Petitionen für Polizei Hunde & Hunde bei der Bundeswehr und für die Beendigung des grausamen Ausnutzens!!!!! /
Petitions for Police Dogs, K9 Dogs, and Military Dogs
and to end the cruel exploiting

Quelle / Source: Google+
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um Danke zu sagen!!
1. Urge Ohio to Implement Laws Against Keeping Working or Pet Dogs Outside in Cold Weather!!
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2. Justice for Ike the K9, Locked in a Car and Left to Die in 98 Degree Heat! /
Gerechtigkeit für Ike den K9 Polizei-Hund, der in einem Auto zurück gelassen wurde, um bei 98-Grad-Hitze zu sterben!
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3. Fire Military Instructor Who Slaughtered Dog in Front of Students /
Feuert den Militär Ausbilder, der einen Hund vor Studenten schlachtete
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4. Provide Military Service Animals the Dignity of a Soldiers Burial
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5. Arrêt de la maltraitance sur les chiens de la brigade cynophile /
Stoppen Sie den Missbrauch der Hunde in der Hunde-Brigade /
Stopp the mistreatment of dogs in the canine brigade
6. Punish Police Officer Who Left Dog to Die in Hot Car - Officer Zachary Miller recently pleaded “not guilty” to animal cruelty charges after the needless death of a drug-sniffing police dog named Nyx. – RIP Nyx :-(
7. Ageing Durban Metro Police dogs left to die in kennels
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8. Innenminister Bayern Joachim Herrmann (CSU): Polizeihund "Cabil" soll nicht eingeschläfert werden !!! /
Interior Minister of Bavaria, Joachim Herrmann (CSU): Police dog "Cabil" should not be put to sleep !!!
- Erfolg / Victory –
9. CHARGE Police Officer Josh Coleman who left Dog in Car to Die of Heat
10. Charge Police Officer Josh Coleman Who Allegedly Left Dog in Car to Die - Bring officer up on charges for reportedly leaving his dog in a hot car; Officer Coleman’s excuse for doing this was simply that he “forgot” about his companion :-/
11. Demand Justice for Police Dog Killed by Negligent Officer – Dismiss Officer Korey Lankow, the policeman that caused the death of a police dog by leaving him in a sweltering car. This truth was thrown into sharp relief when Jeg, a 7-year-old Malinois K-9, was euthanized after he was left in a hot patrol car for almost an hour – RIP Jeg :-(
12. Demand charges against Officer Jerahmy Williams (Conyers, Georgia Police Department) who allegedly left K-9 in Hot Car to Die - According to the police chief, Williams could face internal disciplinary action as well as criminal charges laid by the Rockdale County Sheriff’s Department, which is conducting a criminal investigation – Justice for Zane!!!!!
13. Ensure Officer Is Held Accountable For Dog Left In Hot Car - Justice for Mason!!!
14. Change the Army’s Restrictive Policy on Service Dogs .
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15. Justice for Military Dogs
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16. Applaud Police for Sending Off Canine Hero with Full Honors - Nero, a German Shepherd that suffered from terminal cancer, was given full salutes as he was regrettably led to his final earthly destination. In fact, Oviedo police officers did everything they could do to make sure Nero was presented with the full honors he truly deserved.
17. Fire the officer responsible for the death of Mason!
18. Fire Corporal Jerahmy Williams and hold him accountable for the death of Zane a 5 year old K-9 Officer.
19. Keep health care for military dogs after they retire just like their owners.
20. Fire Brett Berry and Charge Him with Two Felonies - K9 Officer Boone did nothing to warrant the vicious attacks from Mr. Berry, yet he was used as a punching bag to alleviate Mr. Berry's frustrations over being embarrassed and kicked out of a casino… POO BOONE – PLEASE HELP WITH YOUR VOICE!!!! :-(
21. Justice for Zane - left in a hot car for 7 hours.
22. Punish Police Officer That Killed His K-9 Partner in a Hot Car and Implement Policies - RIP Zane :-(
23. Demand that military working dogs get cared for after active duty
24. Tell the US to Stop Classifying Military Dogs as 'Equipment' & Leaving them Behind!
25. Pay for the surgery 'Nero the Hero' needs to allow him to return to active Police duty and treat all your Police dogs fairly.
26. Charge Officer Nelson Enriquez with animal cruelty/manslaughter after the death of TWO K-9 Officers who died on May 27, 2015. Jimmy, a seven year old bloodhound, and Hector, a four year old Belgian Malinois, were left locked in crates inside of Officer Enriquez’s K-9 marked vehicle that was parked in the driveway of his home for HOURS. – RIP Jimmy and Hector :-(
27. Bring Military Working Dogs Home
28. Police Dogs Left to Die in Squad Car Allegedly by Cop Deserve Justice - Fire officer who allegedly left two K9 officers in his car to die.
29. To terminate the employment of Corporal Josh Coleman for behavior not befitting or becoming of an officer of the law, sworn to protect and serve. For reckless endangerment and responsibility for the death of his K-9 partner in a most horrific manner. – Justice for Mason!!!!
30. We call for the Immediate Resignation of Corporal Josh Coleman for the death of his K-9 Partner, Mason and stronger safety measures for ALL K-9 Officers - Justice for Mason!!!
- Neu / New 20.7.2015 -
31. Investigate Inappropriate Police Response to Disabled Veteran and Service Dog - When the officer learned that the service dog was to help with Ohayon’s depression and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, he responded by saying that Ohayon wasn’t blind and therefore the dog wasn’t necessary. The usual misdemeanor charge for refusal of service was not laid.
32. Demand Justice for Police Dog Who Died after Being Left in Car - Napo, a three-year-old Belgian Malinois police dog, was found dead in the back of an officer’s car after being left there overnight – RIP Napo :-(
33. Charge Officer for Death of his Police Dog left in Hot Cruiser for 10 Hrs - NO MORE!!! - PLEASE SIGN FOR ZANE!!!
34. Urge that all military dogs retire on U.S. soil
35. Allow me to adopt Pablo, my military working dog - We share a strong bond, and I believe his presence would aid my recovery from post-traumatic stress disorder and a traumatic brain injury.
36. Required animal training for all law enforcement
- Neu / New 1.8.2015 -
37. We demand justice for K9 officer Zane who died because he was left in a hot car in Georgia for 10 hours by his handler.
38. Indian Army - Give them medals, not death sentences
39. Take action for military working Dogs – US Only!!!!
- Neu / New 12.8.2015 -
40. Fire Mexican policeman that mistreated K-9 partner! /
Feuert den mexikanischen Polizisten, der seinen K-9 (Hunde-) Partner misshandelte!
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41. Não permitam o sacrifício de 500 cães de guarda em São Paulo! #SalvemOsCachorros / Lassen Sie die Opferung von 500 Wachhunde in Sao Paulo nicht zu! #SalvemOsCachorros / Do not let the sacrifice of 500 guard dogs in Sao Paulo happen! #SalvemOsCachorros
42. Controversial Vote to euthanize “Dino” the guard dog – Please vote with “No” for Dino!
- Neu / New 20.8.2015 -
43.Demand Justice for Police Dogs Left to Die in Hot Cars - Five police dogs have suffered horrible deaths from being left in hot cars by their handlers. The handlers have not been punished, unless you count a paid vacation as punishment.
- Neu / New 29.8.2015 -
45. Justice for Dukey an innocent dog shot and killed by the RCMP!!
…RIP Dukey :-(
- Neu / New 10.9.2015 -
- Neu / New 19.9.2015 -
47. Punish Officer Suspected of Abusing Canine - A team of officers were knocking on a door looking for a suspect, when one of the officers allegedly yanked the leash attached to the dog’s neck, whipped him with it and then kicked the dog down. The video has since chalked up 18,000 views on YouTube. The canine has been identified as a three year old Belgian Malinois, however the officer remains unidentified. The only information released is that the officer has been working for ten years, and has been a canine handler for five years.
- Neu / New 24.9.2015 -
48. Charge Corporal Josh Coleman with the death of fellow officer Mason!!!!!
49. Justice for Wix! This is the 5th k9 officer to die due to being left in a car this summer. This should not happen ever!
... RIP Wix :-(
50. K9 Cop is Retiring, So Why Can't He Be Adopted Into a Loving Home?

Quelle / Source: Facebook
Im 1. Weltkrieg rettete ich meine Einheit.
Sie gaben mir eine Medaille.
Nun will das Land,
dem ich diente,
meinesgleichen zu vernichten!
(Ruhe in Frieden,
Unteroffizier Stubby,
Amerikas erster und am meisten dekorierter
Kriegs Hund
Seite / Page 1 2 >
- 2016 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -
- 2017 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -
Polizei & Bundewehr Hunde /
Police Dogs, K9, & Military Dogs