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Gerechtigkeit für gequälte Hundeseelen!! -

Justice for abused dog souls!!


Doggy Petitions - The Petition Spread Portal for Dogs - Doggy Petitions - Das Petitions Verbreitungs Portal für Hunde - Doggy Petitions

2251. Justice for Kona! Investigate & Prosecute Animal Cruelty: Animals as Victims not Property!!  

...RIP Kona :-(


2252. Spain: Desaparicion masiva de perros en la comarca del Baix Camp / 

Massenhaftes Verschwinden von Hunden im Baix Camp - Viele Hunde sind verschwunden in den vergangenen Monaten!! Wir bitten, die Polizei diese Diebstähle zu untersuchen, denn inzwischen sind mehr als 50 Tiere verschwunden und es wird befürchtet, dass sie für Hundekämpfe (oder dem Training Hundekämpfe) missbraucht und gefoltert werden! Wo sind unsere Hunde????? /

Massive disappearance of dogs in the Baix Camp – Many dogs have disappeared in the past few months !! We ask the police to investigate these thefts because now more than 50 animals have disappeared and it is feared that they are abused and tortured for dog fighting (or  for the training of dog fights) Where are our dogs ????


2253. Imprison Man Charged with 267 Instances of Animal Cruelty - Make sure pet store owner from East Brunswick, New Jersey, (Pet store called Just Pups) charged with 267 counts of animal cruelty is imprisoned for his crimes!!

Read more: 67 puppies found stashed in van of pet store owner facing 267 counts of cruelty

Please sign and share widely:


2254. Utah State Legislature: Gas chambers have no place in our animal shelters. Shut Them Down.


2255. Spain: firma para salvar a losperros que estánenestado de abandonoen la perrera de Eurocan / Unterschreibt, um die Hunde zu retten, die unter erbärmlichen Bedingungen und in einem Zustand der Verwahrlosung im Zwinger "Eurocan" leben müssen! / Sign to save the dogs that must live in deplorable conditions  and are in a state of neglect in kennel  “Eurocan”!


2256. Mexico: Que se castigue a las personas que quemaron vivo a un perro en San Luis Potosí,México /

Bestrafen Sie diejenigen, die in San Luis Potosi, Mexiko, einen Hund bei lebendigem Leibe verbrannen /

To punish those who burned a dog alive in San Luis Potosi, Mexico


2257. Spain: LA PROTECTORA HUELLAS PUERTOLLANO pide que se haga justicia: castigo a los culpables. /

” LA PROTECTORA HUELLAS PUERTOLLANO” (Die Fußabdrücke der Wächter Puertollano) fordert Gerechtigkeit: Bestrafung der Schuldigen – Nur wenige Tage, nachdem die leblosen Körper von drei Welpen in Puertollano gefunden wurden, hat es einen neuen und brutalen Fall der Gewalt an einem  Tier gegeben. es wurde der  tote Körper eines, überwiegend verbrannten, Hundes in der Nähe von Park Terri gefunden... /

“LA PROTECTORA HUELLAS PUERTOLLANO” (The footprints of the Guardians Puertollano) calls for justice: Punishment of the guilty - Just a few days after the dead bodies of three puppies were found in Puertollano, a further brutal case of violence against an animal occurred, the dead body of a mainly burned dog was found near Park Terri ...


2258. France: Contre la lente agonie des chiens enfermés à l'école vétérinaire de Sidi Thabet - Transférez ces chiens dans un refuge! /

Gegen den langsamen Tod der Hunde, die in der Veterinär Hochschule von Sidi Thabet, Tunesien ,eingesperrt sind - bringen Sie diese Hunde in einem Tierheim ! /

Against the slow death of the dogs who are caged in the Veterinary Academy of Sidi Thabet, Tunesia- bring these dogs tot an animal shelter!


2259. Spain:  Apoyo para Xispa, Miki, Rufus y Clara /

Unterstützung für Xispa, Miki, Rufus und Clara – Beendet das Mobbing in der Nachbarschaft - Unsere Hunde sind freundlich und unsere Familienmitglieder bleiben bei uns !!!  /

Support for Xispa, Miki, Rufus and Clara - End the bullying in the neighborhood - Our dogs are friendly and our family members stay with us !!!


2260. Chile: Cárcel por el brutal caso de maltrato animal, en Alhue, región metropolitana /

Gefängnis für den brutalen Fall von Tierquälerei in Alhue, Metropolregion 

...das Bild sagt alles :-( ein Autofahrer filmte dies total fassungslos... /

Prison for the brutal case of animal abuse in Alhue, metropolitan region 

...the picture says it all :-( a driver filmed this totally aghast ...


2261. Chile: Castigo al Asesino que arrastro a su perro hasta morir /

Bestrafung für den Mörder, der seinen Hund zu Tode schleifte

  ...Ruhe in Frieden :-(  /

Punishment for the Murderer who dragged his dog to death 

...RIP :-(


2262. Spain: Qué se dejen de matar a tiros a los perros callejeros en Marruecos... /

Was kann die massenhaften Erschiessungen von Marokkos Streunerhunde n beenden... Helft!!! /

What can stop n the mass shootings of Morocco's stray dogs... Help!!


2263. France: Pour la fin des tueries en fourrières des chiens de première catégorie /

Beenden Sie die Tötung von Hunden der sogenannten „erster Klasse“ in dem Hundezwinger – Schluss  mit der Diskriminierung von Hunderassen!! Behandeln Sie alle Hunde gleich und geben Sie ihnen eine Chance auf ein gutes leben!! (Listenhunde) /

End the killings of so called “first class” dogs in the dog pound - Stop the discrimination of dog breeds !! Treat all dogs equally and give them a chance of a good life !! (BSL)


- Neu / New 14.8.2016 - 


Rheumatoid Arthritis

:-( How can it be that there are perfectly healthy

Animal Abusers and Child Molesters...

and I,

as a good human being and Animal Advocate,

have such a terrible disease :-(

(After a very long time in hospital, I hope,

that I may soon return to work with you in animal welfare !!!)


2264. Canada: JUSTICE FOR SADIE, 7-week old puppy who was strangled and nearly died


2265. UK: Justice for Barney - Andrew Summerfield (from Colchester, UK) shot his dog 10 times with an air rifle, slashed his face with a meat cleaver, then left him for dead on a roadside with a noose round his neck, a court heard. Vets were forced to put down bull terrier Barney because his injuries were so severe but they traced owner Andrew Summerfield, 43, through the animal’s microchip!!  

...RIP Barney :-( you will find love at the rainbow bridge, little darling



Der Mörder der Straßenhunde von Cearà Varjota City, Brasilien, ist noch immer frei - Verhaftung und Strafrechtliche Verfolgung von Leandro Noble für die mutwillige Erschießen der streunenden Hunde! Er ist eine große Gefahr für Tiere, unsere Kinder und jedem, der seinen Weg kreuzt!!!! /

The Street Dog Killer of Cearà Varjota City, Brazil, is still free - Arrest and Prosecute Leandro Noble for the wanton shooting of stray dogs! He is a great danger for animals, our children and everyone who crosses his path !!!!


2267. Costco: Toxic Dog Treats: Made in China: In Memory of Celery (Cadet Brand Duck Breast Jerky Dog "Treats") 

...RIP Celery :-(


2268. China: Take the dog away from his abusive owner!!!


2269. Justice for Dogs Nearly Killed in Smuggling Attempt - Authorities say that the dogs were packed in nearly airless crates and they originally thought they were dead. Multiple breeds, including Shepherds, Labradors, Chihuahuas, Hounds, and Terriers, were rescued

from the hot, humid vehicle :-(


2270. Russia: Требуем возбуждения уголовного дела и максимально сурового наказания садиста! / Wir fordern, dass ein Strafverfahren und die schwerste Strafe für diese Mörder erzwungen werden! Es ist dringend notwendig, das Gesetz für Tierquälerei zu verschärfen! / We demand that a criminal case and the most severe penalty be enforced for these murderers! There is an urgent need to tighten up the law for animal cruelty!


2271. Hold Sherre Kay Buell accountable for starvation of 13 dogs - Hesperia and Apple Valley, CA.


2272. Justice for Sully! Demand Enforcement that Abandonment & Starvation is a Felony in NJ - Jennifer Caruso was arrested and plead guilty to abandoning and starving a dog named Sully to death.  Sully was a Swiss Mountain Dog and her family dog since he was a puppy; he was eleven years old.

... RIP Sully :-(


2273. Justice for Bear - a Lab mix was found hanging by his leash and bloody choke collar just barely alive and clinging to life, as the result of a heinous animal abuse/torture case in rural Sibley, IL. - Please help to ensure the owners do NOT get this dog back and the person(s) responsible for this heinous crime are criminally prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. more: Tortured Lab shot, beaten and hanging over bridge with his muzzle taped shut

Please sign and share for Bear:


2274. Justice for Ditto - Dog Shot and Killed in Front of Owner's Children in Their Yard in Martinsville, IN!! Ditto (a puppy) was murdered by Craig Standridge - please sign this petition asking Judge Foley to consider the full punishment to the extent of the law for this felony.


2275. Severely Punish Teens who Sicced Dogs on Neighbor’s Cat - For no reason other than to be cruel, the teens allegedly released their dogs from their leashes and allowed them to hunt, corner, and brutalize the cat.

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- 2016 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -

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- 2017 :-) Happy New Year to all Animal Advocates -

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doggy petitions, petition, hunde, dogs, justice, gerechtigkeit, animal abuse, voice for animals, petición, pétition, petizione, ходатайство,
doggy petitions, petition, hunde, dogs, justice, gerechtigkeit, animal abuse, voice for animals, petición, pétition, petizione, ходатайство,

Quelle / Source: Busters Vision Non Profit Inc &


!! Ich bin im Krieg

gegen Tierquälerei

und das Aussetzen !!

!! Ich werde den Kampf

um die Tierrechts und deren Reform

kämpfen !!

Quelle / Source:


Wenn alle anderen Freunde dich verlassen,

er bleibt. 

Wenn der Reichtum Flügel bekommt,

und das Ansehen in Stücke zerfällt,

er ist so beständig in seiner Liebe,

wie die Sonne

auf ihrer Reise

durch den Himmel.

Zitat: Senator George G. Vest

2276. Maximum Sentence Urged for California Dog, Animal and Child Abusers - After originally facing four felony counts of dog fighting, 17 felony counts of cruelty to an animal and one felony count of child abuse and a possible maximum sentence of 13 years in state prison, Pauline Ruth Winbush (53) and Kevin Williams (52) plea to far lesser charges and as part of the plea deal, 27 other counts against Winbush and Williams will be dismissed  

... 19 Dogs lost their lives due to the actions of these Monsters :-( #BeTheirVoice.


2277. Cairo IL. Justice for the dog with no name - The dog was seen moving 8/9 blocks with blood squirting out of his eye. The police were called the dog was now on the ground and a 15 minute closest vet, yet the Police shot the dog dead

... :-/ RIP, dear Dogsoul :-(


2278. Justice for Severely Burned Puppy Allegedly Thrown From a Vehicle - A one-year-old German Shepherd was reportedly found in a park suffering from third-degree burns and road rash on her head.


2279. Russia: Массовая гибель собак в приюте Вешняки под управлением БАНО ЭКО! /

Massensterben von Hunden im Tierheim Veshnyaki unter der Kontrolle von «Eco» (BANO «Eco»)! Wir fordern Gerechtigkeit für diese unschuldigen Hunde! /

Mass deaths of dogs in the shelter Veshnyaki under the control of "Eco" (BANO "Eco")! We demand justice for these innocent dogs!


2280. DEMAND CT State Police and Mayor's Office to investigate the allegations of dog abuse in Waterbury, CT - There is a video being widely circulated which captures the horrific sounds of dogs screaming while being allegedly beaten. It has also been alleged that sexual abuse of one or more dogs may have taken place on the same property by the man who is allegedly beating the dogs in the video. This abuse has been allegedly going on for over 4 years! And the Waterbury Police Department and the Waterbury ACO have not done a thorough investigation!


2281. $1000 Fine for Dragging Dog Behind Pickup is NOT Enough - Sentencing of Willie Davis (Mississippi) who pled "no contest" to the unthinkable act of dragging his yelping and crying dog, Champ, behind his pickup truck.


2282. Justice for the Painesville, Ohio dog killed when thrown out of 6th floor window


2283. Fight for animal rights in Alabama! Force action on these teens who burned a dog alive - Police have arrested Jabari Maliek Stots a 19-year-old who is responsible for pouring camping fuel on the dog and lighting it on fire.  Two teenagers - a 16-year-old girl and a 17-year-old boy - who police say were present when the dog was set on fire were released after only being charged with criminal trespassing.


2284. Mexico: JUSTICIA PARA MILI  #NoMasMaltrato #ZoofiliaSeCastigaConCàrcel /

Gerechtigkeit für Mili - Bei dieser unschuldigen kleinen Hündin wurde ein Mastdarmvorfall, verursacht durch die Vergewaltigung ihres eigenen Besitzers, diagnostiziert. Ein Danke schön an die anonymen Retter, die Mili aus ihrer Hölle retteten und das Vertrauen zu uns hatten, sich uns anzuvertrauen. Wir fordern Tierschutzgesetze, um Tiere vor Tiermissbrauch zu schützen!! Wir drängen die Regierung von Hidalgo zur Gerechtigkeit, da die Person, die diese schreckliche Tat, und andere Verbrechen, verrichtete,. im Gefängnis sein sollte!!! /

Justice for Mili - This innocent little female dog been diagnosed with a rectal prolapse, caused by the rape of her own owner. Thank you to the anonymous rescuer, who saved Mili from her hell and had enough confidence in us, to trust us. We demand animal protection laws to protect animals against animal abuse !! We urge the government of Hidalgo to justice, because this person who did this horrible deed, and other crimes should be in prison !!!


2285. Urge City to Reach No-Kill Animal Shelter Status before End of Year - Five years ago, Los Angeles set a goal of ending euthanization in animal shelters throughout the city by next year and is on its way to that goal.


2286. France: Une éleveuse laisse ses chiens mourir de faim: Exigeons une peine exemplaire ! /

Eine Züchterin von American Stafford Terriern (Avilley, Département Doubs in der Region Bourgogne-Franche-Comté) ließ ihre Hunde hungern: Forderung einer exemplarischen Strafe! 14 Hunde (darunter 7 Welpen) wurden aus extrem kleinen Käfigen gerettet, sie lagen inmitten ihrer Fäkalien und waren halb Tod :-( /

A breeder of American Stafford Terrier (Avilley, Doubs in the region Bourgogne Franche-Comté) let her dogs starve: Demand an exemplary punishment! 14 dogs (including 7 puppies) were rescued from extremely small cages, they were lying in the midst of their faeces and were half death :-(


2287. Stop animal torturing in Saudi Arabia


2288. Allow Wexford Pound Dogs (Bally Carney, Irland) to be photographed to increase their prospects of re-homing!  

...a very good way which worked elsewhere very good!!!


2289. Italy: Basta maltrattamenti, vogliamo giustizia! /

Jetzt reicht´s mit der schlechten Behandlung, wir wollen Gerechtigkeit! Retten Sie SOFORT den Deutschen Schäferhund, der stark vernachlässigt wird, verseucht mit Zecken ist und unter erbärmlichen Bedingungen leben und leiden muss; ohne Nahrung oder Wasser. /

Enough of the mistreatment, we want justice! IMMEDIATELY  rescue the German shepherd, whoh is neglected, infested with ticks and must live and suffer in deplorable conditions; without food or water.


2290. Spain: Justicia para Zeus, que su atropello no quede impune /

Gerechtigkeit für Zeus, damit sein Unglücksfall nicht ungestraft bleibt – Zeus, ein liebenswerter Pitbull, wurde in Santa Coloma de Gramenet, Barcelona, von einem Busfahrer des Unternehmens „TUSGSAL“ überfahren, während er artig mit seinem Besitzer spazieren ging. Der Fahrer des Busses fuhr weiter und ließ den untröstlichen Hundehalter mit seinem schwerverletzten Hund einfach hinter sich :-( /

Justice for Zeus so that his misfortune will not go unpunished - Zeus, a lovable Pitbull, was run over by a bus driver of the company "TUSGSAL" while he went well-behaved for a walk with its owner in Santa Coloma de Gramenet, Barcelona. The driver of the bus drove on, leaving the heartbroken dog owner with his seriously injured dog behind :-(


2291. Spain:  Que recaiga todo el peso de la justicia sobre Antonio Pericas Maestro por maltrato Animal. /

Bestrafen Sie Antonio Pericas Maestro für das Aussetzen und zu Tode hungern seiner Hündin „Luna“, im vollen Ausmaß des Gesetzes und der Gerechtigkeit /

Punish Antonio Pericas Maestro for abandoning and starving his female dog "Luna" to death, to the full extent of the law and justice


2292. Save Dog at Risk of Being Forced Out of Home by Pit Bull Ban - Diggy, the smiling dog made famous by social media, may soon lose his home thanks to a ban on pit bulls.


2293. Save the Boron dog! Help me demand justice for this poor guy!


2294. Justice for Dog Allegedly Killed by Groomer - Prosecute Juan Zárate, a Groomer at Pet Smart for the Murder of Henry, a 1 year old Dachshund while in his care. An on site Veterinarian reported the Dog Died as a result of 2 broken ribs and a punctured lung contributed by Zárates Deliberate Actions!! :-/ 

  ...RIP Henry :-(


2295. Justice for young Husky starved to death - Robert Porter from Belfast, Northern Ireland, admitted to letting his four-year-old dog starve to death and to leaving his body to decompose in his kitchen for four months. He only received a small fine, some community service and a mere five-year ban on keeping pets :-(


2296. India: Punish Person Responsible for Mass Poisoning of Stray Dogs - More than 20 stray dogs were recently found dead and dying  

...RIP :-(


2297. Stop the abuse and cruelty against dogs on the Greek Island Zakynthos.


2298. Argentina: Don't let Animal Abuse go Unpunished! Justice for Stray Dog Injured by Fireworks


2299. Justice for Puppies Maimed by Abuser - Two pit bull puppies reportedly suffered such extreme abuse that one was rendered unable to walk and both were suffering severely from mange.


2300. Maximum penalty for killers of innocent puppy - Justice for Hank who was dragged for more than five miles behind a pickup truck!! The Vanderburgh County Sheriff's Office has arrested Brandyn Alan Cox and Jamie McFarland from Evansville, Indiana

  ...RIP Hank :-(

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©Doggy Petitions 7. April 2015 by Suse Freiberg

One Year of Doggy Petitions with 2819 Supporters


!!!! Thank you in the name of Dogs worldwide !!!!


Two Year of Doggy Petitions with 5309 Supporters


!!!! Thank you in the name of Dogs worldwide !!!!

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