come for you
123. Lift Ban on Pit Bull Dogs & Allow Man to Keep His Pet
- Neu / New 19.5.2015 -
124. Say NO to Breed Specific Legislation in Vermont!
125. Ban BSL in Vermont
126. Stop the "Pit" Label
- Neu / New 25.5.2015 -
127. Canada: Give Illegal Dog Breed a Second Chance – BSL
128. End Unjust Breed Discrimination Laws Threatening Well-Behaved Dogs
129. End Breed Discrimination in Washington State
130. Success: City Lifts Dog-Breed Ban
131. End Discriminatory Dog Breed Ban
132. Applaud Efforts to Protect Pit Bull Dog Breeds
133. Applaud Removal of Pit Bull Ban
134. Stop PetSmart from Discriminating Against Certain Dog Breeds
135. Stop Landlords from Banning Certain Dog Breeds
136. Prevent Insurance Companies from Discriminating Against Dog Owners in Maryland
137. Stop Discrimination against Specific Dog Breeds
138. Don’t treat all Pit Bulls like Criminals
139. Urge Maryland to Overturn Discriminatory Pit Bull Ruling
140. Protest Maryland Court’s Bias against Pit Bulls
141. Support Reducing Discrimination against Pit Bulls - Commend Maryland’s passage of a law to reduce the targeting of pit bull dogs and the people who associate with them
142. Stop Tennessee from Requiring Pit Bull Owners to Purchase Liability Insurance
143. Stop the Wrongful Confiscation of Pit Bulls
144. Stop Killing Military Dogs Based on Breed
145. End Unjust Breed Discrimination Laws Threatening Well-Behaved Dogs
146. Don’t Euthanize Family Dog for Looking Like a Pit Bull
- Neu / New 8.6.2015 -
147. SAVE the life of a Pitbull involved in the "NON AGRESSIVE", unintentional injury of a 2 month old after her mom left her alone on the porch outside an the dog tried to move the baby to safety.
148. Remove this hate page “Pit Bulls Are Not Pets” discriminative- inciting fear and prejudice
149. Stoppt die sinnlose und unüberlegte Ermordung der Listenhunde durch die Polizei /
Stop the senseless and thoughtless murder of the BSL dogs by the police.
150. Say NO to banning any dog breed!

Quelle/ Source: Google+
Quelle/ Source: Google+
Quelle/ Source: Google+
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