Doggy Petitions - The Petition Spread Portal for Dogs - Doggy Petitions - Das Petitions Verbreitungs Portal für Hunde - Doggy Petitions
Gerechtigkeit für gequälte Hundeseelen!! -
Justice for abused dog souls!!
2501. Let emotional support animal back in!
... Let service dog Arthur back into Veterans Village with his companion Mike who sufferers from PTSD!
2502. France: Une automobiliste a attaché son chien à son attache de caravane et l'a trainé sur près de 2 kms jusqu'à ce que
mort s'en suive. /
Verfolgen Sie den Autofahrer von Crecy en Ponthieu, der seinen Hund hinter seinem Wohnwagen band und ihn etwa 2 km hinter sich her schleifte, was letztendlich zum Tod des armen Hundes führte! /
Prosecute the Car driver from Crecy en Ponthieu, that tied his Dog behind his Caravan and dragged him about 2 kms what ultimately leading to the death of the poor Dog!
2503. Support Prosecution of Animal Abuser and Hoarder - Vickie West (of Fayetteville, Arkansas)
2504. France: Justice pour Lekko, lâchement assassiné /
Gerechtigkeit für unseren Hund Lekko, der feige in Thezillieu ermordet wurde! /
Justice for our Dog Lekko, who was cowardly murdered in Thezillieu!
2505. From Malaysia: Heartbreaking - A DOG dyed In National Colors With Toxic Paint - A poor dog dipped in paint colors that are very toxic to resembles the colors of the National FLAG of Columbia !
2506. France: Pour arrêter cette barbarie /
Stoppen Sie diese Barbarei - Unsere Haustiere werden in der Gemeinde Bouleternere, in den Pyrenäen Orientales, erschossen oder erhangen.
STOPPEN Sie dieses barbarischen Handlungen! /
To stop this barbarism - Our Pets are Shot or Hung in the Commune of Bouleternere in the Pyreneese Orientales.
STOP this Barbaric Acts!
2507. Justice for Janice - Janice was received into the care of an ACO facility after being dumped in a dog park with one bowl of food, and was received in such depraved condition that she had a noticeable skull deformity and was in an obviously neglected condition.
#JusticeForJanice !!!
2508. Help Save Laska - The FNDC Animal control had received a phone call about Laska "roaming" this person also sent in a picture of her with a duck in her mouth. They took Laska from her family saying they would release her when the property had a fully contained and secure area for her to be in. Laska's owners immediately took action preparing their home and section so Laska can never escape again, but after one day the FNDC Animal Control said they were no longer willing to release Laska and instead she would likely be booked for euthenasia.
2509. A Voice for G2 - German Shepherd Dragged by Man on Motorized Scooter -This man's name is 59 year old Mario Cardona from Mission, TX. Unlike this man, we care and advocate for all animals. We are the Voice for G2, this dog who was defenseless against this man's behavior. We are asking Judge Jonathan Wehrmeister to act now to ensure that Mario Cardona may never own animals again.
2510. FULLY PROSECUTE DARREN LEE WHITE - ARRESTED FOR ANIMAL CRUELTY - Tulsa police arrested Darren Lee White for allegedly chasing down and running over a dog and then beating it to death with a baseball bat.
2511. A Cyanide Bomb Killed their Family Dog and Threatened their Son: USDA Stop Using Them Now! - A 14-year-old boy was walking his dog Casey out behind his house in rural Idaho. The two found something that the boy said "looked like a sprinkler." They investigated it and it exploded, sending orange dye everywhere. Casey, their beautiful lab was dead within minutes
... :-( RIP Casey :-(
2512. Australia: Justice for Fi an Innocent Pup killed by RSPCA - Justice for Fi, another victim of the BSL (Breed Specific Legislation) which was murdered by the RSPCA Rutherford NSW Shelter February 12th for being deemed "too dangerous to be rehomed"
... :-( RIP Fi
2513. Help, Be A Voice for G2 - German Shepard Dragged by Man in Motorized Scooter - Texas Mission, Prosecute Mario Cardona to the Fullest Extent of the Law for Dragging his German Shepherd 'G2', by a rope around his neck from his motorized scooter. Ban him from Owning Animals for Life!
2514. Dog Hung From Ceiling With Mouth and Paws Taped Together – Abuser Must be Found
2515. Justice for Baron: The dog whose nose and ears were cut off.
2516. Scotland: Justice for Dog Abandoned in Parking Lot - A dog was recently pushed out of a car and left in the parking lot of a Glasgow Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) rehoming center.
2517. Germany: Ein kleiner Hund starb elendig! Besitzerin war untätig! Ich fordere eine harte Strafe!
...Ruhe in Frieden, Max :-( /
A small dog died miserably, the owner was inactive! We Demand Justice!
...RIP Max :-(
2518. To demand that this teenager is brought to justice and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law without further delay.
– This Guy is known only as “Cleve” :-/
2519. Ban Alleged Animal Hoarders From Owning Animals - An elderly couple is facing animal abuse charges after 92 dogs were removed from their home in poor condition. The dogs, all Yorkshire Terriers, were suffering from a myriad of health conditions, including fleas, hair loss, overgrown nails, skin issues, ear infections, and poor teeth.
2520. Justice for Dogs Allegedly Neglected and Left to Die
2521. Save Innocent Creatures from Animal Abusers
2522. Justice for Dog Allegedly Strangled and Stabbed to Death
...RIP Snow :-(
2523. San Antonio shelter killed 9 dogs yesterday. This shelter has releases 6 days a week
..most of the Dogs have shelters willing to take them. Tell the San Antonio Shelter to quit euthanizing healthy and adoptable animals!
2524. Justice for Animals Reportedly Found in Feces-Filled House of Horrors - Animal shelters from Fayetteville and neighboring towns stepped up to share what they knew about 63-year-old Vickie West, the owner of the animals. According to one shelter, she told staff that she worked closely with rescue groups across the county to find homes for animals at risk of euthanasia.
2525. Man Accused of Killing Mom’s Dog With Trash Compactor Must be Punished - Video footage reportedly showed a man placing the dog inside and then pushing the button to turn the machine on. Demand that justice is served for this innocent dog.
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- 2016 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -
21 > 22 > 23 > 24 > 25 > 26 > 27 > 28 > 29 >
- 2017 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -
30 >

Quelle / Source: Im-Paws-Able Dog Rescue
Pitbulls sind von Natur aus
Jimmy, ein missbrauchtes Pitbull,
gerettet von BARCS aus Baltimore City,
und sein Frauchen, Betsy
Quelle/ Source: Google+
Bitte beendet Tiermissbrauch
Erinnert ihr euch an Caitlyn... ?
Die Hündin, der man die Schnauze mit Klebeband zuklebte :-(
was seitdem von zu vielen anderen nachgemacht wird :-/
Schaut sie euch jetzt an :-)
Do you remember Caitlyn ...?
The female Dog, who was muzzled with adhesive tape :-(
which since is imitated by too many others: - /
Look at her now :-)
2526. Remove Libby, Montana's Breed Discriminatory Ordinance
2527. UK: Justice for Dog Bashed in Head and Buried Alive - We Demand Harsher Penalties for Animal Abuse/Torture!! A Dog Named 'Scamp' was found in a shallow grave, barely alive, with a nail driven in his skull. The Dog had been beat in the Head with a hammer at least 6 times by his owner Michael Heathcock, Heathcock's friend, Richard Finch in an attempt to 'Euthanize' Scamp because of health issues. The 2 men were Sentenced to 4 months in jail/banned from Owning Animals for Life. Just a slap on the wrist for the Torture Scamp endured. Scamp had...
2528. Justice for Dog Reportedly Shot with Crossbow – Prosecute Dalton Zindars and Dakota Leddy-Wilber, if Convicted, to the Fullest Extent of the Law for shooting a dog with a mini crossbow/leaving it to Die in Mason County. Ban them from Owning Animals for Life!
2529. Justice for Dog Allegedly Abused, Leading to Her Death
2530. Justice For Dogs Reportedly Held Captive, Beaten and Mutilated - Prosecute Jordan Ross, of El Dorado, to the Fullest Extent of the Law for Severe Neglect and Abuse of 5 Pit Bulls, after they were found Chained, Starving and Mutilated! All 5 had to be humanely euthanized to end their suffering!
2531. Justice for Tyson, a dog crying in pain in his final hours with no help in Pomona-CA - We are starting this petition, because we want to know what happened with this dog, and why he didn't get medical treatment that was requested.
2532. Alaska: Justice for Two Dogs Found Dead After Allegedly Being Abandoned - Prosecute Kathleen Murphy, to the Fullest Extent of the Law, for Abandoning 2 Dogs in her home in Anchorage/allowing them to Starve to Death.
2533. Charge the owner who stabbed their poodle mix 19 times in Saint Louis, MO
2534. Justice for Dog Bound and Stomped to Death - Prosecute Nathan McCue, girlfriend Jessica Brown of Genesee County, to the Fullest Extent of the Law for binding a Dog with tape and beating it to Death. If Convicted, Ban them from Owning Animals for Life!
2535. Justice for Dog Allegedly Duct-Taped and Tortured - Prosecute William Harpe to the Fullest Extent of the Law for clipping his puppy's ears at home, wrapped Duct Tape around its Muzzle and legs before he removed the staples from its ears. He then posted a photo of the wrapped pup on Snapchat with apparent pride. Harpe stated he rescues Animals and believes he won't be Prosecuted for this Cruelty, Ban this jerk from Owning Animals for Life!
2536. Canada: Stop farmers from shooting family pets!
...Make it illegal !!!!
2537. Justice for the Mastiffs - 9 Mastiffs were found dead, and 22 other mastiffs were fighting for their lives in Stratford NY ! Lack of sufficient food and water caused these dogs to suffer extreme malnutrition. Since the dogs were rescued and moved to the James A Brennan Humane Society,in Mayfield NY, another dog has since passed away. This brings the total number of deaths to 10!! ...RIP :-(
2538. Return Minno to Her Owner of 9 Years! Elevate Pet Theft to a Felony!
2539. Justice for Libre! - Libre was found at a puppy mill with severe mange, maggots in his skin, ulcers on his eyes and is severely emaciated.
2540. Justice for Yakima Dog Who Died Chained in Snow & Other Washington Pets Left in the Cold
2541. Return Hunter! Increase Stray Animal Hold Period in Washington! Need Adoption Clause!
2542. Justice for Hailey! - David Kadow purposefully dragged his dog by a rope attached to his truck, to her death.
... RIP Hailey :-(
2543. Justice for Abby! - Melissa Pruett called Animal Services to report that her neighbor ,Richard Baker came onto her property and killed her miniature dachshund {Abby}....
2544. France: Justice pour le chiot sourd euthanasié au refuge des 3 bornes /
Gerechtigkeit für den tauben Welpen, der im "3 Bornes Shelter" ungerechterweise eingeschläfert wurde!
... Taub sein ist kein Todesurteil!!! :-( /
Justice for the deaf puppy that was unjustly euthanized at the “3 Bornes Shelter”!
... Being deaf is not a death sentence!!! :-(
2545. Italy: Uniti per Chicca! /
Gerechtigkeit für Chicca - Verfolgen Sie Antonio Fuoco aus Pastena im vollsten Ausmaß des Gesetzes für den brutalen Mord seines 6 Monate alten Welpen, namens Chicca, auf der Piazza Orazio Flacco! Die Gesetze gegen Tiermissbrauch müssen in Italien stärker werden! /
Justice for Chicca - Prosecute Antonio Fuoco of Pastena to the Fullest Extent of the Law for the Brutal Murder of his 6 month old Puppy named Chicca in Piazza Orazio Flacco! The Laws against Animal Abuse need to be more severe in Italy!
2546. New Zealand: Justice for Innocent Trainee Bomb Dog Allegedly Shot and Killed - A 10-month-old bomb detector puppy, named Grizz, was reportedly shot to death by police while training to be an Aviation Security Explosion Detector. The poor dog was killed an hour after the airport had posted to Twitter that they captured him. As the Ambassador of SAFE for Animals, Hans Kriek, asked, “why wasn’t a tranquilizer used instead?”
...:-( RIP Grizz :-(
2547. New Zealand: Justice For Grizz
2548. Germany: Zum Kanibalismus getriebene Hunde im Tierheims "Vrsacki Azil", Serbien! Im Zeitraum zwischen Oktober 2016 und Februar 2017 sind dort etwa 200 Hunde an Folgen des Kanibalismus und Misshandlung gestorben. Hilf dies zu stoppen - Nur wir können das Serbische Ministerium za Poljoprivredu i Veterinarstvo zwingen etwas zu unternehmen. Die dortigen Tierschützer scheitern daran, dass sie kein Gehör bekommen, damit die Welt nichts davon erfährt- lasst uns das bitte ändern! /
Dogs driven to cannibalism in the shelter "Vrsacki Azil", Serbia! The Dogs in the Shelter are being driven to cannibalism due to the lack of food given to them, even so donations are given to them! In the period between October 2016 and February 2017, about 200 dogs died there as a result of cannibalism and mistreatment. Help to stop this - Only we can force the Serbian Ministry za Poljoprivredu i Veterinarstvo to do something = This is NOT Acceptable !!! The animal protectionists there are failing because they do not get a hearing, so the world does not know about it - please let us change that!
2549. Serbia: Smena odgovornih za krvoprolice u Azilu za pse Vrsac /
Strafverfolgung der Verantwortlichen für das Hungern lassen, denMissbrauch und die Entbehrungen von Rahmenbedingungen für das Leben der Hunde im Tierheim von Vrsac Gemeinde Vrsacki Azil, Serbien /
Prosecute those Responsible for the Starvation, Abuse and Deprivation of basic conditions for the life of Dogs in the Shelter of Vrsac Municipality Vrsacki Azil.
2550. Punish Man Accused of Starving 12 Dogs - Prosecute Anthony Cochran of Lowndes County, Mississippi, to the Fullest Extent of the Law for Starving 12 Dogs nearly to Death! This is Cochrans second offense, Ban him from Owning Animals for Life!