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doggy petitions, petition, hunde, dogs, starved dogs, starved to deth, neglected, animal abuser, justice, pétition, petizione,


Er kann Grausamkeit gegenüber Tieren nicht melden ...

aber du kannst es!!

Quelle/ Source: Google+

51. Find and Charge Owner of Two Neglected Pit Bulls


52. Demand Justice for Pit Bull Starved to Death


53. Liverpool boxer DIES after being left without food and water for weeks! Justice for Willie!


.- Neu / New  8.6.2015 -


54. Ask the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals to Use Donations for Abused and Neglected Animals


55. Justice for Dogs Who Starved to Death - Neighbors called in a complaint about the odor coming from the woman’s residence, and claimed that they heard what sounded like a whimpering dog from inside the home. When police went inside, they allegedly found four dead dogs, including two pit bulls, one terrier mix, and one Rottweiler. Another pit bull was reportedly found emaciated, and has since been taken into a shelter in hopes of saving its life.


56. (Bullets Law)......Justice for all animals that have been abused!!


57. Punish Cruel and Neglectful Pet Owners


- Neu / New 23.6.2015 -


58. To hold Christian Aldair Barrera-Quiroz accountable to the fullest extent of the law for the abuse/neglect/ cruelty and willful starvation of this small dog that we now call Doodles.


59. Put David Lowe in Prison


60. We, the voters and constituents of the state of Mississippi, call on you and the duly elected Mississippi Representatives to support legislation that promote stronger penalties for crimes against animals in the state of Mississippi


- Neu / New 4.7.2015 -


61. Give courts the power to pass tougher sentences on people convicted of animal cruelty.


62. Change in education system - India


- Neu / New 17.7.2015 -


63. Stop Animal Abuse in New York State


- Neu / New 4.8.2015 -


64. Let the Punishment Fit the Crime for Animal Cruelty - RSPCA ACT Australia


65. Condenas más graves para los maltratadores de animales /

Härtere Strafen für Tierquäler /

More severe penalties for animal abusers


66. Exigimos que se apruebe la Ley de Bienestar Animal en Costa Rica /

Wir fordern, dass ein Tierschutzgesetz in Costa Rica bewilligt wird /

We demand that the Animal Welfare Act be passed in Costa Rica


67. Demand Justice for Dog Nearly Starved to Death in Carlisle, Kentucky - The dog, now named “Snow Chief,” was found chained outside, weighing about half of what he was supposed to weigh. Surprisingly, the owner of the dog claimed she was not at fault and did nothing wrong to this poor animal. This woman must be made aware of her crimes and be charged with animal cruelty.


68. Demand Justice for Beaten Dog - A perpetrator dumped an injured female German Shepherd on the steps of the Oakland, California Animal Shelter.  The German Shepherd was in horrific pain. The dog was extremely thin, had infections and open wounds covering her body, and a bungee cord around her neck so tightly that it broke her skin.


69. Demand Justice for Dog starved and thrown down a Garbage Chute - Prosecute Kisha Curtis, the woman who starved and thew her Pitbull down a garbage chute, to the fullest


- Neu / New 12.8.2015 -


70. Animal cruelty charges need to change so the Penalty matches the Crime!


71. Revaluate the final judgement of Rusty (the San Antonio Miracle Dog) Animal Abuse Case#467847, heard in San Antonio TX County Court 12 before Judge Scott Roberts.


72- Justice for Kobi - Request for Review of the sentence


73. Stop Kentucky’s Animal Cruelty


- Neu / New 10.9.2015 -


74. Properly punish people who mistreat their animals

…RIP Moses :-(


75. Stop animal abuse in Rhode Island and let’s get Moses law passed



Gefängnis für die Vorschullehrerin und Center-Mitarbeiterin von "Country Kids Bilingual Children" Francyni Aragon, weil sie ihrem Hund langsam zu Tode hungern lies! /

Prison for pre-school teacher and center employee from “Country Kids Bilingual children” Francyni Aragon, because she slowly starved her dog to death!


- Neu / New 19.9.2015 -


77. Animal Abuse should be illegal all over the World & the USA


78. "Pet cruelty, any denial of necessary care to sustain quality of an animals life = Felony!!"


- Neu / New 24.9.2015 -


79. Ensure Stricter Punishment for Animal Abuse & Cruelty


80. Chance's Law: Mandatory Spay and Neuter in the State of Florida


- Neu / New 1.10.2015 -


81. Tougher sentencing and laws on animal cruelty


82. Amend the Quebec Civil Code to protect animals from abuse. Modification du code civil québécois pour une meilleure protection des animaux


83. Urge Stricter Laws against Animal Cruelty in Denver, CO


- Neu / New 7.10.2015 -


84. Longer sentencing for animal cruelty!


85. Thank Authorities for Saving Starved, Neglected Pets - A deputy prosecutor discovered a horrific case of animal abuse in a home in Olympia, Washington. David Williford was charged with 12 counts of animal cruelty for allegedly holding a large number of guinea pigs, rats, and dogs in horrid conditions. Evidence suggests that he used Craigslist to get the animals.


86. Don’t Return Neglected Pets to Their Irresponsible Owner - An estimated 60 cats and nearly one dozen dogs were found starved to death among more than 30 other malnourished and sick animals at a residence in Bloomington, Illinois. Curtis Cleary inherited the home and the animals from his late girlfriend Catherine Hedges, a devoted animal advocate.


87. Thank Rescuers of Neglected German Sheperds - Virginia’s Colonial Heights Shelter rescued a mother German shepherd and her puppies who had been abandoned and neglected. These dogs were battling disease and hunger, yet the shelter agreed to care for them. The dogs had been found and referred to the shelter by a kindhearted citizen from another county.


88. Don’t Return Severely Neglected Dog to Owner - A dog, now nicknamed China, was found emaciated with a severe skin infection, overgrown toenails, ear and dental infections.  Photographs demonstrate that rescuers could see every bone her body.  She looked like she was near death. Authorities, however, are considering returning China to her previous owners

…Rescue China please :-(


- Neu / New 19.10.2015 -



Werden sie aktive bei der Überprüfung der Tierzucht und Vernachlässigungen /

Take action in reviewing of animal breeding and neglections


90. Enact a federal registry for animal abuse/neglect perpetrators.


91. Stricter punishments on animal abusers


- Neu / New 30.10.2015 -


92. Punish Couple Who Neglected and Abandoned Animals - Bruce and Kathleen Friedel were charged with animal cruelty when police inspected his previous property and found it in shambles. The animals that were recovered from the property were filthy, ill, and emaciated. It was obvious that these pets were severely neglected, and the man did nothing to keep them healthy.


93. Demand Justice for Starved Dog - “Brewster,” as he is called by his rescuers weighed only 25 pounds when he was brought into the New York City Animal Care Center. Veterinarians say the dog, a boxer, should have weighed 60 pounds. The animal was less than half its desirable weight, and the man who brought him in claiming he found him in a field appears to be the animal’s owner. Officials allege the only reason the owner, Anthony Esteves, brought Brewster in was so the dog wouldn’t die in his bedroom :-(


- Neu / New 7.11.2015 -


94. PODEMOS: incluyan en su programa la defensa de los Derechos de los Animales /

Wir können es schaffen: Fügen Sie die Verteidigung der Rechte der Tiere in Ihre Tagesordnung ein! /

We can do it: Include the defense of Animal Rights in your agenda!


95. HELP VITTORIA! My name is Israel and I ´m co-founder of PATA, an acronym in Portuguese for "Protecting the Animals with All the Love". Our society for animal protection was founded in Guabiruba, a town with 20,000 inhabitants in Southern Brazil. One of the most recent rescue cases is Vittoria. She was rescued on October 21, although she looks like an old dog, she is a small-sized puppy at the age of 6 months only. An unknown evil person left her behind starving and the vet who received her said Vittoria was saved in the last minute. She was under serious Hipothermia, infested by fleas and diagnosed with scabies.


96. MAXIMUM penalty for Wiggins/ Pickard case of animal cruelty in Manistee County Michigan.


97. Een levenslang houdverbod voor dierenmisbruikers en dierenbeulen /

Eine lebenslange Verbot der Haltung von Tieren für die Tierschänder und Tierquäler /

A lifelong ban on keeping animals for animal molesters and animal abusers


98. Activista deja morir de hambre a 38 perros - Dirigida a Ministerio Federal de justicia austríaca!!  /

Aktivistin liess 38 Hunde verhungern - Dies richtet sich an das österreichische Bundesministerium der Justiz!! Obwohl es fast unmöglich zu glauben scheint, wurde eine 63-jährige Tierschutz-Aktivistin dafür angeklagt, dass sie 38 Hunde verhungern liess; die Tatsache wurde in Ried im Innkreis, Österreich entdeckt. Nach entsprechenden Nachforschungen wegen Vernachlässigung und keinerlei Versorgung  mit irgendeiner Nahrung oder Wasser, wurden die Hunde tot aufgefunden. Darüber hinaus wird der Aktivistin von den Staatsanwälten die Veruntreuung von Geldmitteln aus Spenden in Höhe von 200,00 € vorgeworfen. /

Activist starved 38 dogs to death - this is aimed at the Austrian Federal Ministry of Justice !! Although it seems almost impossible to believe a 63-year-old animal welfare activist was accused that she had let 38 dogs die of hunger; the fact was discovered in Ried, Austria. After appropriate investigations due to neglect and no supply of any food or water, the dogs were found dead. Moreover, the activist is accused by the prosecutors, the embezzlement of funds from donations in the amount of 200,00 €.



Freiwilliger Rücktritt durch Skandal - Hunde zum verhungern zurückgelassen!! Hunde werden, unter den Augen des Bürgermeisters und des Rates der Stadt Monroe, zum verhungern zurück gelassen /

Resignation by scandal – Dogs left to die of hunger!!  Dogs left to starve under the eyes of the mayor and the council of the City of Monroe


100. Emaciated Dog Found behind A Home in Jackson, MS. Sign to force charges against owner!

doggy petitions, petition, hunde, dogs, starved dogs, starved to deth, neglected, animal abuser, justice, pétition, petizione,


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Quelle/ Source: Google+

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(Ver)Hungern lassen :- / Starvation 


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©Doggy Petitions 7. April 2015 by Suse Freiberg

One Year of Doggy Petitions with 2819 Supporters


!!!! Thank you in the name of Dogs worldwide !!!!


Two Year of Doggy Petitions with 5309 Supporters


!!!! Thank you in the name of Dogs worldwide !!!!

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