Doggy Petitions - The Petition Spread Portal for Dogs - Doggy Petitions - Das Petitions Verbreitungs Portal für Hunde - Doggy Petitions
Gerechtigkeit für gequälte Hundeseelen!! -
Justice for abused dog souls!!
- Neu / New 16.8.2016 -
2301. Demand Jail Time for Man Who Allegedly Shot Dog in a Fit of Rage - Brandon Dakota Kitchens, from Macon, Georgia, shot the dog after finding out that his girlfriend was cheating on him with the dog’s owner. The dog, a blue Pitbull named Chabo, sustained injuries to one of his hind legs but managed to escape and is recovering well.
2302. Justice for Dog Crippled Due to Neglect - a black Labrador Retriever, was so emaciated that its bones were visible. Authorities, who found the dog confined to a urine and feces-encrusted crate, immediately removed the dog from the home.
2303. Don’t Return Starved Dog to Allegedly Abusive Owner - Two dogs allegedly died and one reportedly starved in a backyard. A neighbor apparently called animal control on Thomas Jones, Jr. after she noticed a lonely and neglected dog chained up in his backyard alongside two other dogs that had previously died.
2304. Pastor starves dogs for two days for bible study - The Pastor of New Selmont Baptist Church starved his precious dog for two whole days to prove a ridiculous point for a bible study/sermon :-( That is not how God taught us to love each other animals!!
2305. Justice for Nova:RISPCA, Change Your Subjective Policies on Euthanasia - Nova’s life was short and unfair; we can only hope that his death won’t be in vain. Please tell the RISPCA that euthanasia should only be a last resort in extreme circumstances and that they need to re-evaluate their standards and have more transparency!!
...RIP Nova :-(
2306. Dog Shot, Burned and Beaten Deserves Justice - A Great Pyrenees was reportedly shot, burned, and severely beaten. The poor dog was 40 pounds underweight and suffered gunshot wounds to two legs, cuts all over its body, and a gash around its neck that is believed to have been caused by an electric shock collar.
2307. Justice for Dog Who Died After Severe Beating - The dog suffered massive bruising and other serious injuries throughout his body
... justice for Roberto :-( RIP
2308. Dog with Choke Chain Bolted into Neck Deserves Justice - The brindle mix suffered from “repeated infliction and unnecessary pain and suffering,” stated police. A choke chain was embedded into his flesh with two dead bolt locks, leaving a gash nearly three inches deep.
2309. Dog Beaten, Starved and Hung from Doorknob until Dead, According to Police
... Puma, a Pitbull, died a horrific death :-( RIP Puma
2310. Justice for Dogs Enduring Burns from Being Forced to Sit in Chemicals at Miami-Dade Animal Services
2311. Punish Man Who Tortured Dog on Camera - Andrea Godfrey’s husky-Shiba Inu mix, named Draco, was cruelly beaten and killed by her boyfriend, Anthony Sather, who filmed the whole incident on camera.
2312. Animals found dead and malnourished at Shelter deserve Justice - Over 60 animals were reportedly rescued from an animal shelter after a child found a dead dog in a kennel.
2313. Justice for Dog Who Lost a Third of Skin after being dragged by Car - a beagle named Josephine, had more than a third of her skin ripped from her body
2314. Punish Anita Parke Who Allegedly Killed Dog to Fake Miscarriage - Her husband, Johnny Parker, found the 8-month-old Chihuahua in the trashcan after learning that she had faked her pregnancy. Demand justice for this innocent dog
2315. Prosecute Columbia Police for Animal Cruelty – The Officers Roger Schlude, Michael Cavener, Thomas Quintana and Robert Fox all participated in the intentional and unnecessary killing and cruel punishment of two domestic companion animals.
2316. Bring Bandit Home - Wichita County Humane Society!!!
2317. Dog Nearly Starved to Death Deserves Justice - A 14-year-old dog is receiving intensive care after reportedly being brought to a shelter by the owner who told the staff to euthanize her. The Lhasa Apso mix was nearly starved to death and was suffering from a maggot infestation caused by matted fur that had trapped fecal matter.
2318. Punish Couple Who Allegedly Moved and Left Small Dogs in Horrible Conditions
2319. Justice for Puppy Allegedly Poisoned to Death with Rubbing Alcohol - Joshua Fortier and his girlfriend Kayla Reed reportedly adopted the American Blue Heeler-Mix puppy from a rescue group only for Reed to come home one day and find the puppy’s lifeless body floating in a tub of water with an empty bottle of rubbing alcohol near his water bowl
... RIP Kano :-(
2320. Save Abandoned Research Animals from Being Euthanized - Urge legislators to put this law in place in an effort to save numerous animals!!!!
2321. Dogs Poisoned and Attacked With Acid Deserve Justice (Jaipur, India)
2322. Prosecute Groomer Accused of Kicking Dog (Creature Comfort Veterinary Center in Iowa City. ) – Justice for Jasper!!!!
2323. Canada: Justice for Puppy Partially Paralyzed After Being Thrown on Ground - Punish person who posted a video of himself throwing a dog and laughing :-/
2324. Justice for Dog Reportedly Shot and Killed by Neighbor - Dante, a six-year-old American Bulldog, was in his own fenced-in yard when his neighbor is accused of shooting him in the face
...RIP Dante :-(
2325. Justice for Dog Allegedly Left to Suffer with Deformed Head - His owners surrendered him to animal control days after police ordered them to seek medical attention = Alexander police found the dog tied to a tree, his head deformed to three times its normal size!!! :-(
2326. Justice for Dog Who Nearly Amputated His Own Foot to Escape of Confinement (Massachusetts. Maverick) - A German Shepherd nearly chewed off his own foot in a desperate attempt to escape confinement. Authorities stated that the dog was tethered for days, possibly weeks!!
2327. Justice for 130 Dogs Severely Neglected in Kennel – Multiple dogs were found emaciated, dehydrated, and near death at a kennel of Larry and Nadine Latzke, the owners of LDR Kennels (Charlo, MT 59824, Vereinigte Staaten) :-(
2328. Puppy Addicted to Meth and Heroin Deserves Justice - Bubba, the terrier mix, is currently receiving rehabilitation treatment for the addictions he’s had to suffer thanks to a careless human!!
...Get well, little Bubba!!!
2329. Justice for Dog Dragged to Death - David Kadow of Vancouver, Washington, allegedly dragged his 9-year-old pit bull named Hailey by her hind legs for several blocks. The dog was reportedly tethered to the bed of Kadow’s truck, and marks on the right side of the truck appear to show that she had been desperately clawing at it with her front paws. Hailey was apparently killed when the tether snapped and she got caught in a rear wheel, leading her to be crushed to death by the vehicle
...RIP Hailey :-( I am so sorry for all you went through :-(
2330. Petition to arrest and convict Alan Willis & accomplices for animal cruelty in DeKalb, Tx.
2331. Totti the police K9 died in a hot car; her handler should be fired! - Totti was a friendly 2-year-old yellow lab. She was also a police dog trained to sniff out drugs. Now she is dead because her handler left her in a hot car for over two and a half hours. This handler should lose his job now!!!
...RIP Totti :-(
2332. Stop the Torture of Dogs in Russia - Russia is behind in the times when it comes to animal cruelty laws, and the pet population is suffering as a result!!!
2333. Restricted Breeds of Dog, Change the Law for the better for all Dogs in Ireland
2334. Cease sending Santa Barbara County shelter dogs to Higher Kill shelters & form Commission!
2335. USDA: We Want the "Right to Rescue" Pets from Hot Cars
2336. Bring Summer Home!!!
- Neu / New 14.1.2017 -
2338. Stop the Nebraska Dept of Ag from claiming ALL pit bulls are aggressive.
2339. Success: Man Charged for Neglecting Puppy with Maggot-Infested Wounds
2340. Barnaby Joyce, save the Blind Bight dogs before it’s too late
2341. Rescue Suffering Dog From Alleged Cruel Owners
2342. Justice for Dog Crippled Due to Neglect
2343. Man Who Starved Young Husky to Death and Left Dog to Rot Must be Properly Punished
2344. Justice for Dog Left to Die in Intense Heat - Privacy laws prevented the police from breaking down the door and firefighters were unable to reach the one-year-old chocolate lab in time... RIP :-(
2345. SAVE INNOCENT BUSTER - Buster is a 2 year old staffie cross who was deemed to be "of pit bull type" back between November 2015 and February 2016. He is the friendliest chap and was allowed home while his owner was taking him through the exemption process, which means he wasn't seen as a risk to the public or seen as dangerous.
Sadly the owner has found himself arrested and remanded in prison!
2346. Take Legal Action Against Anna Faris for Abandoning Pete the Chihuahua
2347. Demand Convicted Puppy Killer Pay for His Crimes!
2348. Stop the inhumane and cruel treatment of animals at Sophia Pet Center in West Virginia.
2349. Save Black Dogs and Cats in Shelters From Being Disproportionately Euthanized - To mitigate Black Dog Syndrome, a phenomenon that causes shelters to indiscriminately euthanize black dogs and cats nationwide :-(
- Neu / New 10.2.2017 -
2350. Seeking Justice for Fred and Wilma – both were starved to death in Quitman County!
...RIP Fred and Wilma :-(
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- 2016 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -
- 2017 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -
30 >

Sie sagten, sie lieben mich ...
Ich dachte, wir gehen in den Park, um zu spielen ...
aber als wir dort ankamen, nahmen sie mir mein hübsches Halsband ab ...
und sie fuhren weg ...
wie soll jemand wissen, wer ich bin ...
wie werde ich nach Hause kommen ...
wann werden sie wieder kommen ...
Ich werde einfach hier warten ...
sie sagten, sie lieben mich ...
Eine Verpflichtung...
keine Bequemlichkeit !!
Quelle/ Source: Google+
Quelle / Source: The Barking Army (Norman Wisdom) & &
Sie sind genauso schuldig
wie die Täter,
wenn Sie etwas über Tiermissbrauch wissen
und nichts tun !!!
- Die bellende Armee -
Sadly FB has banned Norman Wisdom´s Page from the Barking Army
Sign this Petition to let him come back to fight and work with us!! =
Give Back the "Barking Army Page " to Norman Wisdom- hacked animal rights FB page -
The Barking Army facebook page has been hacked by unscrupulous people
who are now using the page's popularity for publishing non-animal-rights content.
Norman has been banned from FB
for having an exchange of words with his hacker.
!!!!!!!! Please help him get unbanned !!!!!!!!